Why is this empire so universally loved throughout history?

Other Euro empires, like the British or the Spanish ones never had such an admiration, even close. And the Ottoman, Russian and Mongol empires are frankly despised.

the mongol empire is despised?!
Who dares to hate my ancestors?! >:(

The British and Spanish just have too much baggage, you're not allowed to say they brought civilization to a savage world, while it's perfectly safe to say so for the Romans.

Because ulike the others we had style.

It's the most inclusive empire by far for Europeans. Just about everyone had a part in it.

Who the hell despises any of those? If anything it's the British empire that's hated and ridiculed.

Because Romans are the foundation of western civilization, in the same way Eastern Romans are the foundation of eastern civilization. However, westerners don't hate Rome because Rome completely choked and collapsed in 358 ad whereas East Rome slavified (danger) and survived until 1458 ad. In this way West Rome became legendary as the city itself degraded whereas East Rome become synonymous with corruption, paralysis, and poverty until Turks pushed it over and enslaved everyone to different masters.

In this way westerners respect Rome's ideas much better than Russia, because Russian/slavonics are partially the reason East Rome collapsed, and subsequent Russian attempts to fight the Turks and rebuild East Rome are pathetic when Westerners have been trading Rome itself between each other for several centuries. Also, Western Romanism has 1 pope/spiritual leader whereas East Rome had the Patriarchs who compete with each other for authority, preventing international law from existing as it does in the west.

Most Americans despite the Spanish Empire, especially a century ago when we fought it and destroyed it. If you go on Anon Babble right now or talk to Elon Musk their first quip will be about immigration and the neocolonial spanish invasion of america and the war white men must fight to save it. The feelings Spaniards have toward Anglos is mutual. French have always hated the anglo pirate kingdom too for the same reasons, especially in Quebec where French Culture is mandatory and it's legal to discriminate against non-Francophone anglos.

revolutions happen to exist.
romans crucified and suppressed every rebel on blood, avoiding such things. i could say that is progress overall. even tho the late roman empire was very degenerated and disfunctional, that is why most people welcomed barbarians and arabs anyway. in the culture tho it remained as an examble of great civilization

I meant the Ottoman, Russian and Mongol empires that OP claimed are despised. It's always the British and Spanish empires that people bring up in conversations about muh imperialism.

It was the foundation to the western civilization. It's far enough in time you don't have brownoids complaining about muh genocides. Outside the empire it was legitimately a shit life so the barbarians tried to integrate into the system or copy it even while destroying it. After it collapsed a very bleak period started. Also all our sources are roman

the British empire that's hated and ridiculed

May be true only for thirdies. Even in the post-Soviet space the British empire is pretty admired.

Sad but true. Late Romans caused more damage to the Empire in constant civil wars than any barbarians did.

Oly the Spanish empire is partly condemned here. And only for the destruction of the pre-Columbian civilizations.

I hate it.

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Because Roman Empire and its history is cool.
Sure there are some other cool empires but they arent as cool.

they psyopped their conquered victims into thinking they wuz romans too
it's especially the parts with no real accomplishments to their name (e.g. iberia, not france or italy) and their identity crisis children in latin america who do this larping.

romans are the foundation of western civilization

stopped reading here sanchez, that's the greeks.

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Also this. Never understood it when I saw anglos (new world and actual anglos) or balkanoids or celts loving and protecting S.P.Q.R. They killed, enslaved and raped millions of us.

because it happened long enough ago and british empire gets crap but people really fucking love making fiction inspired by it to the point that it sounds like they're being tsundere


This. Euros can we wuz about them and it's so far in the past that the taints of "genocide/slavery/etc" won't reach them.

when we fought it and destroyed it

the parts with no real accomplishments to their name (e.g. iberia, not france or italy)

Meds. The only historical larpers are (you), uncivilized germoid barbars.

He's actually right you mentally ill gremlin. Iberia has accomplished jackshit and was getting its ass handed to them left and right even back then but when you listen to them talk it's like their direct ancestors founded Rome.

At least Trajan and Theodosius were from Hispania.

Well, and considering it was the Theodosian dynasty that destroyed Rome - they accomplished A LOT.

at least bad emperors were foreigners to Rome

We know. And we thank them for it.

accomplishment is genuinely siding with your enemy and being so retarded and incompetent that you manage to destroy them despite actually trying

Kek what is it with you and posting unhinged shit. Wtf is a spaniard doing in Ukraine at such times.

Trajan wasn't bad by any merit.

This is called irony, you mong.

Insane how competely irrelevant people like slavs feel like they should give a shit about Rome. How about learning about your own people's history.

Trajan wasn't iberian, he was racially italian.

Nigga you sound like you genuinely love Rome so irony coming from you isn't something I expected.

Because it was a much longer time ago.

They killed, enslaved and raped millions of us.

lmao you're even worse than the Chicanos with 55% Spanish blood whining about muh colonizers
You're mutted and effectively come from Celts mixed with Romans, if you don't accept why stop at Celts? That's kinda arbitrary, you can go further back in time until the big bang and directly blame General Relativity or something

Chill, dude. I just having a fun time larping.

