Why do leftists/progressives and Mega-corporations have the exact same opinions on migration, globalism, censorship...

Why do leftists/progressives and Mega-corporations have the exact same opinions on migration, globalism, censorship, hate speech, internet algorithims, taxes, regulatory departments, Ukraine, enviromental laws, Blacks, LGBTQ, fertility, advertisers, feminism and abortion?

Genuinely what does Black Rock get out of pushing LGBT and environmental stuff? I understand "diversity" and migration and such, cheap labor and all, but what do they gain from accepting gay people?

The goal is to make people weirder, its just that.

Back to /gaygen/ with you, lad.

They rightfully have an imposter complex from being handed everything in life and wrongfully think that because they were given everything for free that everyone with two pennies to rub together received them for free and success or failure is down to complete chance.

But why? What is the end goal?

Enviromental regulations are very good at creating ridiculous ammounts of regulations and bureucracy only large companies can deal with (sometimes) and functionally allows you to deploy a buffet of lawyers with political cover to lobby against your competition thriving locking them forever.

As for faggots? They are fifth collumnists and very effective activists/zealots.

They were originally exploited by soviets. When soviets fell someone stood in to fill the void. They are hevaily subversive and support the other myriad of causes (its also related with political opportunism and partisan funding, attemtps to reduce fertility to gain long term access to housing markets, infantilize the population to rurn them into better consumers, etc)

Some wikileaks shows the US intelligence agencies also pushed LGBT domestically

The end goal was to disrupt the continuation of the family unit, over 2020-2022 there was a large push in the LGBT with lots of focus on the T which lead to a large boom in boomer and genX adults coming out to their families as Trannies, kind of like that awful family guy episode with quagmire's dad.

Single parent families spend and take loans out more recklessly than normal families.


Literally braindead
Btw brainwashing is a term popularized by chinese commies.

all political discourse is engineered by extremely rich people to fuck you over
everyone plays for the same (their) team

I think trannies work as trojan horses to disrupt culture. Besides being the logical termination of relativist marcusian and frankist gender brainrot they are also very often porn addicted nerds/incels starved for power and very vocally activistic

They are groomer soldiers that pozz all "nerd" communities they didnt had foothold on, like trannime

But i think it just runs down to them being a sort of secular religion and trannies the most dogmatic wing of the cult, when you reject some notions so basic you are a literal npc.
Also they are sold hormones en masse ndhelp tighten censorship

the elites wield identity marxism as a weapon against the populations as means to flood labor markets in order to suppress wages, raise rents & prevent unionization, destroying national identity with demographic replacement creating easily exploitable economic zones into which they can insert their feeder tubes to suck out all prosperity, you will own nothing and you will be happy

For enviroment its actually very profitable for them all brandon did during his term was give out hundrerds of billions of climate subsidies to corpos and he almost did nothing as it comes to social issues same for the big corpos as it comes to social issues its just empty pandering basically in the west average left-leaning/center people do care about abortion and lgbt rights..etc while big corpos care about military aid and large subsidy programs biden obviously only did the latter then harris/democrats act surprised when their voters abandoned them
i think the main reason of the rise of right-leaning populism in the west is the failed approach to dealing with climate change so when the economy goes sour people simply blame that
also there are a lot of right leaning mega-corpos in the west such as tesla,blackstone,oracle..etc
its always hilarious how blackstone is almost never mentioned while they're the ones who mainly focus on buying up housing while blackrock is always mentioned probably because the ceo of blackstone endorsed and supported trump so he gets a pass

there is none. Not everything you disagree with is a conspiracy you Anon Babblerotted moron.
The majority of people are in favor of LGBT rights. Companies want to appeal to the majority of people. Companies pander to those ideals because the majority supports them.
That's all it is.

If 90% of people wore green jackets every company would be doing green week and green sales and green logos. It's called having a business sense.

But i think it just runs down to them being a sort of secular religion and trannies the most dogmatic wing of the cult, when you reject some notions so basic you are a literal npc.

