munchy box edition
poo smells lmao
eating a banana
peng edition
Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
eating a banana
find it quite enjoyable when a fart bubble rolls to the front and pops on my balls
more sauce than chips
still can't believe this video was real and earnest and not a pisstake, the autism runs strong in that family's bloodline
good 'dish
had a brief conversation about helicopters with the toilfu
Charisma Fit Explained: Why They're the Best Men's High Rise Jeans
had a brief conversation about helicopters with the toilfu
pacing back and forth downstairs, hah guess i just think too much
He would've waited 5 minutes to make that thread an all
Hooting scooting and booting
Explore your perks with Shell GO+
for the last 3 years as someone who rents.
I move in and enjoy my time at the property, if something gets broken or scratched etc that's just the way things are and I'm not going to stress, that's the landlords wear and tear problem.
As soon as I get any form of problem from the landlord for example not doing a repair, being annoying etc I do as follows. I report an issue with a pipe in the bathroom, they.will inevitably ignore this. I make sure to send them an email, try and contact them by phone etc to have a concrete paper trail. Then a week later I loosen the pipe and flood his house. At this point the landlord freaks out which I ignore and forward him my attempts to communicate the issue and demand my deposit back as the property is no longer fit to rent. If he refuses I simply call the ombudsman, withhold rent, withhold access even for repairs or assessment and tell him to in a few months when he gets an eviction notice after months of legal fees and.missed rent.
I've done this twice now (at varying levels of water damage) and always have my deposit back within less than two weeks
did you mention how the word isn't actually heli+copter like we say it, but in fact helico (spiral) + pter (wing)?
how do you people make it to 50
bizarre accent
My girlfriend is NT and doesn’t know how to initiate sex with me.
Hey guys, idk how to start this cause I’m awkward; but basically, I’ve been dating this woman for a while now who’s never been with a neurodivergent person before, and I’ve been struggling to get her to initiate sex with me, primarily because she does not know how to do it.
I don’t even know how to explain to her how I’d like to be approached, because it’s hard for me to pin down. She’s been asking me for help, and I just keep having to send her articles, and I can tell she’s getting upset or frustrated. So I came up with the solution of asking Reddit.
Can you guys PLEASE help me with some advice for how a NT girlfriend would initiate sex/seduce her autistic boyfriend?
Wonder if medieval executioners ever got stiffies on the gallows
why do scottish people say 'glasgee' instead of glasgow? are they retarded?
Post this when Diego is about on Friday please
so you voltunarily drift through life squatting in damp houses
So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
it's a combination of canadian and autismish
Get the small boats ON our shores
Get the migrants IN our women
don't think "pter" means wing
that's all greek to me
well I do like elon musk
I think he is based and redpilled and would be my friend IRL and give me money
Opter means bird
why don't you entertain us all with what you think it means then?
sometimes she comes and shakes her butt on me, or she’ll come up and rub my shoulders or my back, and I can’t tell if she’s just being affectionate and showing care, or if she’s wanting more. I get confused because sometimes the butt shaking is in front of friends, or seems to be done in humor; so I don’t know if I’m supposed to take it as a sign that she wants anything or not.
My only problem there is that, if someone were to ask me; “Would you like to have sex?” Or something similar, my immediate response would be “Not unless you want to” or “Not if you wouldn’t like to”, which I feel like sounds really bad.
the 77th Brigade is NOT going to like these posts
Migrants' bellies full.
Migrants' bollocks empty.
Alright, I'm fucking sick of the cunt and I only use this board to post here; What's the ublock filter for flags?
Three job applications fired off this morning
I'm on a roll de lad
no, pteron means wing
Luv my pensioners frozen
Luv my migrants pampered
Luv my timmies euthanized
Luv my katies stretched
I would but I'm actually very busy right now
boards.Anon> div.postInfo > span.nameBlock > span.flag:is(.flag-be, .flag-nl, .flag-ie)) > :is(div.file, blockquote.postMessage)
Nobody finds it the least bit suspicious that after a massive police presence, an official statement, 3 immediate arrests they've just revised this to say the man died of a heart attack?
