kylie edition
you've gotta do what's right
in the city
either the (vegan) neighbour lady downstairs has started eating delicious chicken curries, or she's got a lad round
a lad with great taste in curry
in my experience vegans are often the best cooks, they've got to figure out how to make food taste alright without using the most important part
U gon have a laugh mate?
it's a good thing you like curry I guess because some would find it an annoyance with constant smells wafting into the flat Lol
Hyo Hyo! *Knocks your door*
Zangu on his Santa Cosplay
HaYu! NiHow! Mehry Kismass! Timmy!!! hyo! hyo! Izu SnOwING! yiz yiz! rayke it!
ManeMo Shinta! Eye Raiky raike gibing Givs! yOU Mass Gay Bumi Cookiss nOW!
nun he culd do
sir elic calsptongwj8x
mental how that cut cost him 100 quid when I get that cut every 2 weeks and costs me 20
anything else?
nth for the holodem
Thoughts on Skyrim?
Can't believe you just keep making new threads.
When will this ever end?
ooh baby i'm thinking about your axe wound
ooh baby i'm thinking about your gash
alan moore is british
that's why V for Vendetta is set in britain
Are you alright, Bri'un?
for the nords
was watching an asmr video and my willy suddenly went all big and hard. not sure how that happened
13 years ago
might make toad in a hole
You WILL buy a ticket
You WILL see the film
You WILL engage in discussion on social media about the film and watch interviews with the cast
garbage tier snooze inducer walking sim crap nonsense shite game for people who don't like games game
going to have a smoke x
done many a fart today. many a fart indeed.
and many a poo.
How many levels of self-awareness are you on, lads?
Reckon I'm on my fourth one, it's a big one this. Been wrestling with my past for the past two years.
listening to bring me the horizon, 2008maxxing over here aren't i
Hey Billie you there
No. No I will not.
never played it
need to smoke some niggaweed
costs me nowt to cut my own hair
my poo today literally smelt like someone died inside of me
played shows with them and you me at six before they were famous cos i am old and my band never made it
ina's doubled(a horses limbs) up
my gf is in love with another man
trying to wank but keep thinking of my autistic moments and feeling bad about myself
absolute banger headline and a true one
watched this flick recently
person in front of me in the cinema was crying
you both must be giga normies or under 25
grim either way
when i clean my arse and sniff the sponge it smells like the bottom of a wheelie bin
worse than bogroll after i wipe my arse
yes mate, ill have a stell please
that's mad. bet you can impress birds by telling them that at least. what's the band scene like nowadays?
how do you know?
If Hitler were alive today, he'd be a FDP member and EU fanatic like Guy Verhofstadt calling for Taurus missiles for Ukraine.
start reading this
Only reason they're complaining about policing hate speech is because it distracts from policing anti-zionists
Screaming, they couldn't be more blatant
tell me everything that you have eaten in the last 3 days :)
how do uknow they are deliciosu
*shags your dad and doesn't answer when he tries to call*
He's gagging for more. Bit cringe
unlucky lad, if i started a band i would make it, and i'd let you join as an entry-level intern (bass player)
you'll have a wot
i'm 29 just was never interested
guys check up on your medicare
im in my 30s and its shite pal
try playing something that isn't beige and coma inducing
in 15 minutes
Fears for missing Worksop father, 33, last seen in B&Q garden centre
I'm 43
i can smell it
just feel it in my gut, i don't think she's cheated but i think it's only a matter of time before she makes up an excuse to leave me
On her video of Christmas books, the physical book list is about as predictable as you can get. The rest still lean pretty childish, in most cases, and a few that are set in winter, but overall not a particularly unique or interesting grouping. There is so much out there, including classics like Under The Greenwood Tree, by Thomas Hardy, all of Dickens' other Christmas books, The Woman in Black (ghost story told at Christmas), Turn of the Screw (another ghost story told at Christmas), and about a million others. Considering she went to Oxford for her Masters and works in a library, I would have expected far more originality in her list. You can see her type of choices anywhere. Boring Rubbish, as usual.
i fuck arses
how has your sleeping been
lol same
not an easy thing to admit
cute rubes. just want to bundle her up and take her home with me
got the joy division on
Rubbish is as Rubbish does.
