Why are they lying so obediently on the floor?

Why are they lying so obediently on the floor?

slavs are naturally obedient and submissive

Slavs are goy cattle, the men are worth less than a sack of dogshit.

t. Anglo-Saxon

that is a slavic male


you had a puppet president for 4 years

t. bbc slavson

bazzed.webm - 736x414, 2.01M

No, that's a typical Germanic male.

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get back in the trench timmy, putin got some bulls for your gf

russian men and american men should abandon their women and love eachother

rusame.png - 794x604, 395.03K

get back in the tr-ACK

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lmao why are wyppl like this?

What's going on here ?

russians being rounded up for conscription

generational genetic trauma from being expelled from Africa by our BVLL ancestors

i'm starting to think only Meds are anarchic but also smart enough to not be a race of slaves, when I see those images I feel bad for those slavs but I also understand why anyone would want to beat the shit out of them, it honestly makes me sich to my stomach to see young men groveling and submissive like that, just blast your drill sergeant and go in a cloud of glory

Those are hohols.

you cant prove that

that one time he forgot his canadian vpn on


different filename from the rest, I think it's two different ziggers

fresh meat for the meat grinder


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these are Chikaner levels of obsession and shilling. I hereby nickname him Gypsaner

Yes, I can. The cars have Ukrainian number plates.

why does a ukrainian plate have a russian flag?

It has a ukrainian yellow blue flag.

Maybe niggers and jews being the only ones left in the planet is actually God's plan, holy shit I've never seen anthing more pathetic than white liberals, if whites are just over 50% of this type of people a global genocide is truly in order and completely justified.

i see white red blue

hohol plates look like euro plates but there's a ukraine flag instead of the circle of 12 stars on the blue strip.
rusdog plates have a 2-3 digit region code number on the right side above a small russian flag

russians could have easily stolen a ukrainian plate and put it on their van

that's because you're a delusional nafoid, that is so used to take lies and deception for real thing that you imagine even wrong flags in videos like this.

kill yourself nafolard


literally insane delusion

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i admit i see a ukrainian flag i just wanted you to reply to me i miss talking to russians

Why are Slavs so submissive and breedable? If these folks were anglo they would fight to the death with their knives and shopping mall hand to hand combat training

yeah sure, when you consider how in the last 3 years russians have shown how competent they are they'd definitely make fake ukrainian license plates to beat up a bunch of russian volunteers and peddle it as anti hohol propaganda on Anon Babble

already explained it here:

if these folks were anglo

me too
I was rangebanned from Anon Babble for like half an year for some mysterious reason, don't even kbow why and when the ban got lifted

welcome back i hope one day the russian population here can rebound but im afraid the good times of 2020-2022 is over

may be they'll return once trump strikes a long-awaited peace deal, anyway let's hope for the best