Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan?

Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan?

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need a central asian wife NOW

lame shit

Hypothetically if you could only choose one

Kazakh, Uzbek and Kyrgyz women were created for italian men

they have the coolest flag, I know next to nothing about the different central asian countries

they have the coolest flag,

It looks like an Xbox logo.

we call it alma too. nice
it's really hard to choose, maybe kazakhstan

Both are biological men.

Of course. Everyone knows that women doesn't exist.

which one will love me the most?

Just disregard that mambet chud (2m tall lol). Sure, any European is much more handsome and attractive than most handsome Kazakh. The only upset for you is that most Kazakh women are also below average.

Kazakhstan because i have been there and i know it is really nice country but i know nothing about Uzbekistan

t. ivan ivanovich

buryats on the pic

run from mobilization because literally the pussi

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Those are soy russian christian asians aka yakuts. Kazakhs are chads

right please, she's very pretty
I like Asian girls with freckles.

You literally worship a pedo goatfucker, you have no right to make fun of anyone's religion. Also, these so-called soy asians will gut you for a wrong look.

Dante fell in love with his beatrice when she was 12, nobody cares. Copulating with animals is forbidden in Islamic law.



Another time I should only warn all normal anons of Anon Babble - never believe the words of Kazakhs here, they are insane chuds and ridden so hardly with inferior complex
Kazakhs are just typical asian boys, that's enough to say, you've got what I mean, you would laugh so hard being on my place reading their shit about them being chads somehow

normal anons

Anon Babble

Anon Babble

Captain Kazakhstan

Kazakhs are just typical asian boys

Yes, we have the highest IQ

I suffer in Kazakhstan with attractive hapa women

you do not

typical asian boys

In what? I doubt they behave like Japanese and Koreans

t. Ivan Ivanovich sirgeyev

being on my place

Thanks, no.

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