”A Pair of Silk Stockings” by Edith Wharton also the inane ramble about how A Doll’s House is absolutely “a Christmas book”. Her stupidity is physically painful to me.
the books are too predictable
she should be reading Dickens instead
kek. whoever wrote this is a proper spastic.
who fucks arses?
got ainsley on
my eyes just started watering loads (mostly because i yawned) and the tears stang my eyes
you can do a sick fade by yourself? sign me the fuck up
Welcome, Welcome to Blackrockland.
You have chosen, or been chosen, to die for the Jews.
I thought so much of dying for the Jews that I elected to kill every Briton for this as instructed by Our Benefactors in Blackrock.
I have been proud to kill people for the Jews. And so, whether you die today or are passing on until then, welcome to the Blackrockland.
went to vapiano today lads for my incel lunch
not as good as i remember it being 10 years ago
pretty bland
good sized portion for the cost but that's it
There is a massive problem with rugby
ruby thinking about blakeney's pair of silk stockings
didnt read a word of that
saw it was ruby, immediately hid
have always done that, just did that and will continue to do that until the heat death
used to have a whole ainsley folder of ainsleys saved from Anon Babble back in the day. it's still on a usb somewhere.
Hitler was Austrian, clueless commiemong
Ungrateful SLAG
shite really. i'm still at it cos it's fun and i wouldn't know what else to do with myself if i stopped but it's an apathetic ol' business and fewer and fewer bands seem to make the jump to success.
might watch some POV porn from the woman's perspective
in bed crying
Is it just me, or has she never been more weirdly Britain-centric? The viewers will be from all over the world.... So "the Victorians invented Christmas"? Does that include the multiple versions of the Nutcracker that you are displaying? -- And Ibsen's play is a festive Christmas book?? Yuletide, you say, is that from Victorian origins?
"ACKSHUALLY...what oiy mannt was that theeee Victorians are WOIDLEE considered tyeu have...(smacks lips)...andjocktronated theee...(waves claw hand around)...granular and TANGIBLE traditions that weee myost associate with theee...(clucks)...Victorianian alamants of the wonnderfol English Christmasses we AWWHL anjoy tyeuday.
These varry Victworian traditions are still sallabrated tyeuuday, loike bahhrning yore candles at a FWORETEE-FOIVE degree angle tyeuu halp ward off the Krämpenshlaüs monster, who comes down yore chimney at noight on Christmas Eve tyeu make your father pay his taxes...(Shudders)
And this is whoiy traditionaleeey, yeu hang oiydantical yeeltoide wreaths on awwl savven of yore living ryooms, syo that The Krämpenshlaüs wyon't knyown which one you're hoiyding in. And than we sallabrate the dawn by chacking our offshore bank accounts and singing 'God Save the Queen' to thank theee spirit of Queen Lizbath the Sackond for protackting our monies, josst loike the Victorians wonce did. (Slurps tea)"
that's because china is a polluted shithole so they dont take it for granted
there is no amount of money that would make me cut another man's hair as i am not homosexual
really good in vr this
thought this was Billy Elish
bizarre mindset
Want to book a full body massage from a chinky lass but I just know I will get a big stonk on and want to be wanked off by the end.
i miss my priestess
What kind of psychotic shit is this
ah yes the man who spoke german and whose ancestors spoke german for the past 1600 years was not a german
i miss Reggie
i'm flattered but i am not gay
eric clapton was right
Yes he was Austrian
just spilt half a litre of whisky down myself
if somebody clicks on a light the room will flash
wow that video was annoying
is manchester any good?
feel a bit drunk really
sucked down this bottle of wine
might puke it up a minute
its alright
Willy Wonka experience creator faces rape charge
why do older men do this
my mate said i'm better than clapton at playing blues guitar
one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me
he's more of a jimi hendrix fan though so idk
erm they mix water into the whiskey, rorke
you have to put it over hay or nitrogen-based manure to do that. maaaaaybe its because of the oxygen in the ethanol giving the compound a way to use its (nitrogen) energy
me tink me gwan drink anudda beer
right to steal george harrisons wife?
