advertise cheap unlimited alcohol inclusive holidays to poor trashy brits
get mad when poor trashy brits turn up
advertise cheap unlimited alcohol inclusive holidays to poor trashy brits
get mad when poor trashy brits turn up
their entire economy is based on the tourists from the north and our gibs and these worthless fucking cunts get uppity
>advertise cheap unlimited alcohol inclusive holidays to poor trashy brits
big tourism did this to benefit big companies and it fucks over us
it's like 8%, similar to italy, krautshit
me in my old age enjoying a country which is now basically just the florida/disneyland of europe
*prosts my fellow germanic*
not my problem, they don't come to my region
you literally have no industry you stupid cunt
doesn't the average person there live with their parents until the age of 39?
fucks over us
how? i get airbnbs, but resorts like benidorm?
diego's triggered by haaland
why does the white man in the far superior, english premier league make you browns seethe so very deeply?
i really did spam this meme for a year or so on Anon Babble but it really does trigger something very deep down in you doesn't it kek
whats your region called? i want to come and get drunk
currently looking into flights in vaguely defined quasi-separatist regions of spain which likely harbour an arabic derived name
Gonna be funny watching their whole economy crash with no survivors once anglos and germans are too poor to afford going there.
They do. They sell us cheap fruits and we outsource our car manufacturation there.
the frogs let the moors build their cars
no wonder Alpine constantly DNF's
What does entrar mean here
zamora, good luck not commiting suicide
nigga you gay? that pic is actually making fun of spaniards
90% of the clubs in Magaluf, Benidorm and Salou are owned by british. It is them selling cheap alcohol to your own people.
Anyways you brits descend from celts from northern Spain, so you are comming here to your ancestor´s land. So no problems.
If it's cheap it's cheap.
"nigga", i can't fucking read spanish despite the trillion thirdies accusing me of being mexican or argentine or whatever the christ
i just saw a brownflag posting haaland and i guess i became used to the wogs on Anon Babble seething over a gigantic white firstie ogre btfo'ing swarthy thirdie manlets in their stupid fucking sub-working-class sport.
what does the meme say? i'm not going to type the words in and i don't have any scripts setup to auto-transcribe-and-translate images yet
Merci de signaler les sessions afin qu'elles ne deviennent pas ennuyeuses,
resorts aren't that bad (still have some cons like making the economy more short-sighted) but the problem is airbnb's which is what more and more people are using nowadays
spainoids don't suffer
i honestly don't know why white europeans go to spain instead of turkey
mi mas sentido pesame
He's the so called chikaner, stop giving him (you)s, you're only fueling his mental illness
aaand another thread ruined by der chikaner
thank you for tacitly admitting i am not actually mexican
i may have autism's but i am still a human(white, male, morally incompatible with the current era) being with my own history and feelings and blah blah bl*transcript devolves into womenspeak*
off our meds today arent we
looks dry as fuck honestly
at least my city has a river but it's still grim
no idea, I don't lurk int that much
Oh ok. I’m not a native Spanish speaker, is that slang unique to your cunt?
He's not a finn. Take that back.
nigga it's just shitposting
i dont subvoc' and i touchtype so i read 1500wpm and type at about 120
does this make me an absolute shitposting menace?
but this website fundamentally exists for it
the ones that advertise and the ones that get mad arent the same ones, its not like spaniards share 1 brain, same applied to every "group"
It’s bringing money into your country, that’s huge. It’s like factory towns, the factory may only be 10-20 percent of the economy, but it’s the main thing bringing money IN. So it’s the driver of the economy. It shuts down the town is fucked. Now I wouldn’t say tourism is THE driver of Spain/italys economy but I think you guys underestimate the impact. If tourism went to 0 tomorrow you guys would be in dire straights. Places like Seville, Granada, cordoba would be giga fucked and even cities with other industry like Barcelona, Valencia would take a hit. The knock on effects would reach everywhere even Madrid wouldn’t come out unscathed and would be flooded by unemployed people from elsewhere.
Don't bother, individualism is not a concept/int/ is familiar with, this board is purely for people larping as anything but themselves, eye color being the only exception
Only 5-10% of the people in those cities work in tourism.
