white people are literally going extinct
White people are literally going extinct
It's funny because white people constantly say shit like "we have to save the planet, think of our children" while not having children. Evidently by "our children" they mean niggers.
If white people go exist.... den all d blonde white angles.... will disappear...
Those white angles only reproducing with Muslim men are causing white extinction tho
Actually Arabs cluster really close to us germanics, so the blond genes will be preserved.
If the blond women slept with pakis then the genes would be lost, but white arabs? Nah.
I wonder what happened in 1945
Good, no more money to Israel, no more cuckoldry and globohomo
Why don't they simply have sex?
indians will save the white race
Real white people are a very small group of nationalities, more akin to northern east Asians
A very small group of people can't be a race but that's just my opinion
White people are simply a subsect of Caucasoids or whatever they're called
It's a club explicitly created to be exclusive, it would make no sense for it to be inclusive
it can be a club but it can't be a race then.
people usually define races as subspecies so right under the species.
If it were up to me there would be there would be forced breeding solution.
take over the dating apps
You can't save the race by racemixing.
MENAs are the closest to Europeans genetically but they are still part of different clusters.
Saar, he's Aryan.
zamn, humans are going extinct?
Puerto Rico
More like Puerto Dios mio...
Yes but that's not what a race (subspecies) is.
People say race is the immediate identifier category underneath species.
Sir he's brahmin. Are you giving a guy that's quite tall and fair disrespect?
Most people demand sperm from Brahmin donors.
Indians keep reminding me of this but I just think there are too many browns.
No one is white in this
No one wants to have kids they can't afford
We need a new Alexander to unite all whites
Sorry saars, it's too late. Those cordids should not have moved into the steppe and then south.
Alexander was greek and a gay as well.
You mean a white Hitler.
Kids wouldn't be that costly if people (and laws) didn't dote them as much.
Think into what world most kids were born even a few hundreds of years ago and what fertility was at the time.
You know that clusters are imaginary an can be changed at will
Barring recent mutts they are decent and showing how groups are related.
Why are the people who will never reproduce let alone have sex so obsessed with birth rates?
Im not talking about the data points but their grouping
1) Incels who have never gotten laid before not understanding that less children is mostly a choice not that people aren't having less sex
2) polcels worried about needing to bring in more immigrants to make up for low birth rates
3) browncels thinking that them having higher birth rates than white countries is a flex when in reality it highlights their shit health care system and poor life choices
Sure, the lines are kind of arbitrary, but it's not like rainbow looks the same despite colors being on a spectrum either, so it's the same thing here.
2) polcels worried about needing to bring in more immigrants to make up for low birth rates
Valid worry.
at least the pigs are doing their part
if only bugs, camels, and monkeys could follow suit
I've got more in common with an eskimo than you with a dane ahmed
Well I have a kid, but regardless this is everyone’s problem. The way most countries economies and societies are structured can’t survive a population collapse. So we either need to just accept a decades or centuries long worldwide depression and restructure how retirement and investments work, or stabilize birth rates. My guess is one of the big countries is going to solve this by forcing women to have kids or whatever, and either everyone will copy them or that country will become the world hegemon. Honestly India could maybe do with a few less people though.
you really do, eskimos are the same race as you I think
..but the colors of a rainbow a literally all intermediate and blending?
Yeah, but you can still tell them apart.
Although, genetics is more complicated than just skin color, but we are talking more about races, not ethnicities, so whatever.
races, not ethnicities
Literally all man made groupings.
I agree that some Ngubu isn't the same as some Eskimo, but comeon
I agree that some Ngubu isn't the same as some Eskimo
Yeah, and neither is Ngubu same as Hans and so on and so forth.
Бyдeт лacкoвый дoждь, бyдeт зaпaх зeмли,
Щeбeт юpких cтpижeй oт зapи дo зapи,
И нoчныe pyлaды лягyшeк в пpyдaх,
И цвeтeниe cлив в бeлoпeнных caдaх.
Oгнeгpyдый кoмoчeк cлeтит нa зaбop,
И мaлинoвки тpeль выткeт звoнкий yзop.
И никтo, и никтo нe вcпoмянeт вoйнy —
Пepeжитo-зaбытo, вopoшить ни к чeмy.
И ни птицa, ни ивa cлeзы нe пpoльёт,
Ecли cгинeт c Зeмли чeлoвeчecкий poд.
И вecнa… и вecнa вcтpeтит нoвый paccвeт,
He зaмeтив, чтo нac yжe нeт.
there are more white people today than in 1945
america had 140m population in 1945. today whites alone are 200m
but then what will brown men lust over
Best leaders are gay.
You need your leader to not be swayed by pussy.
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