What is it about Westminster bridge and stabbings they think could stir up emotions?
and rail means rail
folk say that you should apply for jobs even if you don't meet the requirements because yolo and you are special
I don't buy it
why would they have the requirements if they didn't matter
it's a pretty clear sign saying this job is not for you, you are too shit
Get the migrants fed
Get the migrants washed
Get the migrants medically checked
Get the migrants housed
Get the migrants shagged
Get the migrants paid
the older i get the more i do things simply for "teh lulz"
Are you on giffgaff or something mate?
love Russia
dont know why really. morbid curiosity, just constantly astonished how such a miserable, cruel hellscape could still exist and function. like some yokel spastic freak on the world stage, malevolent and a downright evil force to everybody around them. needlessly hostile and angry.
load of wogs have a machete fight yards away from parliament and it's barely even reported in the media
dead shithole country
teh lulz
take these as well
Anon,Anon > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
Anon,Anon > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
Anon,Anon > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
Anon,Anon > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
Anon,Anon > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
Anon,Anon > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
boards.Anon linehan/i)
lil timmy replying to his own post LOL
I'm 27 and I've never had a girlfriend before. What makes this worse is that I've kissed, had sex, done all that, but I've never had an actual, real relationship outside of online stuff. Somehow feels worse than being a kissless virgin.
nobody claims to be a l33t hax0r any more
just applied for a brain surgeon, i'll just wing it
why are you renting from slumlords my landlord is some sound retired boomer who rings me within half an hour if there's a problem and comes to sort it out same day
good lad, cheers cobba
there was a fucking severed head being kicked about in Edinburgh and it's been memoryholed already
dutch and irish catching strays
No I don't find it odd that a then-suspected murder on the doorsteps of the Houses of Parliament got such a large police presence.
zoomers can't do shit on the computer so it became uncool
also cybersecurity has massively improved
blocking the Netherlands seems a bit harsh
not filtering Belgian flags
apparently a human head is as heavy as a bowling bowl but theres no way
ktim except 29, i accepted long ago that i'm too broken for emotional closeness, only sex i'll ever have again will be one night stands or with prossies
Any goonmen in
filling my screen with your HTML javascript python++ css coding bollocks
are you shtwepid mate
when have you ever seen a good NL post now pipe down before i block the uk too
Yours is probably the weight of one of the pink ones, a kid could capably get a strike with your head with the guides up
4 months on and no charges brought against the pakis who assaulted police officers while trying to take their firearm
I'm 32 and have done nowt
have considered getting on the prozzies but I am too scared of human contact
I’ve never filtered anyone. Always feel like I’m missing out on something even if I’m filtering the most dire spammers. I want the pure raw /brit/ experience me
british and irish people really don't get along huh
reckon i should sign up to be a contestant on fishtank live
bit concerned about this rash
bet you like other raw experiences too you queer
aye it;s not hard just to scroll past posts you dont like
brit sunny out
I know how to use ffmpeg (no I don't that's a lie I still have to read the documentation) if that makes me a hacker
really isn't
reckon you're all lying and making up this ability to "filter". Its probably like one of those myths like posting sage on threads you don't like or "sliding". Just made up bullshit
when i try exercising i always push myself too hard and injure myself and give up
slow and steady this time
trees look shit without leaves
it helps if you don't think of them as human (they aren't)
Be wary of what you let into the temple of your mind
nun they cud do xx
irish people are british mate
nappy rash is it?