Anyways the traitors from the actual ""democracy"" literally destroyed 90% of our industry (the one that Franco created for 40 years) just to be allowed to enter in the EU in 1986. Socialist scum literally destroyed everything.
We were the 8th industrial power in the world in 1975.
How did you manage to miss the point. A similar amount of people will work at a factory in a factory town. The important bit is that it’s bringing money in, while most other economic activities are either moving money around within the town or moving money out. Is this the issue? Spaniards don’t understand economics?
The other guy said it well, while it pours decent money into our economy it's extremely short sighted in every aspect (perfect for politicians that only care about what happens in their 4 years), getting an actual industry would be much better in the long term. Sure, maybe we would have 5-10 years of young people not working during summers (which is where most of the jobs that tourism create come from, nothing stable) but in the long term we would develop a good industry
Places like Seville, Granada, cordoba would be giga fucked and even cities with other industry like Barcelona, Valencia would take a hit.
Neet hands wrote this post
neet hands
I prefer the term "clean unscathed beautiful not-ran-over-by-some-boomer-making-money-off-my-hands hands"
Stop being a leech Paco, but I guess all Pacos dream of being leeches.
im not the barcelonese scum known as chin*tas
Im a beautiful bee feeding off the sweet honey of Manolo's taxes
this is the quintessential Spanish mentality, you can no be more spanish if (You) try it.
estoy hasta los cojones de ser un sucio bichoñol en hilos muertos random, hay que resucitar /esp/ ipso facto
50% of the posts in /esp/ is just the moor fag talking to himself.
eh un respetito a fransua que tiene un culito magico que quita todas las penas
You are right you need to develop other industries. That would be good. But again you are seriously missing how economies work. Something that brings money in going away has severe knock on effects when it goes away. You are focusing on teenagers working as waiters and missing the point entirely. I don’t get how my factory town analogy didn’t work, doesn’t everyone know about factory towns? The point is because it’s bringing money in the entire economy depends on it. The factory can be tourism, or a scam call center in India, it doesn’t matter. Take away the thing bringing money in and money is only going out, and the place is fucked. Look around you, how much that you own was made in the city you live. You sent money out to buy it, it has to come back somehow. Tourists bring money IN, which is massively important.
but I don’t work in tourism
Doesn’t. Fucking. Matter. How are dumb hicks that live in factory towns smarter than Spaniards. They all know when the factory shuts down they are fucked. Even if they work at the grocery store.
Meanwhile in Amurica
doesn’t everyone know about factory towns?
Im a NEET with 0 life experience discussing economy on Anon Babble, do you think I know what anything you talk about means?
no wait, I didn't even read your high-effort post, I skimmed the first 2 lines, sorry
This thread
They are kind of a meme in the US. We used to have a TON of industry. So a factory would open out in the middle of nowhere, workers go there to live. Bars and grocery stores and doctors etc open to service the workers. They bring their wives, a town is born. But all the other jobs in the town are just circulating the money brought in by the factory workers. The factory is the thing making it all work. When we lost a lot of our industry those factories shut down. And the town turned into third world type shitholes. Many still “exist” that you can visit. It’s grim. It’s told as sort of a cautionary tale here, don’t lose that which drives your economy lest you become one of those towns.
te voy a aniquilar como te pille por los suburbios gitanos oscenses en los que resides
Estoy en Madrid Paco.
Not really, just the few owners of those beach resorts/Appartments where you spend your time, the rest of us get screwed.
It's not us hating tourists, this is about a few SOBS making money at the expense of the rest getting expelled from their homeplace, or not being able to leave their parents house.
I don't think the Schmidt's travelling in their Wohnwagen while surfing on the coast contributes to our economy.
You forced us to close/privatise the ones we had in the early 80/90s Our moustached SOB sold the country
Zamora... You might civilize him with wine...
Spain will forever be cursed by the hands of Jesus for sticking their peckers into Indians and negros
You missed the point. I said that socialist scum destroyed our industry in order to be a country for tourism. So these people working in tourism now would have worked for industrial plants if not for the socialist scum that literally deindustrialized us.
We had the industry and the EU wanted a country of tourism and the socialist scum did the conversion.
Maybe so. Regardless, trying to throw out tourists until you have industry built back up is a mistake.