
I can smell the soy on your breath through the screen. Violence is the source of all power. End of story. Everything else is just window dressing for gay philosophy grads to wank themselves off over in between their shifts at McDonalds.



It is -3C (26F) outside and I'm shivering in my bed.
That's all.

Trans rights are human rights

get the heating on

muggy as fuck here right now

But what about when kids ARE stuck in the wrong body and when the drugs SAVE their life?

How many people in the past killed themselves because they believed they were in the wrong body. Zero, this is only a modern thing.

Pee smells

get the heating on you paki bastard

This thread is... LE EARLY

are you scottish

No, English

uhm ever heard of Jesus being the father the son AND the holy ghost? that's like 3 people in 1

keen as for a mcchook from mackers

But how can you say zero so confidently like that? How do you know? Maybe they killed themselves maybe they lived their existence in misery but i feel like its not a very genuine point to say nobody ever killed themselves because they werent comfortable in their skin
Look all i want is for the woman i love to be happy and at the moment she is i dont know why that makes people so upset

does anyone actually call it that (a mcchook)

no, just me so far, but i don't see any reason why it shouldn't catch on

What if I told you you could but you have to suck a dude off first


do you live near oxford or stoke on trent

Chook mcnug (10pc) medium meal with mustard for the sauce and water for the drink

Never see black people dressed as clowns
Seems like clowns are strictly a white person phenomena
Which begs what question why

please don't misinterpret my question as hostility towards your name for it

water for the drink

good stuff mate keep it up

well they paint their faces white

I see black people dressed as clowns but we call them rappers and people act like its cool

Prefer not to say x

Never see black people dressed as clowns

no comment

im just curious lad... go on..

i wasn't

Llandudno is a funny little town

most tribal societies have a jester type character

ah ok *starts dry humping you*

right i'm off to have sex with so many women that's statistically probable that at least one of them will be one of your respective mums

They also always have multiple genders

Lad I don't believe there's anyone suggesting there's only 1 gender

Time for an early morning wankies methinks.

can't get around why pornhub has social networking elements to it
wonder if anyone has actually met their gf/bf or even just made a friend on that website

Rorke thinks there is

love the comments
my favourite one was 'im just gon kill myself after this shit'

you have your wake and wank while I have my bedtime spaffing with a milk tea, all is right with the world

there's only 1 gender, it's called male, women are objects

that looks like an australian beach to me, either bondi or perhaps the cold toast
perhaps it's wishful thinking that someday she cound return here and start her own australian porn production company and hire me as a top shagger

this place is designed like its from a dream

chonqqing.webm - 480x854, 3.9M

Want to know how i know youve never been to bondi

have seen a lot of comments that go along the lines of "i love this video i am from india" or just trying to hit on the girl featured in the video in standard issue indian-style diction
pajeets are so mindbogglingly autistic

Go on and have a nice one for me lad.
She's the best aussie export since Fosters x

it does look like what little i've seen of it on the telly

looking forward to seeing what pornhub does with its 'shorties' feature

cum in 10 seconds or less

Australia banned small breasts, but allows trannies to roam the streets.

a dude's cock, emmayank's kryptonite
sometimes I doubt his love for her

oh yeah i forgot about that
well either they've revoked it by now or just given up on it because it's not enforceable

dont think its in australia

Im glad that transgender women are allowed in this country

well that sucks

wish she did more vaginal creampies and less degenerate shit

Respect to the trans people
Fuck you transphobes

bro reviewing a porn star :skull:

I wish she did more degenerate shit personally.

the toilers are waking up

MUST you chime in with your self-righteous incel opinion every time the topic is mentioned? grow up

whats blud on about

you people are all the same

whos 'you people'?

I love that US has China derangement syndrome. Even Trump. Hope those tariffs work out well for burgers.

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virgins who use Anon Babble in the 2020s

not only is that blatantly false but you really have no basis to make that claim in the first place. mad how chuds think their feels and spurious insights are a substitute for fact


It's a false claim

You have no basis to make that claim

Show me the proof that someone killed themselves for not getting sex reassignment surgery before the 1800s.

not really just an observation

Just ignore the transphobes theyre so ignorant and its impossible to get through to them

not him but you made the claim so you should prove it

mad how im actually attractive now but im still hopeless socially and anxious

How do I prove that exactly? You seriously think anyone in the past killed themselves because they couldn't take drugs to prevent puberty from happening, they couldn't have sex reassignment surgery?