Also they are sold hormones en masse ndhelp tighten censorship

Something I forgot to mention is that trannie surgeries and medications are really expensive and somehow covered by most medical insurances with a quack therapist note.
Hospitals get rich off of them.

either you're a shill or incredibly gullible

Yeah exactly
also to clarify inb4 someone says blackstone is less relevant or smaller
blackstone's market cap is much bigger than blackrock's

Not even diversity makes sense. They could easily set up an autonomous zone or outsource to a developing country that has no unions. There's some motivator other than profit because corporations already have multinational status and use countries like Ireland to tax evade.

prove me wrong. I know you are here in your paranoid echochamber thinking LGBT acceptance is a worldwide jewish plot to make your kids gay, but that's complete bullshit.

majority of people favor LGBT

Absolute bullshit. Florida and many other states refused to accept things like gay marriage until 2015 rolled around and the feds mandated it. I remember when leftists were complaining about bank bailouts, then in 2010 or so every single megacorp got in on it and replaced the narrative to be about oppression, diversity, etc. People hated this so much that it caused them to vote Trump. You can find clips of Obama opposing gay marriage too.

Companies just do what they think won't lose them customers. Conservatives fail to mobilize large boycott campaigns which is why companies feel free to do this. The year when there was that huge backlash against Bud Light, a lot of companies didn't do any pride month virtue signaling out of fear.

I think it's more about choosing the 'safe' route. Chuds aren't gonna stop buying your shit, even though they say they will and the other team won't burn your house down for not being woke.

LGBT acceptance is a worldwide jewish plot to make your kids gay

This is true. And also to erode living standards by making people literally mentally ill.

See but you are simply dead wrong. Yes Obama opposed it because the majority of people opposed it. Biden was against too, it was political suicide to advocate for gay rights. But public opinion shifted, just like how you can openly talk about legal weed now where in the 70s 90% thought it was a deadly poison.
again, that's what your insane echochamber on Anon Babble told you, but it's not based on any facts. First of all you can't make someone gay. Fucking read a book idiot.

Blackstone CEO endorsed trump, the LGBT stuff is more related to reconfiguration of priorities, LGBT types will cheer corporate advertisers and their mafias double crossing musk and the entirety of silcon valley information industrial complex being democrats in so far they push their agenda, because the recent memory is that the establishment as bush and "the rich white males", more intuitive, its pretty easy to hide yourself under the facade of progressive when you reconfigurated the rights of some groups like minorities to believe that if your financers and representatives dont win they will be sent to death camps. libeling the "old regime" (say, rednecks in missouri) and accusing them from privilege as you chill in a duplex from NYC is also cynical and proves allegiance to the global multinational lords

blackstone and housing market speculators/saturators benefit the most from migration, this is a deadass obvious relation, and accesibility to land leads to monopoly over consumption good distribution, and when they build they petty corporate towns they can tell you to have x opinion and vote z because otherwise its hate speech and they can kick you out or raise your rent or whatever

i think all these "woke" societies will evolve in some fashion of renter feudalism with digital propaganda religions, likely adopting symbology and the appearence of marxism or communism to justify their legitimacy and benevolence

because you won't do shit. amazon prime video could put gay nigger tranny elves in rings of power and you would still watch it. they will stop doing this shit when it's no longer profitable, aka when people stop consuming their products or the government sanctions them. until then they have no reason to stop

Because leftist (socialists, unionists, anticapitalists) are actually the biggest threat to megacorpos so they try to appear as "ally" to them. They already have right-wing under their control so they don't care about marketing to them

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What are you talking about, leftists don't have same opinion, commies hate us with passion for example while non-radicals usually don't

But public opinion shifted

because of corporate propaganda and lobbying from federal agencies. there is literal documents showing tech companies were writing emails with content like "we cannot let this happen ever again" when trump won 2016, they started censoring and curating algorithims because what people actually liked (racist rethoric, homophobia, edgy humor) was politically and economically against their agenda, which involves importing a gorillion mexicans to america regardless of what the general opinion on the topic is, exactly the same in canada. there is obviously special interests with an agenda

no one is asking for black people in medieval fantasy movies, is a troupe that was force-fed to the general public

majority of people accept LGBT

California, one of the most leftist states in thr US, voted against gay marriage

You forgot about porn…

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Because leftist (socialists, unionists, anticapitalists) are actually the biggest threat to megacorpos so they try to appear as "ally" to them

they actively finance them lmfao

leftists only punch very low in the scale, they go after middle sized producers and entrepeneurs when still eating slop from nestle and goldman sachs

they will burn aunt martha coffee store during blm and barely scratch a starbucks (which can cover the damage anyway).everyone wins!
notice how antagonistic they are to any criticism to establishment talking points be it eating bugs or roiding teenagers with body dysmorphia

internet algorithims,

tell me more.
I have not heard of this

ik it doesnt matter cuz its already allowed federally in the US but california this year voted to repeal proposition 8 and establish a right to marry passed by like 63% if i recall

Consumers have no standards. You can put literally anything in front of them and they'll like it. The only reason they'll swap around gender and race is because consumers are so stupid that somehow they'll see an old IP remade and be goaded into watching it because of a casting choice. It's textbook postmodernism the average person is poisoned by commodity fetishization and has no idea what goes into making a movie, writing a script, or animating something. They can barely tell the difference between animating on 2s and 1s despite the difference in effort, they look at the references and shadows on the cave wall and getting the feeling there's some greater narrative at work while being completely disinterested in the craft.

