New map. What do you think?
New map. What do you think?
Why does it matter if they give livestock antibiotics?
I have some serious doubts about this map. People here think American meat is full of chemicals and estrogen. I'm sure they are correct.
No wonder the white man's meat tastes so bad
mexicans take antibiotics like they're candy anyways
t. literally just took an antibiotic a few minutes ago
What do you need them for?
Does native blood give you poor immune systems?
Accelerating the evolution drug-resistant bacteria
Generally a sign of low standard of animal care
Yup, we're chinese ÷p
i have massive balls of pus growing out of my neck every few days and they hurt like a motherfucker when i lay down, the doctors say they're "inflamed lynfatic nodes" so i've been taking the medicine for a couple years
Ok so nothing very critical, just "maybe bad"
MRSAs arent a maybe
These had already popped but they grow to the size of a grape and the skin around it bleeds a lot. They have blood and oily liquid inside and they shrink when i take my meds
Why does this happen?
Bats don't need antibiotics.
It's a bad idea to consume antibiotics for any trivial thing, it makes the body more resistant to it making it less effective when you have a real problem
i have no fucking clue the doctors say its just allergy but they happen anywhere regardless of dust, cleanliness, or wherever i am
if i had been told theres just "a cure" i would've taken it, if i had been told i just need to not take the medicine for a while i wouldv'e done it. I just want to lay down and it not hurting
Basically first world map
I just want to lay down and it not hurting
that's fine, you clearly have a real problem. But you say people in your country consume antibiotics like candy and that's really bad
Don't understand how chinks and mongolians aren't sick all the time.
He also nukes all the good and needed microbes. They're crucial for a lot of things, including cardiovascular health.
White niggas be like
This medicine too spicy lol
Its caused by bacteria most likely but taking antibiotics chronically might make you less able to deal with it you need a better way
they're nanny state freaks who ban stuff just for the sake of banning it, lacking rationale usually. it's like a cultural process for them rather than a scientific endeavor
It causes antibiotic resistance, which was directly responsible for 1.27 million global deaths and contributed to 5 million deaths in 2019. It is estimated that antibiotic resistance will contribute to 40 million deaths annually in 25 years.
80% of all antibiotics are given to livestock. In other words, you are causing the downfall of civilization by eating meat.
that's not essentially a bad thing. Remember when X-Ray became a thing and people just use it like it was a party trick, like in shoe stores.
This much is true though
Canada minus the fun
We're pleasantly low
Can't wait for RFK Jr. to bring it down to 0mg
this is the reason why I never buy foreign meat
per kilogram of meat
that kind of hides the livestock density data
I doubt sweeden has any giga pig factories like china does
Australia is third world, bros
it wont increase the more pigs you have it increases if you give singular pigs more
Wtf is going on in Equatorial Guinea?
the densest the livestock cocentration the more the farmer loses if even 1 gets infected it could mean the whole factory has to go down, that's why they have to preemtively inject shit into every single one of them
in small scale farming that doesn't matter as much
Yes but thats not a good thing to have massive indoor farms either
I think this idea is based on assumption that Finland or any other Nordic country has some sort of national romantic small scale farms
Finland has 1 million pigs and 700 pig farms. How does that scale?
and do take note that Finland is more self-sufficient in food than China is so its not like Finnish meat is some hippiy things where its not feeding the nation
1 million pigs and 700 pig farms. How does that scale?
definitely small scale compared to china, this building alone has 1 million pigs
and do take note that Finland is more self-sufficient in food than China
that's why the per capita applied to the whole country is deceitful, finland has only 5 million people and food consumption is linear, while the risk of food contamination is exponential
oh yeah certainly, but it's not fair comparing it like that
why havent I heard any problems with our current laws if this really was a concern?
you do know the real reason why they do it? Because
1. For some reason animals grow bigger if you feed them antibiotics
2. Feeding them makes them, in short term, by bruteforce so it works out for retards
so you can only win in this scenario if you dont care about the consequences that this shit will do to humans
definitely small scale compared to china, this building alone has 1 million pigs
well apparently it only fits 600k as of now, thats still it's a lot
why havent I heard any problems with our current laws if this really was a concern?
because it's not? It's not like Finland it's planning to feed another billion and a half people, why would your laws concern themselves about that scenario? both you and china are doing what makes sense for their respective situations
It is, but no so much antibiotics.
WTF Equatorial Guinea?! why are you dunking your lifestocks with Mr.Goldstein nano bot slops extra plusTM instead of being trad pilled like your neighbours?
dude this map really doesnt correlate with this stuff though you are claiming. The only thing that kinda correlates is that poor countries generally do this because its cheaper
let's take the most extreme example as a comparison
All of that gets into the water via runoff
Are those really lymph nodes? Looks more like acne
But all our beef comes from ugugay or Argentina?
bacteria will evolve resistance and become untreatable
Wtf are they doing in equatorial guinea??
Make sure you are being treated correctly anon. I had a 28 yo coworker who got stage 4 lymphoma, he had bumps in the neck area. Got very close to death, fortunately chemo saved him.
Idk anon... Better see another doctor for to compare
That doesn't sound right. Antibiotics are supposed to kill all bacteria once, and then not be needed anymore. Taking them regularly can't be good
I knew a guy like you had he took those shits like they were pills
I am 100% sure its self-caused shit
He most likely lives and works in a very toxic environment so overall it's beneficial. Normally other mexicans deal with that by developping strong ass immune systems but he didn't.
In other words, you are causing the downfall of civilization by eating meat.
This is fucking stupid. Chinks with their zero fucking accountability and filthy industry practices are causing the downfall of civilization, not some rancher in Götaland doing things the right way. The west produces the cleanest meat and energy on earth and it’s doing almost nothing to stint the fucking damage caused by ONE section of the world. Even if you convinced everyone in the west to stop eating meat today it wouldn’t do shit about China.
holy cope
Go ahead, prove me wrong nigger.
based africa