Android 18 from dragon ball z is trans

Giz a look then

Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. I don’t think American really care anymore, might as just say fuck it just take care of our own

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How do I prove that exactly

Thats the point you chud transphobe. Youre making baffling baseless claims and acting like theyre true

big nigga ok yeah this is legit scary af but im lowkey horny i guess fwmtmb

that was just a random image from my desktop sorry

dreamt about her again last night de lads
no good

kino. I love the hustle and bustle of it

you know when you see a woman and you can tell just by looking at her that she does big braps and is completely unapologetic about it?
i've seen a fair few in my day but the only quasi-famous ones that spring to mind right now are kiana docherty, lucy lawless, and rosalie cunningham

Big up the holodem

feel the same way about terminator as half life
like 1 is better in 0 ways (lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao) but terminator 2 just doesn't fwm steady daddy :3 blork

fucking hell i accidentally just moused over a webm of a tranny sitting in HIS car over on Anon Babble and got jumpscared half to death

kiana docherty

love her vids, love thinking about shagging her too corr

A trans man?

50mg of heroin straight up the median cubital

no a bloke in a wig and makeup

in the end who cares about sexual fetishists and how they feel

1l bottle of galaxy gas for me

So its a transwoman but you were misgendering them and being transphobic


wonder what would happen if you emptied that into the rectum

for me? a niccy pouch up the lip

I hope that one day you grow up and stop being so hateful

i'm not hateful, i am simply an opponent of the tranny agenda, as any sane and non-brainwashed person should be

Pineapple and mango flavoured farts

mate this libtard defending the trannies gimmick is getting old

Gonna have sex my gf just to make you chuds seethe

don't let the transgf gimmick distract you from my "well... you know..." gimmick that is poised to take /brit/ by storm

hand firmly gripping the william

cooking up a gimmick that requires Terms and Conditions to be signed

dont give a fuck that you have a trans gf or like em. every fucking post you randomly bring up trannies and defeating the transphobes

morning team
let's randomly bring up our trans gfs and destroy the transphobes!

scratching my scalp
not to worry, i don't have nits, it's just that opioids make me itchy

But thats simply not the case
Chuds who cant get transgendered women off their minds (really makes you think) bring up the issue and i reply

mate dont give a fuck you're ruining my intense early morning goon sesh

I'm afraid I'll go to heaven
That's why I'm hoping that I'm right
My biggest fear ain't no red Devil
It's being near you people all the time
I'll be fine as long as you go somewhere else

went on a jaunt little incel walk

how was that then

Might take up meditation

bit hot and one of my thongs broke

nice mate went for an incelrun myself around lunchtime

having an early morning wank to defeat the transphobes

well posited lad, it’s a sleeper hit waiting to take off

hah i'm also wanking right now, perhaps we are spiritually connected

going for a walk in thongs

no good mate you tempted fate with that one

catberg tried jumping up onto my desk and scratched my mousepad

Kek they will be seething when you wank to trans women


er they're called flip-flops

Russia needs to implement Voyenny Kommunizm

just seen a political post

some of you lot could benefit from replacing your morning wank with a morning walk

i wear thongs pretty much always and drive barefoot hehe
might need to buy some sandals

another K-On! wank under my belt


appreciate your commitment to Australia's laidback coastal lifestyle lad

might be time to pack this gimmick in

thank goodness Friday’s just around the corner
we need a big dose of pubposting asap

up n go protein (chocolate flavour) has been consumed

Ill pack it in when the chuds quit with the transphobia

still having involuntary spasms every few seconds ago ever since my seizure about 9 hours ago, i hope to fuck this isn't going to be permanent

this only ends one way :v

ahaha wahey good lad

i'm a chud

10th day of no fap
I wanna cum so bad. I want to do it inside my wife but she's sick so I haven't to wait longer

too many convicts

What time is it in the land down under?

opioidlad needs to call it quits big time


silly post time from the looks of it!!

