Why haven't you settled for and knocked up a 5/10 Finnish cutie in your cunt?

Why haven't you settled for and knocked up a 5/10 Finnish cutie in your cunt?

She's a 1/10
He's a -3/10

No shes 5 incel

i suffer in denmark

Because American motherfuckers are hogging them all

which one is the 5/10

how the fuck is he out of prison already

years old?

A literal autistic incest rapist manchild has a gf and isn't a virgin, what's your excuse chudcels?

I'm a responsible man with a job and no criminal records. I heard women aren't very fond of that.

I have something to lose

chris was just supposed to be a story set in the fantasy land of america. the fact that he has a connection to northern europe now makes me realize that he is actually real.

chris chan got a finnish girlfriend?

I feel like America must be breaking some international law by not keeping him contained.

How could a rapist be virgin?

Gets out of jail

Instant GF

Not surprised.

Biological weapon

same as prostitutes. doesn't count

so you would marry a prostitute?

he looks tall i'm a manlet

Yes, and he's impregnating her too. Imagine the spawn that will come out from the mix a finnish femsperg and Chris Chan himself
Man plans to name the kid after a MLP character too

I'm guessing they'll move to America for that, you can't just name kids Fluttershy Applejack Chandler because you thought it would be fun here. Or maybe you can, idk if it applies to foreigners

what if it’s a boy tho

There's so much of this that doesn't add up.

Her name is 'Flutter'

There's next to no good photos of her

Chris Chan is the best documented person to ever exist yet we can't even get her name

He claims she wasn't his gf when he met her a few years ago

Practically announces she's his girlfriend at the same time he announces the pregnancy

Not gonna hold my breath on this one.

there are some cleaner shots of her and she looks like some mythical lowlife creature

I dont think his mind ever even considered that scenario, hes always wanted only a daughter

Mine doesn't want to have children

Maybe my standards are low, but from what I seen she looks normal. Way out of his league, Chris was always known for having ridiculous standards. He also does the grovelling autist thing where he thinks just because he wanted a kid he was entitled to pussy, he'd beg and pine about how he'd be willing to eat pussy. He lives in filth, stammers like a retard when he's nervous and thinks that's flirting, has no confidence apart from acting like a jeet and begging for pussy, he's gullible, reliant on welfare, has no job and can't hold one down. I can't imagine that she's not connected to one of the many trolling groups that stalk Chris, the guy has literally 0 appeal.

yes, this just proves that height is the most important if it even needed a proof

even a blowup doll is out cwc's league but yeah it's fishy

Do Finnish cuties are the cure for being an incel...

He looks like her father

and thus the antichrist was born

She is a cunnypire

She did nothing wrong

Yes, if she was pretty

Is the pregnancy even confirmed or are zoomers just reading way too much into Chris’ insane ramblings?



jesus christ how horrifying

even if she is pregnant, Chris implied nowhere that he is the father

she will become The Supreme Enlightened, The Illuminated One

At this point I’m not even convinced they are a couple. It wouldn’t be the first time CWC misread someone being friendly as them being in a relationship….

I'm not into adults and getting a younger gf in here is quite risky

I can’t believe it’s been 20 years and we’re still obsessing over Chrischan

Girls think they’re too good for me but will have sex with a freak who raped his elderly mother.

Does anyone else find it weird how she's not even his fiance? There's 0 plans for marriage or any sort of confirmation and there's supposedly a child? He didn't even say she was his gf until a few months ago. Makes no sense how this woman comes out of nowhere, doesn't try to establish a relationship, lets him go to Finland to fuck her despite her taking trips to the US regularly. She seems extremely aware that he's being watched all the time in the US. Chris is going to get rugpulled, but since he's completely soulless he won't kill himself and simply reset back to his normal state of playing with legos.

He proved everyone wrong.
He is Chad.
He is the Sigma..
He is the ZEUS!
He is the.... #1 Sonic fan....

How long till society turns 180 degrees on him?
Libard, who was once disgusted by him, will hail him as a hero of the trans rights movement and a woman who fought bigotry and won.
Anon Babbletard, who once used him as an argument for abortion, will say he's an example of the Triumph of the Will and the Faustian spirit of the white man.

so that's the equivalent of a 6/10 guy landing a 10/10, what's your excuse?

I'm wondering that myself
I guess my future wife awaits me in Finaland, brb after I buy one way ticket to Helsinki

get flown over for sex

impregnate someone

hold hands

not a couple btw

he still haven't learnt about violentmaxxing

you are behind the curve

she's not even a 5/10. she's a 0/10 because i'm not attracted to children.

IMG_1705.jpg - 960x1706, 179.25K

she seems more like his tard wrangler than his girlfriend, but we could be wrong

Why not? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Would be unironically dooming my future male offspring with legit midget genes

I'm open for the fact that she might be his gf, but I would be skeptical until she confirms it herself. CWC isn't exactly... reliable.

fucks his demented mother

fucks a girl who looks like a toddler

What is his endgame?

averages out to be a normal aged woman

my mother is short and I'm 197cm, I'm considerably taller than my father as well
genetics are weird