Why are Americans so much better at fighting than Chinese?


To be fair, I wouldn't even want to fight a black woman. I'd still win, but I'd 100% still get hit but a couple of haymakers

this shit looks so dumb

man brags about knocking out a woman

what else did he manage to knock out, toddlers? A baby deer?

Kek, Chang got his ass handed to him. Guess that’s what happens when you live in a country that has MMA fighters literally disappear because they were too good and embarrassed traditional Chinese martial artists

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He doesn't look Asian.

Japanese create the objectively best hand to hand combat technique (Jiu jitsu)

Chinese produce the objectively worse hand to hand combat technique (Kung Fu)

Are you retarded?

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Posting this any time a Chang pretends he could beat us (we will send waves of black queens to destroy them)

That looks like a Peruvian Inca you race blind negro. Kys

bro that's a mexican guy

are you?

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Chinese pipo are very weak and never hesitate to claim thousands of them got massacred by one Japanese soldier.

That's literally an Asian

Asians don't have long skulls buddy


takeshi just used his cock as a bayonet and the chinks were eradicated

One way or another China will be avenged

Corn syrup, mk ultra, nigga genes

are these posters white or latin? hard to figure out



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you whites are so desperate to have a win because you are constantly being humiliated. christ. i'll let you pretend that mutt in the army among hordes of his fellow latinos and blacks is chinese so you can sleep

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Chang seething at whites some more

Yep definitely Chinese

whites pretending a latino is chinese so he can pretend to have a win... what the fuck haha

No one said he's white you retarded hick.

Chang immediately pivotes to black people posting

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Go on anon. Keep posting videos of blacks to cope some more Chang.

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White boy makes thread trying to shoehorn Asians

Gets shown a video of a white dude being humiliated


No one said he's white you retarded hick.

Timmy found out

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You already admitted he was Chinese earlier when you were posting black webms Chang

Should have learned the crazy dog martial art

no he's obviously a latino but you need the win so i'll let you pretend. by the way that poster isn't me

Wasn't me but whatever
No one said he's white you retarded hick.

white sisters...

So satisfying to see women get beat the fuck up

That's not Latinos look like at all. This is pathetic Chang


Color me surprised.

Ching Chong bing bong

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You will never be American.

You will never be American.

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looks chinese to me

Chinese desperately posting webms of black people now

Chinese men are weaker than their women. This has always been known.

>You will never be American.

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yes that latino with his beak incan nose is actually a chinese spy, you can rest easy now


no mames wey I look Asian holmes

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I am a strong white American o algo

I am going to dominate yellow boys or however my taco was beheaded

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That’s a strong independent woman

Nope, he is not Chinese

Supreme gentlemen in the army now

China's space station is fake kek

Americans are the most powerful race.

Black women are the counter to Chinese men. They are patriots who protect our nation. Chinese men know this and are shaking in their boots when they see a black QUEEEN