A handy guide to American regions

A handy guide to American regions.

Why do you hate the Midwest?

its a cultural void that thinks using tupperware and saying ope (something 90% of the rest of the country does too) makes them unique.
also i hate anyone who unironically calls themselves "German-American" or "Italian-American" or "Polish-American" and that's very common in the midwest.

t. seething southoid

Texas and Florida are not part of the south, nor is Missouri

All three are rightfully Southern clay and yankoid migrants will never change that .

this is retarded, norcal and the oregon and washington should be split from socal. WASHINGTON HAS NOTHING IN COMMON WITH NEVADA

Most Midwestern culture is Pennsylvania Dutch-derived.
It's about as old as Black and Anglo America and it isn't German.

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Your shithole would have collapsed within a decade if it was allowed to exist
It would have made Brazil look like Switzerland

nobody cares about the west you all are faggots and barely even american

switch the south around
SoCal people are absolute scumbags

Wrong. The Lower Midwest is Southern derived e.g Butternuts. The Upper Midwest is New England-Scandinavian derived. Pennsylvania Dutch stayed in Pennsylvania for the most part.

i wish you faggots would let us secede with british columbia

it really is funny, every single time a sourhron from the thirdie belt has this discussion they always try to claim Texas/Florida
Texas isn't even part of the fucking Power grid and Florida is an open air asylum

They are fundamentally free city states and their own distinct thing

If it were up to me you could. I think the 10th Amendment implies the right to secession and the U.S is objectively a federal compact i,e the creation of the states, which by right can be abrogated if done so democratically by a sufficient majority of any constituent part.

I'd love if the South and Midwest also seceded.

Pennsylvania Dutch are the "German"-Americans that pushed across the Midwest through the Ohio valley.
They had a thriving regional subculture here until the world wars when people suppressed it due to its association with Germans.
You can find culinary and linguistic, architectural vestiges of that culture as far west as some of the mountain states.

nevada and the west outside of LA, seattle, and portland is pure sovl

Why do people still live here? Even the farming is automated

The Ohio Valley was settled and pioneered by Virginians, North Carolinians and their Kentucky-Tennessee descendants. All the early figures of the Lower Midwest states (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois) were Southern by birth and such was the association that the Lower Midwest had with Kentucky-Tennessee that there was a real concern by the Lincoln Administration that those states might declare neutrality if Kentucky had seceded, as a huge % of them were of Kentucky birth or Kentucky parentage.

The Midwest has always been divided on a gradient between "Southerness" and "Canadianness". There might some Midwestern Pennsylvania Dutch micro-culture in areas, but it isn't the dominant culture of the Midwest and never has been.

Cheap housing and habit.
Prairie sunsets are nice too.

They are fundamentally free city states and their own distinct thing

damn straight

anon let them believe its a shithole, more for us

Settled by Southerners, slave states, joined the Confederacy, Southern accents, Southern food traditions, Southern music traditions. Seethe more Private Gomez, they're ours.

how are women winning

They hate you just as much as the north retard
Also it's corporal smith

please for fucks sake overhaul your power grid so ~200 people don't have to die due to regular September weather

The Midwest is a distinct block between Dixie and Canada and belongs to neither, distinct accent, food, architecture from both.
Amish Deitschereis are sprinkled across the region, insular vestiges of the old Pennsylvania Dutch and a lot of Midwesterners can trace their heritage back to the Fancy Dutch who were assimilated after the Civil War.

Kek no they don't.
Most of them (rightfully) refer to themselves as Southerners.

No, the people of the old Confederate states are scumbags, definitely even more so. The scumbags in SoCal at least have a live and let live worldview; the scumbags in the traditional southeast wanna control everything and everyone at all times, while claiming they're always being victimized by everything and everyone else they don't like, while also claiming any criticism or ridicule of themselves or their aggressive nature is a violation of their desire to "just be left alone," even though their definition of "just wanting to be left alone" is never having to encounter any skin-color, religion, gender, income group, belief, etc. that makes them uncomfortable or insecure anywhere they go. They'll call NYC a shithole they'd never want to visit and the country would be better off without, and then get mad at someone who's Indian and Hindu because said individual reminds them of 9/11, something they'll still have "strong feelings about that."

In summary, just as the southeast is always acting like victims but is actually the aggressors, it's also an accurate assessment to say they are genuinely mean, although whether they even pretend to be nice varies on experience and what race you are.

Simply wrong. The Midwest is several different regions cobbled together and didn't even have a name until the 1950s, moreso out of geographic and industrial necessity than cultural considerations. The Southern Midwest has long been associated as a northern terminus of the Upland South. Midwest runs a gradient from Kentucky-lite to Minnesota. The plains, though included, are their own thing as well with their own culture.

He actually believes them

lmao they're mocking you behind your back cleetus, nobody wants to be associated with your shithole states

AWFUL map lmao
Just absolute trash. Couldn't pay someone to come up with worse.

Do presidential candidates even bother to visit the deep south?

The Southeast is the only part of the United States that developed an organic culture and people-group. Why shouldn't they defend that? All the trouble the South has with the rest of the United States occurs when the rest of the U.S butts in and tries to turn the South into a civic-nationalist state. Which it isn't and never was.

What you call "controlling everything" is just assuring that we hand down our country and people in roughly the same shape to our posterity as it was handed down to us by our own elders. You come from a very individualistic society, rather than a communitarian one like the South, so you probably won't understand that.

They visit Georgia since it’s a swing state now.

