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I don't get it.



it's really funny

Back to Analbania Tonibler

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w-we shot down a couple of je- ACK!

Lmao, meanwhile we bombed your country to surrender lñol

What DOES he means by this?

I doubt we are huwhiter than Serbians.
Also we did Serbia dirty. Only a vile subhuman would be proud of bombing Serbian civilians.

separate keyboard for 1(uno) letter

just make that shit alt+N

loses the war

tries to act as a winner

Do Americans really?

we wouldn't get so many chikaners exposing themselves otherwise

You lost the war though?

There were 3 shoot downs? I thought it was 1



I'm starting to think all these american flags saying "we did this, we're this, we're that" aren't anglos or germanics but rather second/third gen spics/pajeets/asians thinking they're a part of the team.

do americ-ACK

hey Serbs, here's how we'll solve the mess in Kosovo

you join NATO, you get GIs in your country, we occupy you like Germany after WWII, you wash our boots and we'll pay you nothing for all of this, we can use your airports, infrastructure when we want to

Also you'll pull out of Kosovo and we'll give you nothing for it

we can remove anyone in your country, you'll have a guy in charge like in Bosnia

A NATO official does a crime in your country? Too bad, you won't be able to trial him

All our citizens, all our personnel have complete immunity

We can build any infrastructure on your territory we want to in order to suit our needs


Uh... Wasn't this about Koso-


decide to bomb us for 78 days

unable to do jack shit to our army, no real damage was done

manage to lose a few stealth planes to some outdated crappy Soviet AA missiles from 1960s (Yugoslavia practically had no real air defense), systems were sent to the museum sometime after the war even in this banana republic because they're just that bad

realise you'll need an actual land invasion to do the above

analysts suspect you'd lose at least 30k troops

Fast forward:

Okay, we might have rushed things a bit

Here's the deal, just pull out of Kosovo, here's a bunch of guarantees, we'll disarm the Albanians

Both parties decide to sign a treaty (not a capitulation)

This was extremely humiliating for the the NATO coalition that completely overmatched it's opponent.
Practically you fared even worse against an economically and diplomatically isolated country than the USSR did against Finland, yet everyone loves to say that USSR was humiliated in Finland.

no one is reading all that seethe lil nigga lmao

There were 3 shoot downs? I thought it was 1

As per you there would be 0 shootdowns, the plane just fell into our territory and you couldn't deny it.
We can speculate about the "real" number of shootdowns till tomorrow. And no, there wasn't just one shootdown, there is officially just one shootdown of a stealth plane.
I won't really write about the possibilities because I have no real direct proof. There's a website that actually did bother to do a metric ton of research and there's indirect proof more planes were shot down, but Americans want to see destroyed parts of a plane, not words on paper.

I approve this message.

There is no seethe. NATO terrorists got defeated, there's no GIs in my country, you occupied Kosovo and kept it backwards, you rob them dry to the point no Albanian can even study there and they're all moving to Switzerland.
It's not the end of the world for us at all. Thank you USA. Empty them out for us.

There's a website that actually did bother to do a metric ton of research and there's indirect proof more planes were shot down

Can you post a link?

When USAF airmen go down during combat, it's a mega huge deal that is impossible to hide because the chain of support for those war fighters is massive (like dozens of people, hundreds if it involves a search and rescue operation). During the Gulf War it was national breaking news whenever pilots were shot down.

It's not like Russia where people just disappear, I guess.

Here, 2 additional pilots would have been all over the news/leaked the moment it happened.

Why are you falling for this bait?

It is Alt + N on INTL US. Accents are ' + vocal too. Genuinely wonder why they didn't save on costs and adopted that piece of shit layout instead

Can you post a link?

Sure. I think this is the least biased assessment I've ever seen. There's no opinions here.
Anon Babble used to have good write-ups about this (and even longer) but obviously I haven't archived that as it was at this point close to a decade ago.

When USAF airmen go down during combat, it's a mega huge deal that is impossible to hide

Who says it was hidden?
In one incident, when something fell down in Croatia the locals saw you close off the area and collect the parts for days. Not Serb locals, Croatians.
When F-117 fell here, you denied it at first. You always deny everything, as does Russia, as does everyone.

Here, 2 additional pilots would have been all over the news/leaked the moment it happened.

Usually they manage to eject, only crappy MiG-21 shitters were flying coffins.
At some altitude (especially the ones where bombers fly) they're pretty likely to survive.
You didn't have trouble with pilot deaths, you had the trouble with the fact that the "damaged"/shot down planes were unaccountable in your stockpile for years.
For example there is this thought that we shot down a specific B-2, and the only picture of a model we claimed to have shot occured once, and it was some 144p blurry shit. But again this is not a concrete proof of anything, which is why I said that unless someone has the part of the destroyed plane, I simply can't prove anything from a keyboard. Circumstancial evidence does say enough though.
Nobody in Serbia claims to have downed an entire star wars fleet like we did in 1999, we're just talking about several planes here, just to be clear.

Still, I am not trying to make an argument against stealth technology, I think that it's great against countries with shitty AD, I cannot speak how it would fare against most modern systems because nobody knows that.

Still, I am not trying to make an argument against stealth technology, I think that it's great against countries with shitty AD

The whole point is that it spooks missiles, not that it's undetectable. And it does spook shitty missiles, that's factually proven in Gulf and Yugoslavia war, whereas in Vietnam you ate SAMs for breakfast.
So any retard that claims "downing a F-117 = end of stealth" is, actually, retarded.

posts propaganda

That sure showed him!

It's not propaganda at all.
In the time I posted that from the time you posted that message, you couldn't have went more than 1/3 through that page unless you have a practice of skimming shit.
If you really want to talk, don't skim shit.
The website itself never claims all US reported damage of planes came from SAMs.
You know, when airframes get used over the mandated flight hours, shit fails.
It's pointless trying to bait me because I'm already engaging in the conversation so there's no need.

the bombings killed way more albanians than serbia ever did btw


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I wouldn't say so but it's funny that when they were caught bombing the shit out of civillian-Albanian columns, the Serbian policemen also died.
Why? They were escorting and protecting the columns, lol.

Very nice

In this particular battle, NATO managed to kill the Albanians with air support.
I seriously, seriously wouldn't brag about 1999 if I were you. That was your peak.
Imagine the diversity hires, the complex tech made for profit now.
Shit like F-16 is actually really fucking good. A-10 is a good plane for what it was.
You started making shit for hangars and money, and it shows. It will really show if you ever try to use it against Russia.

You're a mentally ill faggot or something.