me becoming a spastic?
i knew there would eventually be comeuppance for my rather frequent use of the word "spastic" in a derogatory context

who knew the story of racismlad would end like this

reckon you should probably stop taking opiates mate


yeah that's right blame the victim, bloody typical

aha yeah a bit
anyway it’s around 6pm

very particular 2000's vibe; cityscapes, modernist architecture, public transport, the last time you smelled that strong petrol odour from cars, trimmed grass, yellow street lights breaking the night. A transition period in the telecom age, digitalisation and internet. Technological optimism. Globalisation

Fuck sake can never properly get going in the morning before about 8:30
Just so flipping sluggish

yeah 2000s was quite fun to grow up in

yeah not a morning person either lad

dunno how your system works, but a corbyn vs farage for PM would be kino
seems like the moderate candidates never end up pleasing anyone, might as well go all-out as this world gets crazier

My god this thread is retarded

Technological optimism

I miss this so much.

well put lad

two males having sex

a nightmare

alri lads

what’s your bloody fascination

Aussie flags

MP Tahir Ali calls for the introduction of blasphemy laws


alri lad

miss it all so much lads
forever grateful i got to live through it all before the wokes took over as we know

yeah mate cheers, and you?

cute drawing i found while looking for images of kappas

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It's 2024 and nobody native to this country is religious, the only people who want blasphemy laws are muslims but they are hiding it under the guise of all abrahamic religions.
Cunt should get laughed out off parliament.

get them wanked

it's like cold play always said, master bruce
para paradise

*family guy audio sting plays over an establishing shot of thread*
*i burst into the thread like kramer from seinfeld to an eruption of applause from our live studio audience*

good lad, yeah I'm feeling good this morning should only be a couple of chilled wfh days for me before the weekend

Shan’t be applauding ANYTHING even slightly related to family guy, remove that audio cue at once

good lad

Shes a woman

You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes ya feel any better. I’m an easy target. Yeah. You’re right. I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you, but I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings. Well, you think what you want about me. I’m not changin’. I like me. My kids like me. My friends like me. ‘Cause I’m the real article. What you see is what you get.

*decks you*

fuckup holden you spastic derro cunt get a job

Shut up transphobe

great britain is an island in the sea

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what are you giving thanks for today mate

sitting at my computer pissing on myself

why's that then



what if she was your mum and you had to go into school knowing she licked black mens bumholes

It's best you hear this from me.

Your mum has disgusting minge flaps, they stink and droop down like tattered curtains. One flap is significantly longer than the other and it looks like uncooked kebab meat.

Thought you should know, hun x

hello New Zealand

i uh am thankful for.... *throws a smoke bomb and jumps out the window*

Hey how's it going

mental how /brit/ has one new zealander poster that lives in the UK and he could be posting at any one time and you wouldn’t know

not bad and yourself?

London’s 850-Year-Old Smithfield Meat Market Is Set to Close

Livestock has been traded on the historic site in Britain’s capital for centuries. The local authority voted this week to close it.

Even longer, actually: Smithfield has been the site of a market since at least 1174, when medieval traders brought horses, cows, oxen and pigs to be sold there. In 1327, King Edward III gave the governing body of the City of London the right to operate Smithfield and other food markets. The current market, completed in 1868, is a marvel of Victorian engineering, with a cavernous roof and train tracks running underneath it (to transport the livestock).

It is, however, “totally out of date,” said Simon Jenkins, a journalist and the author of “A Short History of London.”

In an era of supermarket chains, which buy produce directly from far-flung food-processing plants, a wholesale meat market in the heart of London makes little sense. The fruit and vegetable market at Covent Garden was moved out of the city center in the 1970s; the fish market migrated to Canary Wharf in 1982.

cute female women from anime and/or manga serieses

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smoked a bit too much weed lads need to just chill out for a moment

bit coooooooclld lads

wholeheartedly agree

its jewish, rorke
deal with it

Would still be in business if they sold halal meat.

those fucking curlyhaired nonces have finally gone too far

err... not the thread for this sort of stuff

For the City of London, the sunset of Smithfield is a rare disappointment, given its ambitions and resourcefulness in developing what it refers to as the Square Mile, the oldest part of London. Thrusting skyscrapers have transformed the district into a kind of Chicago-on-Thames. The corporation’s original plan was to move the Smithfield market and the Billingsgate fish market to a vast new site on the Dagenham Docks, in East London.