Btw, Theodosius also wasn't that bad. It is purely his descendants who were spoiled incompetent fags. Same how you can't blame Marcus Aurelius for how much a moron his son was.

moroccan fan fiction

Native celts are still completely celt. You can be raped without being rapebabies. Especially if the ones raped are slaves who no longer are a part of the native community. North italians are complete and genuine rapebabies from germanics though. You should thank the lord everyday for that otherwise the north would be the same as the south. Being called "mutted" by an italian is like being called a thief by a romanian.

And to answer this utterly retarded map, every single kingdom, empire, nation in history has been a fruit of conquered people unifying under one identity through time

he doesn't know about the rhombus of relevance

take it easy luigi, your current pysop mental enslavement isn't rome, it's catholicism.

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Being superior never felt so good.

La Tène got everything that was coming to them, slavery, rape and all. They were a bunch of genocidal "celts" who got completely Latinized the second the empire turned their attention to them and declared war on them. They thought they were better than forest savages with their wooden shacks, and eventually Romans came down from the Alps to pour concrete on them. Those Celts have the crowning achievement of being able to beat up people who barely form towns.

I see you're completely partisan, there might be some completely pure native Celts, though I'd like to see the receipt, but the majority of France isn't pure shit all of anything of your arbitrary ethnicities which you love to larp so much, be they Celtic, Roman, German, Norman or anything I'm between.
To act as if today you ain't the fruit of also Roman France is completely moronic
Insult me all you like, contrary to you I don't put all my value as a human on race larping

Mah snownigga, germs were the ones wewuzzing for a millennium

Somebody with your posting habits is in no position to tell anybody

U mad

Seriously, have some self awareness

Italians larping that they are the Romans again


There's only one post that I can see that larp as Romans, at least use some real argument for once instead of the usual three baits, otherwise please, never complain that the quality of the board is lacking

So I'm guessing you can now just freely settle back into Rome now that you've convinced yourself to be its heir. Or are you going to stay on your tiny island? Your Atlantis if anything, and we all know the fate of that fucking place.

because every Euro looked at the romans and said

that's what we're going for!

Literally all of the groups that survived the Romans are now dead. There is nobody to bear any grudges on them.
And no, people larping as the ancients that lived in their lands don't count.

Euros are all beta orbiters around Rome

At last, now I truly see.

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held roman

held the pope

held europe

nooo it didn't count

we kept you in check and did not fall victim to your psyops like the iberians did.

Holding Rome doesn't mean being Roman
It was plain larping on your part, yes, Italy in the fascist years was larping too

being so mentally ill that you find a way to use knowledge to justify any ill treatment towards your people

You're not human at this point. You're some creature controlled by fake ideals.

We're more mixed with other celtics tribes, germanic tribes or even iberians than with shitalians + the few "mixing" we have with italians comes from them being third worlders who had to flee their shithole to come work here in the 19th and 20th century.


No surprise, you strike me as a man who doesn't actually believe in anything and only pretends to do so to get a reaction out of people.

Larp as the hre until an Italian comes on and stomp your skulls

Bro even now your judiciary system traces its roots in the roman law

desperately trying to claim credit for things the french did


The British Empire was unironically very admired until the 1990's or so. Jeets have been at the forefront trying to revise the history.

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All of Europe was rules by Germanic elites descended from those who helped take down the empire but loved LARPing as the new Romans due to prestige and right of rule.
Rome also became inextricably tied to Christianity in the middle ages despite the admiration for pre-christian times.
Rome became a symbol of ancient "Europaness" and civilization for modern nations and as such it is admired as some sort of shared heritage.
I just made this all up

If you don't care to race larp you don't believe in anything

You clearly have a hate boner for me as an Italian, I see no point in discussing with you further

fake ideals

Fake Celt

I'm a frenchboo though

said Ransheet the 1000th, slef proclaimed dignified Brahmin

You will never understand what the real world is like. You will always live through books and mental constructs of things other people made up.

Your "real" world is SHIT
You turned forests into FIELDS
And I hope your rivers dry up

t-the real world is bad that means i MUST live in my own mind

I envy your cowardice.


tries to do the "napoleon was achktually italian" meme


1. It's old so no personal grudges anymore
2. They either killed or assimilated most of their neighbors, so no one to hate them remains
3. It unironically brought civilization and shiet

You're not even responding to me anymore.
Speak to yourself schizoid, live in your own mind, you seem to be on the right track.

SAAAAAAAAAAAAAR the baked shit I made is ready for serving

Enjoy yourself there.

he's just a jeet trying to seem esoteric, don't bother replying

He's literally phishing for replies. Don't tell him not to reply.


Saar don't use the scamming lingo in front of normies NOOOOOOOOOO

It was aesthetically pleasing, done in impressive ways (no technological advantages over its enemies) and set in an interesting region already teeming with history

Makes sense. Jeets are obsessed with spirituality despite the fact that it all ever did for them was made addicted to the taste of cow excrements.

They had really cool aesthetics

Is this why you guys consider syrians germans?