Gay marriage was forced on Americans by the Supreme Court

Many other states did this too throughout many election cycles and they always pass

Gays and soys are the biggest consoomers in the market, more than woman. Apealling to them Is a big profit.

Destroying family values, traditions, religion and all kinds of moral is a great way to sell beer to Muslims, reducing families and making them more dependent on the government, reducing their rights and individualism so they won't be able to revolt and much more
A lot of these powerful people are gay themselves or have them in their families, so of course they will push for it

They are losing obscene ammounts of money in the videogame industry
Very well known as a male dominated industry
Just to push gay shit
This year was Flop after flop
Ubisoft monetization director had a meltdown on linkedin because chuds are boycotting their games and making them flop AND THEY WONT STOP.

They run at a loss. It makes no sense. It feels like the entire movie/TV/music industry is being replaced by social media. We've had a writer's guild strike since 2008. I remember when shows were still good and you could put on almost anything and it would be enjoyable. Now it's like digging for gold. I get the impression they're deliberately trying to nuke traditional media because both sports and TV combined make less money than video games.

Your pic answers your own question

LGBT = lower birth rates, which leads to immigration. But in the end, all answers are in the early life section of the owners of Black Rock

youtube algorithim recomends leftoid content, and Alphabet (Google+YT) Employees and owners are all democrat donors, Google main page itself only ever indexes liberal journals


Facebook/instagram not only actively banned trump but they deranked and shadowbanned foxnews/the new york post and conservative content after j6 and covid stuff

TikTok is a literal CCP mouthpiece and just going by whi wants to keep free trade and who wants to tariff chinks you can figure who tiktok supports and what ideology it spreads regardless down to the palestone issue

And then you have pre-musk twitter
Read the twitter files
They would ban, shadow ban and rderank and conservative talking points and take down content at request of the DNC

Reddit corporate is self evident

Put this in conjunction with obscene ammounts of censorship and bias down to twitch and discord grooming centers.

Im surprised trump managed to bypass the entire information ecosystem against him and win

Well if you're in a gay marriage you basically need to get your union verified by government. I can see the desire for it from an administrative standpoint. Apart from this there's literally no profit, because it's becoming more and more apparent that government doesn't want more people. If India and China have a population of over 1.4 billion and yet they can't invent anything clearly more population doesn't equate to more innovation, so families seem to be more of a novelty now. Previously people had like 4-5 kids to help them on the farm, the Amish do this, but now the average household doesn't really benefit from kids, it's an expense.

Are you defending early 2000 media? Bro it was always shit, it always appealed to degenerate nerds aka soys, now appeals to degenerate gay nerds that are the rising population. Nothing has changed at all, but at least the scripts make them produce things like Lord of the Rings. Read a book from Dostoievski or Don Quixote you would have a meanigful Time, at least if you dont believed in the Lord.

the issue probably isnt woke although some people have a problem with that
people just dont play new video games anymore the market is basically consolidated in a handful live service games such as apex..etc (some of these have a lot of "woke" stuff and they're popular ) imo ubisoft's fault is not focusing on rainbow six siege which is their most popular multiplayer game but instead they keep trying to pump out new games (assassin creed slop..etc) which nobody plays anyway they're should've been like valve (i mean just focus on one or two multiplayer titles) valve's strategy is doing that with cs2 and deadlock

to drive people who would otherwise support the left to the right. It's extremely effective.

They don't all share the same opinion on these things. You're just convinced they're all thee same because you're in the other tribe.

but now the average household doesn't really benefit from kids, it's an expense.

Massive bullshit, the only difference is that kids aren't allowed to work, so it increases the delay, but overall kids still raise the family autonomy in all ways possible, not only in economy, but in security.
If you have a big family, you won't rely on the state to fix your problems. You'll, just like your ancestors did, use your family as a direct solution for it. All of that has been replaced by more and more power coming from the state and now they decide basically everything using laws that were created by politicians that have no idea on the culture/religion of every part of the population.
Reducing families is a way to take away the power from people and force them to rely on the state, because you won't have a brother to call for help, you won't have parents to take care of you, etc...

gop has twitter and fox news..etc or are oligarchs bad only when they're seen as being on the opposing side to right-wingers?