he were right to say wot he thort about are enoch
what are you like
Do we have any Yanks in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands. Americans I mean, I'm looking at you. Where are you? I'm sorry but some fucking yank...American replied to one of my posts, you know? Surely got to be said, yeah this is what all the fucking Americans and yanks over here are like, just disgusting, that's just the truth, yeah. So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the thread, leave the board. You fucking (indecipherable). I don't want you here, in the thread or on this board. Listen to me, man! Stop /brit/ from becoming a /cum/ colony. Get the yanks out. Get the Americans out. Get the yankee doodle dankees out. Keep /brit/ United Kingdom. I used to be into dope, now I'm into FOYing. It's much heavier, man. Fucking yanks, man. Fucking Yankees taking over /brit/. Bastard yanks. The clueless yanks and dixies and americans and fucking NAs and fucking (indecipherable) don't belong here, we don't want them here. This is /brit/, this is a British general, we don't want any clueless yanks and murricans posting here.
probably hung himself in the woods
i could murder a game of LoL
Made his own stool to kick from n all
wifejak: what's a forced meme
The house destroyed by Bert: Dramatic images show remains of Welsh home that had to be demolished after side was ripped off in strong winds
shes fit
daaaad, i know youve been upset since mom divorced you...
daughterjak: where do memes come from?
puke it up in a minute
the good posts: *non-existent*
yanks say "grim" too much
ive not said all night despite them doing it all night so far
really annoying and i hate how spamming words until they mean nothing is their culture
which county/city are you in? do you reckon the rock scene is still lively in places like London or Manchester?
It's sad how the only bands that seem to "make it" now are these awful industry plants
i just saw a weenie :(
that's daughterjak you pedo freak
piss OFF
daaad maybe i can be momjak tonight to make you feel better
so apparently rorke married to diego
And the latest from Employed Woman?
ye u are mate
uh oh sexo mentioned. hes spamming his blacks again
Is Sabrina Carpenter inspired by Carly Rae Jepsen?
Specifically the closing track, Don't Smile, off of her latest album, Short N' Sweet. That song sounds like it could've been a reject from The Loneliest Time. The ethereal production along with the petty lyrics remind me of songs like No Thinking Over The Weekend and Go Find Yourself Or Whatever.
grim post
could murder a KFC right now but all ive got in my shitlife is normal cigarettes and this shit water
Yes, she probably inspired her to be a grim, talentless slag.
im not one the one throwing up from a bottle of wine by myself on a tuesday night
Irish-Jamaican mixie
Both are one hit wonders so you might be right
No chance, are Carly is BWC only
pathetic cint u are
just picked a gross self-supporting erectus oblong blob of ear wax out my fucked up ear
she's cockney in the film tho
grim, talentless slag.
Being autistic and growing up in a working class area was a disaster for me
Despite being a boffin I got in so much trouble because I would try to copy and fit in with mongy chav cunts, and it made me turn into a right dickhead. Took me a long time to outgrow the cruel behaviour I'd picked up from being around scumbags in school.
this is what /brit/ users look like lmao
Irish-Jamaican mixie
*asks for a wank anyway*
tell us about growing up working class. we're all mostly billionaires here, as you know
She honestly looks horrible these days. Tired, gaunt, receding hairline, and dry, frazzled hair. I won't even mention the continual nightmare known as her nails. If this is how she looks when she is "genuinely happy", living our her dream comeback era, I would hate to see her in the depths of despair. She should just abandon her music career altogether. She is pure dribble these days.
Why are gay men so connected to female pop-stars?
It feels like gay men are the backbone of most of female popstars’ fandoms. They ride for them very hard and they stay loyal to them for years (even through their less successful eras etc.).
I have always wondered where this “connection” stems from. It doesn’t seem to work the same way with male popstars, which is interesting.
Any personal experiences or opinions?
Or has anyone ever made a proper “study” about this? :)
im not one the one throwing up from a bottle of wine by myself on a tuesday night
are you a girl? be my gf
timmy btfo
gives me the fucking fear that there are grown men watching this nonsense and lusting after noncey cartoons
absolutely guarantee this image was made by a jewish tranny who hasn't showered in weeks
i'm the funniest and most interesting person on the internet
there are people being paid MILLIONS to be less funny and interesting on the internet than me
Irish and Carribeans have a very special relationship. They only truly feel comfortable in each other's company.
sounds like problemw as being low iq not autistic
hope that helps x
im not gay i just like good music
and most good music is from female pop stars
i suppose also it prefer to hear a woman and see a woman than a guy so there's straight element to it too
He considered himself German and moved there. He was a diverse German.
