/med/iterranean general

Japanese ludographie edition

Committed sepuku:

I'm on the train 1st class. Feels good to snooze on those adjustable seats.

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Good morning Sirs !

See 's title

I'm not touching that piece of shit

Morning! That dual thread is such a shitshow I preferred making another kek

Not a fan, but I gave them a hello.

Bit rude innit

Basé, pay up bossman.

Currently vrilling to Little Dark Age

Wtf me too

Bonjour France chan

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Racist mangia cazzos

Where did you buy the books?

I got mine from Bertrand and that's generally my bookstore of choice, they have a good selection online and I have a card there
and if it doesn't alternatively fnac and amazon also usually have what you need

And is there a Portuguese version? I like to read in Portuguese.

lol I literally posted the Portuguese version
but yes, they have it
kino meme
the more niche your interest, the better the memes taste

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Ohayo Gozaimasu!

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Another slow day.
Sorry guys I'd like to say something but my life is devoid of any news.

Fake thread made by a vampire.



It's actually a hungarian.

good morning everyone

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It's like so good to see you sisters.
Had a retard moment today. My back didn't heal properly since I managed to btfo it on Saturday, so genius me just thought to myself that I should increase weights in the gym even though yesterday I was sure I was going to focus on back and arms instead of hitting legs. Leg presses felt weak, but other exercises were kino (until my back started hurting that is)
1x9 160 kgs + 2x11 150 kgs leg press
3x12 80 kgs calves
1x11+2x10 65 kgs leg curls
1x12 85 kgs + 2x10 90 kgs glute kickbacks
1x(5 77,5 kgs + 6 75 kgs failed set because machine failure) + 1x10 80 kgs leg extensions
2x10 85 kgs hip adductions

Managed to fix the resolution/screen incompatibility (or I have no idea what to call it) by modifying the resolution multiplier in the intel driver from x1.00 to x0.65 along both the x and the y axis.

Good morning /med/, my mom woke me up and I feel I can barely react. I was in deep sleep.
Little dark age is a fucking banger.
Fucking topkek with the video, history memes are indeed very kino. Or cultural memes too, Brazil has some beautiful memes somehow.
I can barely think cause I just woke up.
Be careful with lifting more weight if your leg is already in a vulnerable state, you could dislodge it or break it like me. I once broke my ankle getting out of bed because my leg was asleep and I stepped too hard on my foot.

Remember when I told you niggas about how I might not survive the night a few days ago?
Well I went to the doctor and they were like : you are a dumb nigger, we're calling an ambulance

If I die, avenge me, in a flamboyant, impractical fashion.

As I waited the 15mn captcha, we're going gas gas gas mode with the sirens screaming.
The driver is speaking about kebab.

Ayo what the fuck happened? What did you catch? Praying for you to be okay baguette bro, whatever you got you'll surely survive. Death ain't an easy thing to achieve.


me when there's no goth girls near my area

What the fuck Brune, that was a real post and not bullshit?
What happened fren??
I hope you're alright.

I haven't been called fascist scum in months...

This, today's day is even slower than yesterday.
What happened to you?

I guess I can post a bit more to keep the thread a bit more lively. I asked my mom for christmas to gift me another coloring book if she wanted. What else... I decided I might stop looking for remote jobs online because my computer is just not potent enough for what most jobs require. I need a win10 or 11 computer, and need to be able to make voicecalls and videocalls with ease, and sadly I can't since I don't have a mic on my pc.
Tomorrow my mom will get paid her salary for the month, or jubilation really, and I'll try to make copies of my curriculum to leave in places physically.
I'm trying my best to get out of NEETdom, I just have to be patient.

Aside of that, I'm worried for Brune, I hope he's doing okay. I'm a bit scared.


My back is the one hurting, which is probably worse than having one's legs hurt.

Least cryptic posts from Brune

Get well soon nibba.

