Is there an ongoing gender war in your country? which side do you sympathize more with?

is there an ongoing gender war in your country? which side do you sympathize more with?

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Ugh, guys are such jerks. You got a snapchat, babe?

Flip the order top/bottom and then it becomes accurate

both depicted accurately as NPCs at least

I fugging hate gender politics and the subhuman low iq individuals that spout on about it, its so cringe. Am I really supposed to care about all these meaningless bs issues?

The fbi uses the flawed Duluth model made by the misandrist Ellen Pence who falsely believed that men couldn't be raped.

Your statistics are inherently flawed and biased against males

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Me on the right

women don't have real problems so I don't care when bad things happen to them

White men have no real problems

White men are the only people with real problems

believed that men couldn't be raped.

Men can only be raped by other men.

Women can also rape men, take your false statistics and shove them up your simp arse.

Femoids live on tutorial mode compared to me so I'mI make a point to never help them or acknowledge their existence
Just the other day I slammed the door into some whores face when she expected me to hold it for her like a good little cuck

If a man is so weak he can get raped by a woman he deserves it

Unironically sympathize more with the women.
But I also have a gf.

Would you apply your same logic to women who are raped by men?

No, because women are not men you worthless inverse woketard

self-imposed problems are not real problems

women have been mass pysoped by fiction such as the gender pay gap and le patriarchy.
any discussion of men's problems has them respond with a whataboutism involving these or other things.

No because 95% of women are weaker than 95% of men due to biology


Nothing this dramatic. Americanised young people might take up positions, but most of us just get along like normal.

well, women here hate women more than men, so yeah, there's a gender war

50% of all Australian males have suffered genital mutilation. Why aren't you campaigning for male genital mutilation to be banned in Australia just as female genital mutilation is banned?

I don't talk to women so I hardly know what they're like. I'm a permavirgin who's going to die an incel so thankfully I'm spared from the bullshit I constantly hear sexhavers have to put up with.
I don't really have any qualms with women in general though, my interactions are generally neutral to positive. However, unlike most men, I don't view women overtly as sex objects because I know at an instinctive level that I'm pussy repellant.

Don't think it really happens nowadays, but sure they should ban it.

c'moon saar...

How do you feel about the fact that feminists downplay the harm caused by male genital mutilation?

I've never seen or heard anyone advocate it in real life. Would be a weird thing to support.