But the corporation said inflation and rising construction costs had made the project unaffordable. Some critics have argued that the decision was flawed because it failed to account for the impact of the loss of the market on food security in the British capital.

A traditional pre-Christmas meat auction sale at Smithfield in 2017

A traditional pre-Christmas meat auction sale at Smithfield in 2017.

I have to be up at 4am tomorrow to catch a flight
bloody bhenchod airlines are charging me an arm and a leg for it as well even though it's domestic

I wish NZ had good infrastructure so I could just take a high speed train

good lad keep them honest


no good

did you know new zealand has FJORDS?

fjord fjiesta

mate do you think it's LSD or something I'm just a touch nauseated

bloody welders

Angela White has at least one 2 hour video where she's basically a sex slave for asian guys. Typing angela white asian would find it

need my willy in a horse pronto

worth a try x

Also has SOUNDS

just taking a moment to remind you lads that pornography is no good for the brain

When is the last time you washed your sheets?

Are your pillows yellowing?

2 hour video where she's basically a sex slave for asian guys

Is that the JAV production? Gonna need to include that in my playlist cheers lad.

Australia should sell us Norfolk Island and Macquarie island in my imo

Norfolk island is rightful australian clay

hey, i don't remember saying that

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gotta pay my mortgage in 2 days fucking sick of it






this is my life today

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the second one being rapey

Gonna be spewing to this one.

the porn between us

did not expect those links to post

tying my willy in a knot

Has a dream about her again. It's been 6 years since we spoke in person. Can't even fall back asleep. It's like being jolted awake by a nightmare. I really did ruin my life out of cowardice.

she gon SNATCH that presidency

in bed yelling

Trying to picture the kind of person who gets regularly banned from Anon Babble
I mean you really have to TRY to get banned


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nun u can do

untz untz, untz untz
untz untz, untz untz

Four hours of footage of Angela White being raped by asian men

Should build a bridge to the Pitcairn islands

got quite a few 3 dayers for the ol 'cism under my belt personally x

There are only 35 people still on Pitcairn island and they reckon within a decade or 2 it will be 0
UK should give it to us

i used to get banned a lot when id just make a thread of whatever was on my mind, off topic threads are the heart and soul of any board desu and you get the best interactions in them

That the nonce island?

Normal for aussie birds


haha get in!

jeezy own half of atlanta

I have eaten poo.


Why don't you pop over and sow your wild oats

Baseline! (Ah wicked!)
Put a donk on it.

Electro! (Ah that is sick that mate!)
Put a donk on it.

Techno! (Oh now that is good!)
Put a donk on it.

Mr Arse and Mrs Willy

the history of that island is so mental

shivering and quivering

me in approximately 2 minutes

why do micks pop in to this general to post once and then never again

/fat smelly ugly autistic femcel gf 2025/

love this image

I demand these territorial concessions to New Zealand immediatly

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Fuck all in the steam sale

not sure but iirc the Irish often don't develop object permanence

going to buy a new vacuum cleaner on the black friday sales :)

they also can't have dreams

thats me when i see mummy angela haha xx

im off for tonight bye lads ^_^


straining a poo through a cheesecloth and pouring the resulting poo liquid in my coffee

yeah I remember covering this in biology GCSE

buying a new (used) car. whole process is a big fucking waste of money and a bit of a gamble. not a fan. not a fan at all.

I believe the Irish can't read or write so they have a program on their computers that let's them speak at it and it will write a post for them
they haven't quite worked out text-to-speech yet so they just sit there waiting for a verbal response (and get frustrated when it doesn't happen)

seen bear grylls do this but he had no coffee so just wrung the poo out directly into his mouth. think it was a cow poo.

The cool thing about car ownership though is that now you have a bottomless pit which you must constantly throw money into

they just sit there waiting for a verbal response (and get frustrated when it doesn't happen)

Screen readers have existed for years mate

kek it really is

yes well you see I explained that they haven't worked that out
do you have the stain of Irish blood in you perchance?

So they have a TTS program that can't read text and output speech?