Farage has brought charges against them
theyre like subliminal messages
need to work out how to block sinister bradleys too becuase they carry evil energy
never seen a good yank post either but you haven't filtered those I notice
I was talking more specifically about the term l33t hax0r
and that sort of internet speak in general
your n00bs, your roflcopters etc
‘Zealous’ vegan couple starved three-year-old son to death and buried him in garden
It’s much more fun to mercilessly bully spammers and personalities rather than filtering them. Funny seeing them slowly driven insane by relentless mocking.
need the ones outside my house cutting down
oh, sorry i guess you get along perfectly then
lil zoomer bros be like: im a handholdless virgin
during aus hours its mostly yanks so the thread would be empty if i did so
what do you mean you can't just live off broccoli?
Still believe that KHHV virgins are the vocal minority here
Most people are normies in disguise
shit post
shit post
shit post
even shitter post
time wasting irrelevant and subjective politico opinion
shit post
shit post
i'm 35 and have never even made eye contact with a woman
sex is more of an urban legend
ahh, classic /brit/
You don't find it odd that the police assessed the situation, released an official statement saying there'd been a stabbing and now there was no stabbing and it's a heart attack?
How do you mistake a heart attack for a stabbing?
You should apply if you have SOMETHING to show for each requirement even if you don't meet it fully
just checked the leaderboard
the 2 oldest men in the world are Brazilian and the 2nd oldest woman in the world is a Brazilian
bloody Brazil
who'd have thought
normies don't flock to anonymous imageboards deep in the recesses of the internet, just doesn't happen
got a general sense of unease and anxiety lately
My gran is 99
Thoughts on Ruby's new miniseries on Victorian Christmas traditions? Noticed she quietly gave up her word of the week 2 months ago so wonder if this will even last until Christmas.
looks cute when she hides her 6head
That plus all of the bomb threats on one day
Government crisis management in full swing
Maybe you think normie is a love island watching deano, but i'd just call it a internet using young person with a job, maybe a job, moved out, small social group
women who say "bro" need executing
the last good post on /brit/ was made a long time ago
suffering from severe malnutrition, rickets, anaemia, stunted growth and severe dental decay
so just your average british child really then
You don't find it odd that the police assessed the situation, released an official statement saying there'd been a stabbing and now there was no stabbing and it's a heart attack?
How do you mistake a heart attack for a stabbing?
What's her @?
30% of /brit/posters these days are schizos
ever shag her up the arse?
even those types of people aren't drawn to anonymous imageboards like Anon Babble. This place is a relic of the past, people do not use the Internet like this any more
I've made at least 3 outstanding posts in just the last hour.
what are the other 70%?
Anon Babble is hardly deep in the recesses of the internet
at this point its clear its just two fat bitter women on /brit/ that talk about Ruby all day. Because in the eyes of any man shes just a mildly attractive middle class boring girl. I've watched some of her apparently worst videos and beside being a little bit self centered and posh, i don't understand what the big deal is. Worst gimmick on /brit/ by far
lol roflcopter rawr xD nyan cat :3
rorke being racist and sexist as usual
Still better than reddit. What else even is there? Youtube comment sections? snapchat?
their multiple personalities
*shows the children of israel /brit/*
most people think that if you use Anon Babble you'll get put on a list. and they're right
it’s heatherpaedophile
God forgive me for the time that I've wasted.
need an entire KFC bargain bucket stuffed up my arse piece by piece
fuck you
dangerous and downright stupid
I've not heard Anon Babble mentioned in conversation by anyone in over a decade. I think it randomly got namedropped in a film I saw but I can't even remember what it was. Your average normie goes to Reddit, Facebook and YouTube for 99% of their browsing time. Anything outside of the top 10 websites might as well be a dark recess of the internet
finger lickin' good
drinking while on opioids again
hope you're all consuming this shite
My life irl is very, very normie, in fact people would just think I am a normie with an odd sense of humour
I like the old internet
Fuck the zuck blue pill matrix
whats wrong ivan? churka took your krokodil?
don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put down Anon Babble and I think its slow death is a bad thing, but it simply isn't relevant any more
cant believe Russia is actually winning the war now
arse shittin' good
had 15 of these in the past month
wouldn't say no to a cute, boring, rich gf like are rubes. we could clump around oxford together in our doc martens all day.