im my zone. happy
ye u are grim mate
peatethic CUNT
nah I've got a 130 iq mate I'm a proper egghead
just didn't know how to behave growing up so I'd mimic the mongos around me
How close is the Irish-Carribean relationship?
have anxiety that my shitty fruit fly pet has laid eggs in my earwax in my ear
Mistook your melon for a melon did he aha
I think there's an element of identification with strong female figures, who are often unabashedly confident in their sexuality, for gay men. There is an air of solidarity between women and gay men (obviously this is a big generalisation) navigating a patriarchal society and the rigid gender roles that come with that, and I think the freedom from that strictness that comes with a female pop star's image is enticing and inspiring to gay men, especially those who aren't as traditionally "masculine" as their heterosexual peers.
Take Cher for instance, an extremely confident, take-no-shit, unapologetic woman who has always embraced her sense of sexuality within her music and public persona. It's easy to see how a gay man might find solace and inspiration in that kind of role model.
Also many of the gay icon female popstars have been extremely supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, which is another reason they are often greatly admired within.
might play some stick cricket
love this singer can't remeber her name something like 'clearly poo jellification'
im not one the one throwing up from a bottle of wine by myself on a tuesday night
>daaaad, i know youve been upset since mom divorced you...
be quite nice to have a gf i think
someone to hug and be close with during the night
shame im completely insalvageable as a human being
oh well!
Jewish directors often pair Irish with black because they know about the special synergy they have going way back
Blacks and the Irish think in the much the same ways
all these papers stem from one Japanese publication which writes the HR as that of someone reading a woman in the process of giving birth having her HR measured and hearing both mother and babies heart rates
ye posting the same thign every post ur so coola rent u
and have 11x the citations of other publications in their field
mate all due respect you clearly dont have a 130 iq and if somehow you did you'd have a 50 eq but you don't so it's a rip anyway sorry
ye i'm an incel so only ever had cuddled with random one night stands but waking up (esp hungover) with someone esle in your bed someone to share the hangover etc with is honestly a 10/10 experience
holding each other and making silly small talk and no oawkwardness cos you're both naked so like how could u ever say anything awkward
hugged the ex gf on saturday night and all the nice feelings came back
have to log them in the bank for another few years haha
I'm offering a quick bum for 5 quid. any takers?
simmer down deegs. not very christian this
be sure that you do
mate all due respect you clearly never had sex in your life so cope on sorry incel
im not one the one throwing up from a bottle of wine by myself on a tuesday night
arrange marriage
time for kino
Julien was her high school boyfriend, she had traveled with this guy and was so magical that she never forgot about him. she says in song "Julien": "I'm forever haunted by our time".
Thats her lentil and soy shits you're sniffing
just puekd this booze up hope you re fuckign happey you stupid CUNT
State of you, sad cunt
alri, joe lemon
ye i haven't had sex whtat's your point i even said im an incel
mad how if you're not the first you're the worst
it's over for us incels
Mad that just 100 years ago there lived people who spent an entire lifetime without looking once at a screen.
i'm not joe lemon. my name is nick.
75% of Irish Americans voted for Kamala Harris
80% of African Americans voted for Kamala Harris
Only 40% of German Americans voted for Kamala Harris
*throws an empty beer can at your head*
Go and get me another one there's a good incel
no i've smelled those and this is different
Three-piece suit socialism.
Playing Magic the Gathering
Yeah but Berlin was full of trannies at that time.
telly idea: nanny stayt
bbc presenter charlie stayt has to dress up like mrs doubtfire and moves into a house of poshos who are too wealthy to look after their own children. his goal? to teach the tarq family the error of their ways.
(8) no shee DOESNT KNOW WHAT shes MISSING 9*(8)
what are you like
shiites are all treacherous dogs wallahi
is Nathan and baked potato still together?
ever have a big wank and end up spaffing so forcefully that it hits you in the face? i've had that happen once or twice
Americans claim to be Irish because they're leftists bot because they're descended from Irish people
0% of people in /brit/ asked
iconic song big D
Dreamt about having a gf who I was holding hands with and kissing a lot last night. Hope I don't have any tonight. It's quite depressing to wake up from.
