ripping off people is bad
corruption is bad
people who killl themselves dont go to Hell
learning how to read and write in your own language is good
why do brown people from Southern Europe hate him again?
ripping off people is bad
corruption is bad
people who killl themselves dont go to Hell
learning how to read and write in your own language is good
why do brown people from Southern Europe hate him again?
Nobody does, it's just that the people after him immediately started extolling the virtue of robbery, murder, corruption and Jews, and that while hiding behind the guise of reform
After the defeat of the protestants in the Smalkaldian War (1546-47) in the Battle near Mühlberg, the Imperial Army stood before Wittenberg's city gates and the Elector was forced to sign Wittenberg's surrender. In doing so, he gave over the city and abandoned his rights as elector.
The Emperor rode into the city on May 23, 1547 and lingered at the Castle Church grave of his great adversary, Luther.
This occurence has led to the emergence of numerous legends, none of which are historically factual. One legend states that while the Emperor was at Luther's open grave, he was urged to belatedly give the heretic's remains to the funeral pyre.
The Emperor is supposed to have answered: "He has met his judge. I only wage war with the living and not with the dead."
Austria is brown
And people dislike him because his ideas solely existed for kings to become wealthy by theft
just that the people after him immediately started extolling the virtue of robbery, murder, corruption
Like when he pimped nuns out in exchange for support
He was a gluttonous alcoholic murderer whoremonger and coped that he ""had"" to go to heaven because of predestination. He was right about churchly institutions being crooked but nobody is a genius for pointing that out
taking the money away from church which they stole from the common people is...LE BAD
those were catholics though
historically protestant countries have been the most moral countries on earth. The most whorish places on earth where in catholic cities, where large percentage of women were prostitutes
not true
Spains as catholics killed hundreds of millions of people and raped millions and saw it as will of God
Land is money
The fucker hanged himself to death as Judas
the catholic church had a lot of money and land which they stole from people
he kicked off the transition for all the innovations in europe to shift to the north/north west.
Yes the land which the people never owned and often were granted to use for free was stolen
Ah yes innovations like the first Protestant King of England debasing the currency, the first queen turning the country into Europe's first police state and the first Protestant king of Scotland attempting to commit genocide against his own race
black legend
Isn't a legend
reason is the whore of faith
No wonder why Dominicans and specially Jesuits theologically annihilated Protesturdism over and over
I don't understand how he said this with Johns gospel
Why not become an Anglican?
Augustinians fixation of St. Augustine emphasis on faith did lead him to a dangerous black hole as faith alone.
Just as Calvinist fixation on Thomistic determinism did lead them to a Lovecraftian interpretation of God.
Because that collapsed, like all protestant churches, after WWII
faith alone doesnt mean what you think it means
people who killl themselves dont go to Hell
This is a thing? because it's my primary motivation for staying alive tbqh
catholics believe you go to Hell if you kill yourself
lutherans believe Satan got to you
most scientific innovations came from protestant countries
prot countries are the richest and most peaceful
the single most powerful country in the world was started by prots
just compare the rich and peaceful prot colonies and the crime ridden cartel hellholes that are catholic colonies
Protestants split from the Catholic church to worship more Jews. They aligned their canon to Jews and take authority from Jews rather than God.
I'm not religious, however,
Martin Luther didn't just say corruption is bad. He took a phrase from the New Testament and built an entirely different theology based on it. This has profound and grave implications like the removal of Sacraments which is something that goes way beyond criticism of the Catholic church, as it also disagrees with Orthodox doctrine; or the notion of universal priesthood.
From a purely theological point of view there is nothing wrong with the indulgences that Luther criticized, when they're depured of corruption and when the donor understands what he's doing. Indulgences are a form of charity. Contributing to the construction of churches, hospitals, monasteries etc. with your wealth is good for the soul.
Also you're completely forgetting the civil war part.
why are you speaking protestant/germanic and not catholic/spanish?
john calvin was more of a disaster than martin luther. at least the conflict with lutheranism could be easily composed through the adoption of cuius regio eius religio. calvinism couldn't, and it sparked a century of massacres and ultimately triggered the beginning of the end as it moved europe towards the principle of religious tolerance, whose inevitable consequence was religious freedom
you misunderstood luther
I wasn't particularly referring to Luther just Protestantism as a whole. Anyway he is beyond prideful to name a new religion after himself.
Luther didnt name anything after himself. Lutherans are just name invented after, lutherans themsevles called themselves evangelicals. Hence the Finnish Luthersn church called evangelic-lutheran church
actually Luther didnt even wanna split
Look up what his friends did in the sack of Rome
Animals, simple as.
Also Luther is a brownoid ironicatlly enough
Catholics are le brown
France, Austria, South Germany, Poland, etc.
no, Lutheranism was used during his time and is ascribed to what he believed.
actually Luther didnt even wanna split
...until he got excommunicated for trying to "correct" the Catholic church. Then he started his own church.
Sack of Rome (410)
brown since 1600s
very brown
South Germany
Russians arent white
Luther didnt support it and the church can only blame themselves for trying to oppress the poor and smaller cultures
it was essentially a fight against a totalitarian world government
LMAO sure, let's rape and destroy a city and kill 12000 civilians cause muh church is being a meanie and muh paying money to absolve sins.
It was a horde of brutes poked by Luther and the Emperor
yes, civilians always suffer in wars
should've let people use their language and not just insist on latin supremacy
Yep, unrepentant even to this day, typical.
No, the sack of of Rome was not necessary to get your religious independence and to shift the power from Rome to the German world.
The fact that you can't see how raping and killing random roman civilians, nobles and members of the church and pilaggin a city, all done by degenerate mercenaries, was completely unnecessary and gratuitous tells me all I need to know
never did I say it was not wrong
Germans dont represent me
all I said was that Rome had it coming