leftypol eating his 5-a-day
rorke smoking a fag and cold brew
writing cover letters with chatgpt never been easier de ladas
An email went out in work saying that one of my coworkers has died, and also that she was in the third trimester of pregnancy, and the baby has also died
I'm not sure if I've ever spoken to her or interacted with her
Winning the ol’ 3 day special military operation are they? Captured Kyiv have they? Zelenskyy dead is he?
oh it came with a cover letter
*wipes my arse with it*
the internet was a pretty boring place prior to around 2007ish for most people (for me the boringness lasted until the early 10s because australia had third world internet and i couldn't even watch youtube without it buffering constantly)
sweet potatoes are shite
pretty sure he just lifts text from LOLCow or that all female version of Anon Babble and posts it here, it's not original content
save it for the courts
smoking a cold brew
bit of a weird response this isnt it? Yeah they were wrong about the 3 day operation in 2022? Does that negate the fact of whats happening now?
50 quid worth of bets on let's go
just bought The Core (2003) on DVD for £5.84
they are fucking atrocious aren't they? but i like broccoli and kale which most people seem to hate so different strokes i suppose
You the nerk who bet on tyson?
Sad all the same
Don't like it when babies die
we even get emails about ex members of staff that retired years ago when they die, like anybody actually remembers them or cares
bit of a weird response this isnt it?
you can replace literally all of this with some organic grass-fed beef and liver
why would he be crying? he's taken on all of NATO and won
what’s happening now
You mean Russia decimating its military and economy in order to take a few trifling border towns? And adding countries to NATO? And further isolating itself on the world stage? Yeah total success for Russia lol
cavolo nero is the god tier leafy green
also been eating a lot of squash lately
still laugh at the mong who bet £200 on kamala winning then tried to cope saying he got what he wanted anyway because trump won
truth nuke
if you were wrong about something nearly 3 years ago, that means everything you do in the future is doomed to fail. hm yes
mental that they say being sedentary is killing me. can't even have a fucking sit down without the woke mob getting involved
my favourite vegetables? olives and cucumber
tuscan kale
i always keep an eye out for it but i can never seem to find it in the supermarket, not even in aldi where they have all sorts of weird shit
bowl of 'unchy 'ut down the hatch
those are both fruits
shirt lifters of the world
unite and bend over
Got a pair of olives and a nice juicy cucumber right here for you lad, open wide come on
that a metaphor for your willy
Russia is achieving its strategic aims and because putin is a nihilist who doesn't care an iota about who dies in combat and what pieces of land are precisely owned by whom that is enough to say Russia is definitely winning
I barely move at all outside of work aha
girlie what the duck
One minute its "a few trifling border towns" next minute its a VITAL SUPPLY CITY AND FLASHPOINT ON THE FRONT. I remember Bakhmut went through these two descriptions about 5 times in December 2022. Then when it became clear to NATOsisters that it was lost, it finally landed on le trifling border town. You're just a psycho lol
sweet potatoes just remind me of a pumpkin that hasn't fully embraced pumpkinhood
thank you for correcting him
business idea: buy a black racehorse and have it compete under the name Caballo Negro
fuck man you're making me hungry
leafy greens are alright but rocket is disgusting, idk if its like a coriander situation where it tastes like soap for some people but its ass
the left just push any foreign alternative nothing wrong with proper british potatoes
that girl is supposedly in her early 30s, but she looks about 11, wonder if it's a birth defect or perhaps finnish autism magic
Nowt better than coming home from a long day at the call centre, kicking off my river island creps, plonking myself down on my SCS financed sofa, ordering a munchy box, getting a few cheeky games of FIFA in before the missus comes back from the nailbar, stroking my french bulldog, drinking a few cans of Madri and then topping it all off with a bit of ITV2.