Man I miss when Spinnin Records came out with bangers every year.
I'd say to try to elongate/stretch VERY gently and massage the areas you feel affected, warm water from the shower could help alleviate the pain. You should never train to the point where you feel like your muscle is about to over-stretch or "break" so to say. I think there's some topical ibuprofen creams that can help with overstretched muscles.
Oh yeah, you could also just take normal oral ibuprofen... Just don't overdo it.

Rest in baguette among millions of delicious scargots, it was nice to meet you

Thanks for keeping the thread alive and good luck with your fight against NEETdom.

Man I miss when Spinnin Records came out with bangers every year.


I was a big fan back if Spinnin Records back in 2013-2017. Intoxicated is a good one, but those Big Room House tracks like "Animals"...I find them shit now.

You should never train to the point where you feel like your muscle is about to over-stretch or "break" so to say.

I know sister, it's just that there's this exercise called a romanian deadlift. In a nutshell, on Saturday I fucked up by using the wrong muscles and instead of the weight targeting my legs it targeted my lower back. It's better ofc, but I should have skipped leg day today knowing that my erectors need to rest. For that reason I'm going to do rows tomorrow while sitting instead of doing them while standing.

Thanks for keeping the thread alive and good luck with your fight against NEETdom.

Thank you guys for not hating my semi-normie/autistic/too estrogenated posts lol. This is one of the chillest places I know in the internet, and this'll sound gay but it's amongst the few things I have in my life that cheer me up. That's why I'm worried for Brune, I'd hate to see anyone from here suffering or disappearing.

Intoxicated is a good one, but those Big Room House tracks like "Animals"...I find them shit now.

Yeah, they can be a bit repetitive, I used to love Monstercat as a teen too.
There is one artist in particular of electronic music that I feel was amazing in their tracks, called Sim Gretina. I wish I knew what their music could be defined as. There's a lot of weep-woops and beeps. Maybe it's french house?
I love music genres that remind me of fashion catwalks, the balenciaga memes were surprisingly pleasant for my ears.
Ariana Grande's "Yes, and?" song reminded me so much of Sim Gretina's work, it was like going through my preteens again.

romanian deadlifts

Oooh, yeah, I recognize those. It's not the same thing but I remember telling my mom the ideal way to "deadlift" or carry heavy things like grocery bags with veggies and cleaning supps is carrying an equal weight on both arms and keeping your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
I would say to take a small break and do stretching exercises and maybe even some yoga moves to alleviate your muscular pain bro, I don't know much about exercise cause I'm catmaxxing (eat+sleep+scream at god).
Are you also eating stuff to bulk, bro? Or are you focusing on making your muscles stronger?

Are you also eating stuff to bulk, bro?

No need to bulk because I'm already fat (81 kg) and already old (22 yrs). Just to top things off I'm also small (182 cm) like Andalucia.


Take a small break

NEVER, I'm on the grind.

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Did you know that when you want to write the pronoun "i"
Like in "i" am

That "i" has to be a capital letter?

I didn't know it until yesterday, now you know it as well

You are welcome



then what the fuck am i a fucking particle, i'm 1.58m

I'm already fat (81 kg)

i've been bulkmaxxing ever since i caught depression at 10 years old
also if you think you and andalucíabro are small then HOW TALL ARE THE REST OF THE REGULARS HERE
as a teeth grinder i absolutely agree with this post
Oh yeah, I don't know why but it's apparently a grammar rule to write "I" with a capital letter. I guess because it's a pronoun...????? Or to differentiate it from other words that have an i?
It's like if in spanish we had to capitalize Yo every time we say something.
Yo pienso que si Yo fuera de Italia sería bien GAY.

If you tell me you're not the galician chud I won't believe you.

i'm 1.58m

Wow, you're taller than andalucia KEK.

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Wow, you're taller than andalucia

How tall is he?

Oh yeah, I don't know why but it's apparently a grammar rule to write "I" with a capital letter. I guess because it's a pronoun...????? Or to differentiate it from other words that have an i?

It's like if in spanish we had to capitalize Yo every time we say something.

Yo pienso que si Yo fuera de Italia sería bien GAY.

