Just imagine born Filipin man. Your country's women all fuck sexpats for money, marry 60-year-old American boomers for green card and feel accomplished in life, and they become richer than Filipin men. I genuinely can't think of a worse fate than being a Filipin man. Suicide is the only option if born this brown midget race. lol
Just imagine born Filipin man. Your country's women all fuck sexpats for money...
Why do SEA allow their women to fuck foreigners without doing anything? Is their T that low?
i imagine it is because they're poor and have more important things they need to do
How can’t they get mad? Jfl imagine if Swedish women throw themselves at foreigners and make fun of their men, the alt right recruiting centres will have millions in line wanting to join them
Soon great king will liberalise you and we will come to fuck saudi pussy for cash
What are you talking about swedecuck do you really think your women are less of a sluts?
I bet even Filipin elementary school girls hate local men, they rather go with pedo anglos. lol
We are rich, and we have guys go to Slavic countries to fuck your women, not to mention that females here like local chads like this guy and they view white features as feminine, back in school the whiter the kid was the more likely he’ll get sexually harassed by other boys
Filipin men are ridiculously weak. They live in abject subhumanity whose purpose is to get mogged by foreign men physically and financially.
What is your problem?
Yes your chad rich men will fuck women wherever they go but when you are liberalised chad rich men from other countries will also fuck your women you will see
But that actually happens in your shithole but will never happen here
nonwhite """men""" should just realize they are pathetic and inferior to white men, aka REAL men, and they should stop breeding
It's not like japs are known for being big and strong either
SEA women fuck anyone not local men. There was this Japanese school teacher who creampied 12,000 Filipin women, and he wasn't even a millionaire, just a normal dude with average salary. Anyone can be a chad in SEA, except local men. lol
swedeanon got it right white/east asian men who usually choose women here also get the family as a package, and filipino men usually know that if their sister marries a foreigner they get easy money
i'm an ugly fuck and a filipina is fine with having sex with me, just like with majority of men here. unlike your country and korea, my country has one of the highest birthrates in asia, but cope on nippon kun you can fuck a robot waifu anyway
You mad?
Filipina slut gets creampied by a Japanese man
japanese men here are rich and tip well, you literally provide for the lifestyle of filipina and their family, i know this since i have friends who marry ojisans
arigato nippon kun
nope, i am honestly fine with it, japanese provide well to the girl and also to the family
Would the sexpat give them charity or something?
yup most likely, some even marry saudis since arabs are rich
That never happened, why would the sexpat give the cuck brother money
Only taliban women are safe. Saudi pussy will soon be available to the world
He gives money to the girl and she gives it to the brother you inbred muslim
sexpat gives money to wife -> wife gives it to family
many such cases here, usually happens with almost all sexpats. there is a reason why filipino chinese do not marry pure filipinos, is because they know that filipinos take advantage of then
I’ve never seen any good post with nip flag. Fuck Tachinbo.
You need to stop, it's not funny anymore
a friend of my dad married a filipina woman after divorcing. he's a lawyer in his 50 and big into star wars, he owns a porsche too. the filipina woman is like 20 years younger than him, but not very pretty.
Why u so mean bro
I prefer Filipino men
My grandfather hired a young Filipina housekeeper to clean his house. One day I went on vacation and left my cat with my grandfather to take care of. I put a camera in the garden to monitor my cat remotely, and I saw the Filipina girl giving my grandfather a blowjob.
Failopenises are so fucking ugly.
In the garden?
I put a camera in the garden to monitor my cat remotely
vgh land of voyeurism, i kneel
pic unrelated
Do they have to hang out with each other because their families are disgusted with their gross sexpat beahaviour and don't want to be seen with them?
Say that to his face bitch
Areas i wanna nuke ranking
1. Poojeetland
2. Kikeland (Israel and Wall Street)
3. Muhammaland
4. Japland
5. African Continent
I genuinely can't think of a worse fate than being a Filipin man.
Native Americans and similars are the ultimate cucks
Marrying thirdie women means you support her whole family. A friend of mine married some brazilian woman and he ended up paying for their entire home to be renovated. He continues to support them through his wife 16 years later.
Arabs women are just licking their chops for some BWC, they want white babies not brown.
Just imagine being born as a Japanese man. As soon as they leave their bubble the Japanese women are way more successful than them and ditch them for foreign men. In Japan they have tachinbos that are currently having sex with Chinese and Indian tourists everyday while majority of Japanese men are virgins. They can only feel accomplished by punching down and bullying us Filipinos.
Whyt boi cope