Why do indonesians hate indians?

why do indonesians hate indians?
i heard indonesia was hindu and they used to worship india and indian culture
is this a self-hating?

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its like how pakis call turks there brothers

why don't you go have children, jin-woo?

Because European Divide and Rule. Indonesians worship the Dutch who ruled and massacred them for hundreds of years.

yes and? we're not hindu anymore and our culture is beyond indian

indog history is that of getting conquered
now they cope that being mudslime rapebabies makes them superior

t.indo aryan rape babies

t. conquered by mughal while we join peacefully

sooo troooooo sistah
how is that ummah working out

we join peacefully

top kek this was what every mudslime believes from araps to sea monkeys
because chimping out would've gotten you beheaded

fuck those myanmar pajeet too

tell me how arab conquered java

wouldn't that just prove we hate your kind equally?

ummah rat they're more related to you culturally genetically and religiously than me

I don't hate India/Indian
I do like making fun of them though

I only genuinely hate chinks, nips, gooks basically any kind of slint eyed monkeys

your kind

self hate isnt healthy chuslim

they're dravidan swamp pajeet

majority hindu

saar we joined peacefully

majority muslim

saar we joined peacefully

truly buckbroken people

why do indonesians hate indians?

Most of the enmity are literally because of those dirty Indian street food videos with a dash of Hindu vs Islam internet war and that's it. Most Indonesian never see an Indian in their actual real life.

self hate

sorry but i'm pretty consistent with my stand
tell that to our leftists here who support immigrations, they're like you too who hate islam

see how they're the one who always the first who bring religion unprompted, hate that shit


you wish
kangalis are part gook like you
they have no genetic link with any "Dravidians"

bring religion unprompted



the irony is lost on mystery meat chink mudslimes

least self aware indian

kangalis aren't indian
this chart contains only Indian ethnic groups

Inb4 they are same as Indian bengalis

they're not

its like being how people dislike being associated with niggers back before jews made them hip and cool. indians are lowest caste of Anon Babbleernational races in modern times even literal starving africans are more well-liked than them. no hate on indians personally just saying how it is

kek it do be like that

truly buckbroken people

Reminds me of how pajeet get their independence by begging and starving themselves like an uppity schoolgirl.

Saar redeem the independent or I won't eat saar.

What I dont understand is why they only do it to us but not to other SEAs
I don't want the burden of being associated with Indians is carried by us alone, especially when countries like Myanmar is way more closer to them thsn us

It's pretty funny that I think your females look mexican like from oaxaca and puebla and that gets me hard as fuck

we're their second paki to seethe on
they think we hate & opress hindu too for some bizarre logic

cucking le anglos without lifting a single finger is le uppity schoolgirl behaviour

pretty based in my opinion manlet mudslime monkey

It's the name you idiot, INDOnesia. Blame the father of that bullmother for that one. Myanmar has more pajeet sure, but nobody cares because they virtually didn't exist.

we're their second paki to seethe on

don't give yourself too much credit, that's your cousin bhangali

indios are just brown siberian
common ancestor & convergent evolution



I didn't know they hate indians.
Who told you that.
Although.....I can't blame them

how about maldives they're muslim too

No, it has nothing to do with religion, like at all
We still have communities that adhere to local versions of hinduism (bali, tengger, some osing) and we still preserve the heritages from our animistic, buddhist, and hindu past
There is no major hindu-muslim conflict here either, unlike in the subcontinent
Just read all the indian posts in this thread of yours and you will understand why:
Pajeets are just insufferable, that's all

Only indians and blacks (diaspora) still whine about muh yuropeans

Ancient prose writing Indian is different from modern poop eating Indian

nobody cared about maldives until their leader chimped out
after a few months of news cycle nobody cares still

I've never seen Indonesians bring up religion unprompted?
Have you, indian?

>cucking le anglos without lifting a single finger is le uppity schoolgirl behaviour

Hurting yourself without drawing a blood from your oppressor is "not lifting a finger now"? wow okay then, you guys are truly the dalit of the world. Even the Jews can fight once cornered.

Bengalis in the state of west bengal with indian passports are the exact same as us

anything remotely related to India

bhangli is always there like a rabid dog

worse he has admitted this in one of the general threads

i thought indonesians were that monkeys
because coach shin tae-yong said indonesians are inferor compared to south koreans on our media

I don't Indonesia was ever majority hindu>they'r

Wtf are you talking about?

Mfw >70% aasi genes

We are more Dravidian than half the Dravidians in India.

That flag

Talking about cucking anglos


Let's be real.
Pakis are your second kanglus now

Why do x hate indians?
Who doesn't lmao?

Yes it is, malaysia has worse infestation than us yet they rarely get associated with pajeet for some reason.

m'leyjeet.jpg - 1076x1727, 423.5K

yeah imagine I get to cuck anglos just by the threat alone, wild isn't it?
so based that even your government unveiled gandhi's statue in your sexpat country
that's how much he's revered

without drawing a blood from your oppressor

subhuman monkey comprehension

no point arguing with 12yo bjp pajeet.
ask every other cunt on Anon Babble, 90% of them will tell you indonesia is better than india. we won by default

before you tag me, go ahead create a new thread if you dare

india & indonesia flag.png

which one is better

even if all diaspoo and your discord vpn army spam it, deep down (you) know the truth



How are indians this painfully self unaware

Why do ____ hate Indians

There’s supposed to be a different answer for everyone?

Trust me they're the same.
If you can't handle them at their poop eating moments, you don't deserve them writing prose


What threat? None of you pajeet can even win a single battle against the brits. Truly the most pathetic of all race.


Woah, sukhdeep, I know we are better but that doesn't mean you need to equate us to your god.