Andele wey no mame esta wea esta bien chida

I'm making lunch for myself, some pasta with seasoning and a simple burger. It's end of month and my mom gets paid tomorrow, so I'll have to survive with whatever I have.
I'll make myself some coffee or maybe tea with milk to drink after lunch too.

Wow, you're taller than andalucia KEK.

...wait what?
How tall is Andaluzanon?

andele wey


O hacés de mejico o hacés de terremoto, los dos juntos no wey
Also, te has dado cuenta de que los gringos no tienen el "coso" que nosotros usamos en el español?

O hacés de mejico o hacés de terremoto, los dos juntos no wey

Eso está bien perrón mamahuevo

te has dado cuenta de que los gringos no tienen el "coso" que nosotros usamos en el español?


How tall is Andaluzanon?

I was just joking KEK. He's around 170cm, gotta ask him for the exact number doe.



wtf, I remember this was one of the first things they teached me

Nojoda verga marico qué vaina es ésa


Does english or english language speakers have an equivalent to our spanish "El coso"? The thing, the thingy, the "That thing"...
I wonder what things spanish has that english doesn't.

He's around 170cm

Ooh, so he's tall! Look, anyone over 1.70 or at least 1.65 is already tall enough to make me have to look up when I talk to them. I look a bit taller because I'm big physically, but I'm a fucking midget.
I'm glad my phone has the autocorrect suggestion to always capitallize "I" so I don't have to do it.
Also I'm still fucking worried for Brune, do any of you remember what he had or said? I was absent some days ago 'cause I went on a date with my friend.

Let's be honest, English is a stupid language that doesn't make sense

Niggas be like "through, though, tough, yeah they're all pronounced differently"

Stop pretending i'm the only one who didn't know that

Does english or english language speakers have an equivalent to our spanish "El coso"? The thing, the thingy, the "That thing"...

I wonder what things spanish has that english doesn't.

Yeah, thang

HAWK TWAH and spit on that thang
Sobre ese coso

Publica tetas sin embargo

I said it before and will say it again, the fastest way to learn english pronunciation is just memory and practicing with other english speakers. Trying to find a logic or constance to this fucking language's way to pronounce things is fucking hell.
French is another type of hell too.

hawk twah

I don't speak bri'ish


drop that thatataaaaaaang aye
but tetas de gorda are not desired in this thread, this thread is very fond of skinny pretty ladies
I look like I fight bears in the forest

I miss when Doja Cat was thick, she literally had my ideal type of body. So fucking hot and so showy.

sorry dude, but I (capitalized) think you're alone in this one

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Learned it in school, guess some of the german nouns were transferred to english.

This will never happen to me in my country.

I said it before and will say it again, the fastest way to learn english pronunciation is just memory and practicing with other english speakers. Trying to find a logic or constance to this fucking language's way to pronounce things is fucking hell.

That makes sense. I know some very basic German and their spellings/pronunciations seem to be much more regular than in English.

I looked at that video, there's some words there I haven't seen before like "sward". Like you say, you can't always figure out the pronunciation from the spelling because it's not logically consistent.

>hawk twah

I don't speak bri'ish

An American woman made that phrase famous, not a British person

but tetas de gorda are not desired in this thread, this thread is very fond of skinny pretty ladies

I look like I fight bears in the forest

Thanks for the warning, don't post tits please

Good day med am back
How come we had a collab with /v4/ ?

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Because a Romanian guy felt like posting it

Brune felt lonely and sought some company out of /med/

60 posts

And they had more posts than us today, shameful desu

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tfw you will never have a femboy bro

why even live
One thing I like about spanish is how we have accents and tildes, these "Áéíóú" things that mark a difference in meaning and pronunciation in words, same with the letter H at times.
"Haya, halla, allá" (If there is, find, there). If a word has a tilde it gives it a different meaning from the original word. Like papa (potato) and papá (dad).


I still don't know what a sward is, only a swab.

american woman

Judging from how it sounds when I read it I kinda imagined it was an UK meme.
My booba are big but so is the rest of my body. I like being on the bigger side. Picrel.
I gotchu homie.
What does v4 stand for? Or what is the general supposed to be about?