there is propaganda on both sides
Fascinating revelation mate. Doesn’t change the fact Russia has utterly humiliated itself these last few years. NATO have stepped over every single red line Russia have laid down and they’ve literally done nothing to us kek
my pumpkinhood smells of skips
mental how we're all attracted to fannies just pure mental when you think about it
remembering last nye and we went to the pub for drinks and came back and had a chinese and then watch the coldplay concert on sky 1 and then had sex and this year and it was so nice but this year i will be all alone in my smelly childhood bedroom hate myself amnd want to die lads
i mean, they're both from south america though aren't they
Warning after huge number of young men infected with ringworm from barbers
Yet another problem imported into this country
I think we all know which barbershops will be responsible for this
*finds a Crusty Boxers artefact in the /brit/ anomaly*
fresh spinach is nice but hate the taste of kale me. don't care if if will make me live forever I won't be eating that shite
why do we call the general about a russian war "/brit/" anyway?
bit confusing really, I was about to talk about British culture
Hate passive aggressive cunts at work, omds stop taking your office job so seriously Louise you 30k a year middle aged faggot
settle down tubby i'm sure you'll get plenty of pumpkin pie come thursdee (that's right, i remembered thanksgiving despite not celebrating it myself because i'm a good and dedicated friend)
and the owners of these particular barbers, are they white British?
mumberg got me a chocolate cream finger from the bakers when i wanted the strawberry flavoured one
fuck sake she cant do anything right
that's what they want you to think
what better way to demoralise the people than to convince them something as british as potatoes, is actually from south america?
get a chocolate cream finger off your mum most weekends, me
Unlucky mate but you had your turn, which is more than many of us here will ever get.
deano died rorke
it's been almost 6 years
you have to let him go man
Yeah mate capturing a landmass the size of Hungary, obliterating an estimated 1 million enemy soldiers, defeating NATO in the largest European war since WW2, forging deep alliances with countries with actual strategic worth like China and Iran, and making obese incels like you cry their eyes out
2 more weeks until Ukraine retakes Crimea tho lol
I gave your mum a chocolate cream finger last night as it happens
nah I like rocket
nice and peppery
how are you getting worms from the barber its not like theyre fingering your arse
You have a strange definition of humiliation when you've had to pump $300bn in to country that is losing territory every single day. Frantically letting Ukraine strike in to Russia and ramping up arms deliveries, errr yeah, sounds like humilation lmao
NEET chads have all the power and they're scared shitless
deano died rorke
ol' Deano would appreciate the Frozen reference, the stuffed Olaf he got Becky the other year is still on her Ikea malmo bedside table
doesnt even taste like food
in the morning
want to die
in the evening
want to die
Yeah Russia defeating NATO is really humiliating lol
You seething and crying your eyes out on here tells me all I need to know haha
Yeah Russia defeating NATO is really humiliating lol
you can pile spinach a foot high in your pan it will have wilted down to a teaspoon in a matter of minutes
n-no YOU are seething!
Incel be ragin' lmao
Ukraine lost cry your eyes out
Frantically letting Ukraine strike in to Russia and ramping up arms deliveries, errr yeah, sounds like humilation lmao
storm shadow go wheew boom haha
Deano's got life nailed and it makes the runts and incels seethe, they could never be as happy as him
got a good job
want to die
one the dole
want to die
having sex
want to die
reaching heaven
want to die
trifling border town (1885)
china doesnt give a fuck about russia, they just want ukraine outside the western sphere since they source all their grain from there
upset are you
lol same
some proper weapons at my place, they behave like it's the apprentice
I can relate, I don't give a fuck about russia either
NATO have stepped over every single red line Russia have laid down and they’ve literally done nothing to us kek
Except win
been watching this bloke a lot lately, it's weird how he looks like basically a redneck non-mentally ill mirror of boogie2900
oh he’s mad, two replies a minute apart LMFAO
I can relate, I don't give a fuck about russia either
ICBM go whoosh bam haha
Been working in a highly corporate environment for almost two years now and still feel like I shouldn't be there
Absolutely mental the toil and pressure they put on you for £40k and a bonus lol could make that laying bricks and smoking rollies in the sun
you telling me peruvian potatoes are british but ecuadorian potatoes are foren muck?