If kids were allowed to work you'd see an instant increase in population. They're not allowed to work, so that proves my point. Also you need to send your kids off to school for 8 hours a day, sure you can say I'm going to have 8 kids and raise them all as carpenters, but they still need a certification to build anything and if you try doing it yourself you'll likely get stopped by state actors. You can get a pass on this using religious freedom loopholes, but government only accepts religions they can control like Mormons and Amish who pretty much need to swear pacifist oaths.

Mega-corporations are motivated only by money. To your average leftist the lefty marketing they do is seen mainly as sovless pandering.
Also half of those issues there's some variation on. Why assume they are all the same unless it just confirms your own feelings?

gop has twitter

very good attempt to save face, i very explicitly mentioned Twitter before musk"
Twitter existed like 16 years before 2022, and has only been shifting to the right since 2023, a single year of not having total hegemony over literally every single social media and suddenly we have to backtrack in "ashktually, the left is opressed by twitter"

there is a single foxnews against: MSNBC, CNN, The guardian, The WaPo, The New york times, the washington posts, Times, The economist, Politico, NBC news, ABC news, the PBS.

and there is a single twitter against: Discord, Google, Youtube, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitch.

As for media: Prime Video, Netflix, Disney+

if you lose despite having a near total oligopoly over all radio waves you might want to double check the popularity of your opinions and the order of cause and effect

This is just what upper class people believe anon, they all come from the same social class.

I'm gay and I'm not even married or anything BUT I get a little confused on why people get so assblasted by the idea of two men getting married amd basic lgbt rights.
Most people I know admit that gay people exist, I bet most of you guys do, so where exactly is the problem here?
Nothing in your life will actually change, for real. It might ac5ually get better, so why all the hate? Move to Russia or some weir place that most gays have to live a life of absolute sadness and despair if you don't like it.

but muh traditions

If your traditions do not see or accept a HUGE part of human reality and condition, why think this tradition has any value et all?
Gay people are basically the proof your God and sacred texts are fake, and many people choose the latter.

gays are just peados but with the same sex instead of children

Absurd comparison. The fact that you can wither gay or straight pedophile is a proof sexuality is a dimension while pedophilia is actually a paraphilia. And there is a good reason for pedophilia to be a crime, but not homosexuality. What crime exactly are two adult gay persons commiting? The answer is any.

but I don't like them

Whatever, I also don't like straight people that much and find straight sex kinda disgusting, but that's only natural and I unserstand different people have different tastes. The weird thing is wanting the other to be a crime. That's what you guys do and pretend its us who are trying to regulate your life using weird neo-nazi philosophies to justify your hate.

because theyre right

mega corporations just follow whatever is more popular to maximize profits

where is the gay gene? just like pedos it doesnt exist its a fucked up psychology thing NOT REAL just like trannies

Why do corporations, governments and fascists on twitter all have the same opinion on the October Revolution, the Soviet Union, communism, the working class, atheism and Marxism?

No straight gene also. Sexuality has nothing to do with genes or hormones.

The fact that you can't find the left handed gene also does not mean left handed people do not exist.

grey-scare word salad

Pushing moral norms that conflict with traditional religion (namely Christianity) it undermines adherence to Christianity.
Getting rid of religion is necessary to make people easily susceptible to brainwashing.
The Soviets did research on this.

straightness is normal and natural even children are straight i was a popping boners to women before i knew what getting one meant but gays are deformed and broken just like pedos and half of pedos are gay society should not accept it its bad for birthrates

So why do they all slander communism?

You have to inderstand that majority =/= normal.
Norms are certains rules, majoroty is just the majority.
There is no rule in nature that says two mem or two women can't fall in love, it's actually quite the opposite. My existence is a proof nature actually wants this to happen.
You are thinking your own experiences are universal and huge part of society agrees with you that's why you are so confident but it is just not real.

yeah why would anyone slander communism

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red scare ended like 30 years ago king, now corporations use communist symbols and allow CCP propaganda outlets like tiktok to operate in america

average zoomie thinks pol-pot is a type of chicken curry

Lots of typing mistakes but it's because I'm walking while I write this.

its evolution it IS the rules of nature you faghole we are not above animals and mating and procreation is step fucking one unless you think we are then its the rules of god you are transgressing because there is no way to look at gays and think they are not warped AND its bad for society as a whole.