Irish people love the blacks and their 'black cause'
never thankfully
some have come (haha) far but nver actually got me in the face
always goes behind my shoulder
baked potato saved my life
baked potato showed me the way
deegs pretending hes on the piss again
pathetic really
All right you scallywags. I'm here to whip this thread into shape.
mad how there's a million billion third world women who would give their right arm to be our gf and live with us
but no, the "oppressed" women have decided that it's third world men who should flood into our country
because they want to be raped
no i usually aim his penis away from my face
good post i dont even fantasise about women in my dreams anymore cos whenever there's one in one she rejects me LMAO
Americans are so mongy they see 'Scotch-Irish' in their ancestry report and think it means Catholic Irish from Galway or something lmao
i sleep in a big bed with my gf every night
Janny won’t like this post.
81% of Liverpudlian Irish voted to remain in the EU
72% of East Anglian Anglo-Saxons voted to leave the EU
ye is kinda mental that honestly
like we are all omg uk is such a shithole omg west is fallen
when 90%+ of the world are desperate to live here and would even give their bodies to incels like us
Scotland mentioned
yes done cummies and pissington in my own mouth in my youth
got meno illness me
ever notice how white muslim converts are usually ginger? no wonder they turned to the rasheed side, they've probably been alienated and bullied by their own community their whole lives
spaffed in my own mouth but not pissed in it that's fucked
you probably a shia innit
why did you piss in your mouth
actually not feeling too bad tonight lads
got the WWE on had a nice tea
going in the office tomorrow will keep my mind occupied
telly idea: nan E state
your nan takes a road trip in america, rodimg a morotbike through every state in turn and boshing some mdma in each one. her goal? to teach smallminded obese local americans the error of their ways.
in bed yelling
Are you thinking of me when you're with somebody else?
Do you talk to me when you're talking to yourself?
Are you reaching for me, making love to someone else?
you dress like an intellectual
get in the pit
the arabic language has to many Ls in it and not nearly enough Ps
wee wees much the same as semen
Only 40% of German Americans voted for Kamala Harris
Very strongly doubt it's that high
probably 30% at most
remember that aussie twig that joined ISIS and they sent him off to a suicide mission for a laugh
What's this then? Reminds me of how about a quarter of Japanese are infected with a virus that is the cousin of HIV.
tfw no pc jess davies traffic cop gf
Ohhh willy willy
willy willy willy wilkinson
White girls getting their grind on, getting their grind on, getting their grind on
White girls getting their grind on, you knooo
in this study, 8/9 of the patients were treated with antibiotics
what do commies have against intellectuals? is there any other reason besides them being a threat to their power? that sounds like it would be hard to publicly justify
Israel has been humiliated lol, they couldn't even penetrate a few miles into Lebanon.
actual nuthouse in here this evening
Well at least he's learning things
Definitely one of the top songs on Emotions maybe on her entire discography even
wee wee just the same as cum
it comes out the same knob!
I just made it up
commies mixing up L and R hands
commies reading books to justify every failure of the communism (its every time)
where can i buy the jumper she wears on the cover of emotion x
grind on?
grind on what?
had a very brief piss fetish when i was about 20
men pissing on women though, none of that women pissing, have never understood that
white people aren't being replaced and it's good that they actually are teehee
future generations will hate you more than you can comprehend
I'm a mental patient
yeah i was just thinking about him yesterday, probably dead as a doornail now
my mum unironically had a friend who got a muslim boyfriend and they ran off together to join ISIS, also probably dead now
what sort of 'sheed cope is this? the yids forced hezbollah to backdown so they can focus on wiping out gaza
Mentally I'm patient
wait actually i dont think they included the outcomes in this study
call the wise man
wee wees wee wee innit
doesnt matter where its coming from
White girls getting their grind on, getting their grind on, getting their grind on
White girls getting their grind on, shamone
Not him (Pol Pot wasn't a communist), the issue is with those intellectuals who think they're the brains of the nation and side with capitalists.
As communists we support general intellectualism and education.
QI gone woke
so you guys want to hop in some halo or what haha
they forced the group that wasn't doing anything to continue not to do anything after attacking them and failing to do any real damage even after wiping out their command structure
Aren't jews supposed to be high IQ? You should be able to come up with a better narrative than this
project on