I used to live near Trifling Borderton, got a lovely bookshop
blud is punching the walls in a fit of incel rage oh my days
why does leftypol insist we (the working class) have to care about some cunts thousands of miles away?
rorke eating good english turnips
leftypol eating dirty foreign yams
Need it torn down and replaced with a workhouse for the poor
Yolandi Visser dropping her pants on stage and taking a big shit. That’s a thought that gives me a boner.
I don't really care about Ukraine or Russia but it's quite clear Russia has won
Whether they've done it as effectively as they could is something else but they've scored a major victory against the West and that does not look good for the world order
shut the fuck up spaino ffs
need a bird to shag
eating a raw beetroot like its an apple
get the childhood bedroom walls punched
get the mother's curry launched
get the nafo discord called
get the 'chon brigaded
mum found the fleshlight collection
this but with a block of cheddar
dont know what nafo means but ive only ever seen incels type it
making me want a sweet potato salad with caramelised onions chevre or gorgonzola and arugula
Stay away from my chickens.
Leftypol with the bizarrely out of touch characterisations
bizarre how spainpaki shills nonstop for Russia as if it is still some communist utopia where brown sex offenders like him would be welcomed LMFAO
gorgonzola smells like a dog's mouth
what blew up in russia this morning btw?
yeah i'll have a bacon and chicken salad for brunch please
All for £2,693 per month. And if you're in London or one of its satellites you're probably paying at least £1200 on rent alone. Then you got tax for the government to spend on illegal wogs coming in and for nothing to work, total waste of time just go on bennies
There's a middle aged fat slag at work like this. She dedicated her entire life to the job so her husband cheated on her and now she's bitter and takes it out on everyone else.
I've literally never had a problem with another man at work, it's always women over 35 who just make everyone else's life hell because it's the only bit of power and control they have in their miserable lives.
it's called rocket you CUNT
it's a group of online incels and child groomers (You) and yeah they self-identity as #NAFO so it checks out
apple goes good with cheddar
yeah I fucking dare you to try it
beets are far more dense than apples
you won't be able to take a bite out
how isolated and disconnected do you have to be to still think pro-russians are tankie communists. You must be atleast 60 years old to still think like this
why the fuck does your dogs mouth smell like that? take him to a fucking vet
you are the expert on online paedo grooming rings spaino
It's the Internet Defense Force for NATO
Think the F stands for "fellas" for some reason
Ukraine lost
very incelious post mate
used to have a problem with one male colleague who was a giant arrogant cunt but then his son died tragically and now he's really humble and nice
he's now on to calling everybody "spaino". deary me
it's called rucola
you call it rocket because you're desperately confused
Done him
yeah yours was. tried having sex mate?
i could bite straight through a car door mate id like to see you try stopping me
spainpaki (literal paki communist) actually believes this and spends 90% of his day shilling for Russia on here
so does beetroot
used to have a problem with one male colleague who was a giant arrogant cunt but then his son died tragically and now he's really humble and nice
Oh that's nice, I'm glad you've benefitted from the death of a young person
the universe knocked him right down a peg
not our fault that it’s so easy to identify you spaedophile
got the selfharmtoil done
honestly tired of hearing about beetroot
go on then
no u
shite patter
cronem getting their waves done x
But there ARE a lot of tankie commies who are pro-Russia
There's at least one here, possibly two
Same lad. Reckon its just a universal truth but theres something in the male psyche that just tells us to ignore the patterns. But its the truth, how many years do I need to live on this earth and encounter the same thing over and over and over again until I come to a conclusion, women in the workplace are dangerous and demonic freaks
deanos are no longer a thing, right? did they all die out in 2022?