What's daily life in Israel like...

What's daily life in Israel like? Is there any difference between living in urban areas like Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and smaller towns or kibbutz? How do people generally feel about living in Israel? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of living there?

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all of your questions have obvious answers you know already

Evidently not

yes people outside of tel aviv have no money and get rocketed for half the year or more

Is this Israeli humor?

israeli humor is german humor (non existent)
expect if it's about jews (so just like german humor)

Israel plunges their hands into the filth so that we don't have to.

no he is a centreloid coping for having to live in a shoe box while periphery chads live in cheaper less congested areas


millennia of historical sites

high HDI

good healthcare and education

cultural institutions like museums and orchestras

generally very safe in terms of street crime

best place in the region to be gay or female


expensive compared to wages

drivers are terrible compared to the US

mandatory military service

architecture is utilitarian, so not as pretty as Europe

people are very blunt, which comes off as rude to other cultures

Haredi wackjobs take public money while not usually working and not serving in the military, making the country less sustainable over time

t. haifaiod

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people are very blunt, which comes off as rude to other cultures

this is true, more common among boomers I'd say

>expensive compared to wages

its expensive sure but our wages are pretty decent to match.. sure you're not gonna be able to live on minimum wage in tel aviv but everywhere else so long as you're frugal and have no kids or car its possible

dont have car

dont go out to eat or order takeout

dont buy new iphone 16 pro max

live 1 in bedroom apartment in haifa



Is Haifa a dump?

yes but haifoids don't like it when you spit it out like that

he's right, israel is literally more expensive than switzerland, norway, iceland etc
adjusted for cost of living, israeli wages are somewhere between poland and croatia (source: OECD)

day drinking while cat calling girls at haifa's promenade is an affordable pass time

well yeah I didn't say its great its definitely expensive but our wages are enough, not good, but enough
if you want to live in tel aviv so badly despite having no good job just prostitute yourself, you're already basically doing that by living there, just go all the way

eww why do you harass babushkas

he thinks '2/10 in haifa' is a meme

I pity you

unlike you haifoids who don't have car.
I have been all over the country, tel aviv has the best women it's no contest

sure if you like stuck up bpd ridden art whores

t. haifaiod virgin

just go lay on your cum mattress

local court just approved our right to shoot & hunt these bastards
no more haifa piggie memes

yes it's funny the soy vegans are seething

Are there other city rivalries besides Tel Aviv vs. Haifa in Israel?

Lod and Ramle

Based on the first few available pictures on Google, I support Ramla.

i have the same routine as an incel sperg in cairo, denver and bryansk

goes to synagogue

has tattoos

you're right, it is basically this

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What does it mean?

“’Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:28

tattoos aren't allowed in judaism

לא מכיר את הלוויטיקוס הזה

וְשֶׂרֶט לָנֶפֶשׁ לֹא תִתְּנוּ בִּבְשַׂרְכֶם וּכְתֹבֶת קַעֲקַע לֹא תִתְּנוּ בָּכֶם אֲנִי יְהוָה.

ויקרא יט כח

זה אומר למשה לא לעשות צלקות וקעקועים של דתות אחרות לא שאסור לקעקע
תלמד קצת הקשר

חוצמזה קעקועים של אז זה לא אותו דבר כמו היום

חוצמזה קעקועים של אז זה לא אותו דבר כמו היום

גם להדליק אש זה לא אותו הדבר כמו פעם

It's kino desu, There's always happening and you can't find other society quite like Israel, The blunt mannerism of the middle east but with western values.

I’d be interested in visiting Jerusalem but I think I’ll get stabbed by a Muslim, or get rocks thrown at me by the ultra othradox

The actual advantage of Israel existing is a country with western development and mannerisms but without western values.
This allows Israel to do things western people wouldn't do.

Stolen land

No. We embody western values very well, Europeans just gradually forgot them in the past couple of decades.

they aren't western values if we don't have them.

no they steal bikes mostly in southern tel aviv

Are bikes practical in Israel or it's better to use public transportation? Is getting a car there worth the investment too?

in tel aviv its practical because the entire city has bike lanes but anywhere else not really, you're better of getting an electric scooter or an electric bike, but scooters seem to be more in since they're less bulky

Are bikes practical

yes but it’s not netherlands or danmark

If you can bike in the summer.
If you ride the bus or the car you will get stuck in terrible traffic everyday. In gush Dan at least

it's better to use public transportation?

I mean you can definitely commute on public transport, but if you rely solely on it especially for outings and stuff.. yeh no, especially since there is no public transport on saturdays

Is getting a car there worth the investment too?

generally speaking yes but due to this fact traffic is very congested, if you're single either get a motorcycle or an electric bike

Are homes cheap there? What about living in a west bank settlement? I've heard part of the reason people live there is because homes are cheaper

Are homes cheap there?


What about living in a west bank settlement? I've heard part of the reason people live there is because homes are cheaper

it is cheaper and it does play a part but eh, I wouldn't want to live there personally

because homes are cheaper

kfar adumim is in the west bank it’s far from any economical center but the house still costs over a million dollars

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You're autisticly anti semetic online? Weird