You are thinking your own experiences are universal and huge part of society agrees with you that's why you are so confident but it is just not real.

thats what you are doing you fagzillian

leftism is luxury

Procreation is not the ultimate goal of creation. Lurk moar.

fuckin retard

Why are you arguing with a faggot? Lmao

They thought it was the next big thing along with ESG. They dropped it earlier this year because it was a dogshit investment.

Class interest obviously, fear of the working class and loss of property.
Which communist symbols lol, in half of capitalist Europe they're banned as in 1919-1944.

CCP propaganda outlets like tiktok

I don't think Chinese communists care about girls dancing.

people asking these question dont actually want an answer, they have a ready made bullshit answer and just want it to be reinforced
so its globohomo mario, obviously, worldwide conspiracy

Narcissism is good for business

Basically they are trying to maintain Western hegemony by spreading new moral guidelines to the world.
Countries like China, India, SEAsian countries, and middle-eastan countries will get more and more relevant, which is invitable.
To maintain its hegemony, having a moral high ground is important. It's to keep thier positons that they can decide what's good or bad, who should make more money or not, etc.
That's absolutely important from an economic standpoint especially in the long term.
It's also useful when you want to downplay what Israel is doing to Palestine for instance.

There are genuine leftists out there too, though.

If kids were allowed to work you'd see an instant increase in population

It's not the 1800s anymore, a kid can't partake in the current economy unless you make him do the job the average illegal mexican does and even then he won't produce near as much.
Btw you arguing that you can't do anything if you lack a certificate doesn't make sense. Do you expect a nobody that never studied to make a building? People have aren't poorer than they were 30 years ago, they are simply used to a different ideology that has demonized having kids because increasing the population is supposedly bad and that women should behave like men, that's the root cause for the problem and not kids being banned from working or the government asking for certificates. I'm not an ancap, the state is necessary, but it should have limits.

not actively pushing a ideology is what makes you lose customers

its more like you want the answer to be more simple and clean than it is because the idea of a corporation conglomerate with a GDP about 150 times that of your country having having a social engineering agenda makes you feel bad.

i wonder if russians under soviets went like "well, the government going after the church is just for economic reasons"

Jesus did not procreate.

Its such a reddit braindead take desu
Just like believing the US intervention in MENA was "just for oil"

It requires a special type of reddit brain that would only accept information if it comes with "the guardian" logo on top

I did a lot of political soul searching over the last few years and I've come to the conclusions that I'm socially progressive at heart after all and that africans and arabs don't belong in progressive societies.

The simplest explanation I can think of is this;

Nationalism, since it's earliest inception, has always been a means to empower the masses, to give them a single cause to rally around. A single focal point by which all people of different social class can aim their energy towards. In the American Revolution, the French Revolution, South-American wars of independence, and many European revolutions of the 18th-19th centuries, including the formation of the States of Germany and Italy - all of these huge changes to the social order of the time came about through the pursuit of the nation-state, or, a state which is born out of the desire for a given people to become the rightful owners of their own destiny.

The one thing that could motivate people to tear down the current world order - imposed by the global elite, who operate via multinational organisations, treaties, trade, etc, and who impose their agenda through economic control and blackmail - is nationalism. Every globohomo policy or ideology that they push is being pushed with the sole intention of destroying nationalism, and preventing any kind of social upheaval by destroying the most powerful catalyst for revolution.

That is why progressive liberals have complete control over higher education, why DEI is a thing, and why it is being pushed by the most corrupt and unethical megacorporations/conglomerates, and why mass immigration is being facilitated.

It is a war on the nation-state itself.

the russian church and every religious institute was infiltrated and controled by the state in the soviet block
you shitskins have no fucking brain

nigga there are self-professed communists working in universities in every western country, same cannot be said of other fringe political ideologies
people talk shit about communism because of its track record

Just passing by to say that all right-wingers are retarded.

i was a progressive mostly, became pretty disilusioned when i realized progressive movements were simply platforming and giving footing to reactionary third worldist brown fashoids to push their ideology and abandoned it alltogether. too easily predated to exist, lacks libido.

t.bryane kevinx choque washington mamani

I still think the world predicated by progressivism is fundamentally good and worth striving for, it just has no room for niggers and we need to internalize this fact while implementing social reforms.

Kill small business owners with hammers. We ride or die with big business

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