Only a delusional lil chuddie would claim that the pnw isn’t sovl, just because there are some libtards there. it has the best nature in the country PERIOD

All the trouble the South has with the rest of the United States occurs when the rest of the U.S butts in

Take you Fugitive Slave Act and shove it up your ass

see nobody cares about the west faggot, you have no real differences between your states so stop LARPing and getting mad about your LARP.

Huh. I bet the next two conventions will still both be in the Midwest though. Maybe even still the great lakes.
I could see Cleveland and Detroit as the next ones.

this is such cope and feeding into their own delusions. it’s like saying new york isn’t part of the north and california isn’t part of the southwest because uhhh they have a lot of people or something

I'm talking about the modern day faggot. I swear you yankoid freaks claim we're the ones obsessed with the war but you all will never fucking shut up about it. Fighting ghosts to make yourself feel better about how fucking soulless you all are.

Cultural desert of the New World. If I were you all I'd hate myself too.

Pennsylvanians moved west and entered much of we call the Midwest today.
There's a distinct German-American block to this country and the Midwest and Pennsylvania are its focal points.

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uses map that shows my point of the southern midwest being upland southern and the northern being yankee/canadian.

Uhh. Okay. Thanks I suppose.

I'm talking about the Midlands.
It's sandwiched between them.

I lived in Florida for a bit and not a single time did I ever hear anyone call themselves a southerner, they were proud Floridians, or Cubans or rednecks or whatever else, but never EVER a "southerner"

They do call the upper part of the state LA (lower Alabama) but that's it.

Right, and its populationally and geographically the smallest part of the "Midwest". I already said there might be some Penn-Dutch microculture in a small part of the Midwest but its never been able to define the region, which never existed in anyones minds until the 1950s.

Yeah faggot that's called cultural imperialism. Are you seriously so retarded you don't understand that? Yanks want the whole country to be like them and can't stand different cultural regions existing so they migrate there and change things.

I mean, you can get around it all you want but it's definitely there.
Midwesterners didn't just materialize out of nothing.
They're Anglicized German-descendants and Amish populations are pockets of them that resisted assimilation.

This map is so wrong it’s not even funny

Great Lakes and Great Plains aren’t soulful but apparently Arizona, Delaware, and Washington fucking D.C. are

Southwest having bad food

Wigger country and Atlanta drill rap is classified as “good music”

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I lived there and it sounds like you never did. They do not see themselves as part of your cultural enclave.

For fucks sake even if some of them DID you would only be talking about maybe the top half while still excluding a bunch of cities because there's legitimately at least 6 different cultural groups that make up the state (the mouse, transplants from NYC, several distinct Hispanic groups which make up the entire South), and some more I can't recall

The north and panhandle are all white rednecks and the south is basically Cuba+Argentina+idk what else.

newsflash retard no one in nyc calls themselves a northerner, they call themselves new yorkers

Anglicized German-descendants

And basically by force, because iirc they were still printing newspapers in German until WW2 in parts of Wisconsin and probably some other places. Obviously two strikes and you are out though

Yeah, it's a shame.
People think of the Midwest as culturally bland but it's more like it's culture was ripped away from it by anti-German sentiment in the early 20th century.

My claim was that the Lower Midwest is Anglo-Southern and the Upper Midwest is some weird mutt-kettle originally settled by New Englanders. Your map shows that. Even the Midlands region on your map says it was mainly founded by English Quakers rather than specifically just the Pennsylvania Dutch.

Re, German ancestry, the 2020 census and mass DNA tests have revealed that its vastly overstated even in the Midwest. That map esspecially, as KY/TN don't have that much German ancestry.

As you can see in the 2020 map, English dominates KY/TN and is dominant, though less so, in the Lower Midwest.

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Also a pretty long history with socialism. Milwaukee had a socialist mayor for 24 years and a bridge named after him. Eugene Debs was from Indiana and died in IL.
I think he was the one who ran for president from jail and got a decent number of votes.

it was mainly founded by English Quakers rather than specifically just the Pennsylvania Dutch.

If you knew anything about this region's heritage you'd know that the Quakers and Penn Dutch sort of formed a singular cultural block called the "Plain Peoples".
Anglo Quakers got along well with Anabaptists due to both being pacificists who preferred plain dress and obviously there was a lot of mixing and overlap between the two.
It's part of why "Pennsylvania Dutch" isn't really German but rather like a synthesis of Anglo and German elements that had an ethnogenesis here in the US.

God bless those binnish-american yoopers

That's fair. Though, when you first started, you mentioned only the PA Dutch and left out the Quakers who formed the second, important half of the Midlands culture that arguably (IMO) dominates the Plains more than it does the eastern Midwest (Indiana, Ohio, Illinois etc).

The only thing I ever claimed was that the Lower Midwest is Anglo-Southern in origin, which it is, and that at least in the Eastern Midwest, the culture is a gradient from Kentucky-lite to Michigan-style Midwestern, whatever you want to call that.

The socialism was more of a thing of recent German migrants, not the foundational Anglo-German Midlands cultural synthesis this guy is talking about.

True, I'm just pointing out it's another Midwestern cultural trait, which ironically got stamped out right after the German language did because of the Soviets (it is ironic that McCarthy represented Wisconsin, but it ironically kind of matches the meme about Germany speedrunning every axis of the political compass within 40 years or however that goes).

It also directly correlates to what I was saying about the Lower Midwest being Anglo-Southern as well, because unlike the Upper Midwest and parts of the Midwestern plains, socialism was never a big thing. In fact, Indiana had the largest chapter of the KKK in the 1920s.

I would have preferred that the North was just the Quaker-Dutch synthesis aka PA plus the Midwest. I really don't like NY and New England.