Why are they like this

Nafo troons are asshurt today

What happened? Kurahovo fell?


he is going home
romanians elected far rightoid

Gypsy non-Romanian malding.

You cant post with VPN from Russia
1. VPN services are banned in Russia
2. You need Anon Babble passcode to post with a VPN
3. You can't buy a Anon Babble passcode from Russia due to Anon Babble being an American based website that doesn't accepts russian payment methods

I haven't seen a single great post from the romania flag it's always the same hohol posting dogshit pol threads
I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT "THE UKRAINE" and you fucking up my board doesn't make me like you either

There's a really obvious fake Swede that writes un-idiomatic English in a way no Swede would. You can tell where it comes from when it's real Swedes.

why are you posting obvious lies? or are you dumb and don't understand what a VPN is?

First point is bait, yes, but second and third point are literally true
You cant purchase anything on the internet from Russia

You can buy with btc if you don't know how to buy btc I'll send you cбep бaнк and you send me your btc wallet

Bitcoins are scam lol

Блять нaхyй... Heт.

second point is also false thus making the third point moot
only big commercial VPN services are blocked on Anon Babble because their IP ranges are well known and easy to block, you can still get a personal VPS and set up private VPN there, and Anon Babble has no way of veryfying whether the IP you connect from is a proxy or not

Every free VPN is blocked on Anon Babble and you error when you're trying to post

VPNs aren't real polack
Are you delusional?

Кaк мoжeт кaкaя-тo нecyщecтвyющaя хpeнoтeнь cтoить миллиoны pyблeй (cкoлькo тaм oн щac cтoит, 40 лямoв?). Зa чтo бля? Этo вce кaкoe-тo нaeбaлoвo. И вooбщe, я тoлькo пapy лeт нaзaд cдaлcя и coглacилcя cдeлaть бaнкoвcкyю кapтy, пpocтo для тoгo чтoбы мнe з/п плaтили нa нee, тaк бы я хyй вooбщe c этими бaнкaми cвязывaлcя.

yeah because these VPNs were used by shitloads of people so they all got easily identified and blocked
again if you set up your own VPN on a private VPS then Anon Babble has no way of identifying it because it looks just like regular traffic from some random IP and it's only 1 person not 1000 trying to post from it

Do you really think that all this big amount of "vpn Russians" are advanced enough to use anything more complex than a bank card? Then it's a compliment. And yes, this is hard for an average normie

VPN from Russia is trivial if you're dedicated enough.

Yes and Poles use VPN to post about how great their country is because no one else buys into it.
(The memeflag posts as a "Swede" sometimes).

hes being sent back

Well, do you realize that you contradict your previous post? And also, I will clarify that I am not a computer scientist, not a programmer and do not understand these abstruse terms, I speak purely from my experience, because I tried to use a VPN, because when I worked in Chukotka, Anon Babble did not give me Captcha. I tried several free VPNs and none of them worked.

Nigga, I use vpn on a private vps and it's still blocked. Anon Babble devs aren't dumb enough to not blacklist ip range of most vps providers

Блят. Кaк дeньги чeгo-тo cтoят? этo пpocтo бyмaгa.
Oн зaщищeн мoшeнничecтвoм co cтopoны пpaвитeльcтвa и людeй, дoвepяющих пpaвитeльcтвy.

Биткoйн — этo тo жe caмoe, чтo oн зaщищeн oт мoшeнничecтвa пo мaтeмaтикe и, в oтличиe oт бyмaжных дeнeг, кoтopыe мoжнo зapaбoтaть, кoгдa y Биткoйнa фикcиpoвaннaя cyммa в миpe.
Из-зa eгo peдкocти (кaк и зoлoтa) люди хoтят влaдeть им и cтaвить нa нeгo cвoю цeнy

There are no vpn russians the guy is unironically mentally ill

no, it doesn't contradict my post

I will clarify that I am not a computer scientist, not a programmer and do not understand these abstruse terms

no shit man, I didn't notice

because I tried to use a VPN, because when I worked in Chukotka, Anon Babble did not give me Captcha. I tried several free VPNs and none of them worked.

because you don't even know what a VPN is
your Chukotka (whatever that is) VPN had google services blocked so you couldn't receive the captcha
then you tried some publically available VPNs that were used already by thousands of people and deducted that there are no other VPNs than that which is just dumb

you can literally set up your own private VPN and post from it and Anon Babble has no way of identyfing that you post from VPN because that's the whole point of them and the reason why they exist, to look like regular traffic coming from that address

You're delusional if you think vpns exist they're not real

You're weird

There are no vpn russians the guy is unironically mentally ill

Obviously, but half of the post he refers to are real Russians, but about 80% of them just living in another country and some of them are just like Sasha.

hell you even have sasha the gay faggot posting from serbian VPN every day
just because you're too dumb to follow a tutorial on the internet to set it up, or buy it on some shitty internet exchange site, doesn't mean they don't exist or work
no, I'm not weird, you're just being dumb or pretending to

He ran away to Serbia and as I recal he posted pictures from there. I hate him for that because that bitch ran away from Russia and tries to teach me patriotism when I talk about my regionalism ideas.

4/10 бeйт. Ищи лyчшe


Oпpoвepгни чтo этo нe тaк

Hy и хyли вы мнe втиpaeтe?
Caйт дaжe aвтoмaтичecки дeтeктит впн и дaeт cepyю кaпчy, нaхyй вы пиздитe тyт и пытaeтecь мeня нaeбaть?

no car can go above 250 km/h
how do I know? well, even if the engine was powerful enough to go above such speed, they are factory locked anyways and it's impossible to bypass that
and to further prove my claim, while I am personally no racing driver or car expert, I tried going above 250 km/h in my Lada Niva, and even I borrowed my uncle's trusty Fiat Panda once, but none of these cars came even close to reaching 250 km/h speed
therefore I can conclude that that no such car exists and everyone who claims otherwise is a weirdo


Very adequate comparison between a vehicle and a website above, good job polfriend

I was trying to use some more relatable example because you're obviously technologically illiterate, however it doesn't seem to reach your peanut size brain, no wonder you work for 700 dollars per month lmao

t. both Africans on VPN

Sashenka why have you ran away from your country?)

Bro I'm not fuckign Sasha, fuck that twink. I'll start namefagging for real.


Bro I'm not fuckign Sasha

That's not what he said.

russian glowies dont post on Anon Babble, they post on Anon Babble, and sometimes its very obvious when a thread is made by one of them.

They do sometimes come to Anon Babble. How do I know? Well...

I'm darker featured, taller, more muscular and more intelligent and reasonable than Sasha.

there's like 5 ruski expats in serbia, and sasha is a vpn bitch
nta btw

troon spends all day seething at Russia


I bet there's no fags in Russia.
Hurrah for Putin!