Americans think its weird if you're NOT circumsized

Americans think its weird if you're NOT circumsized

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Do you know the worst thing about being mutilated at birth?
Your boomer parents are very unapologetic about it. If you try talking to them about why they had you circumcised and how you’ve lost most penis sensitivity because of it, they get very defensive, will just say “it’s what everyone did at the time”.
I was betrayed by my parents on my first day in this world and they do not feel any shame about.

so many threads seething at america in the past 2 hours, the tariffs must have enraged you guys

I'm circumcised and I was extremely nervous about my gf seeing my dick for the first time. Thankfully she was a virgin and mostly watches lesbian porn so she didn't think anything of it. I have a lot of girl friends that have talked about how when whoever they slept with revealed their penis was uncircumcised they would be weirded out so I was very worried.

Mostly republicans do it nowadays

Genuinely why do we do this. I know it's trite, but is it really the kikes?

but is it really the kikes?

No. It was an Anglican who popularized it in the late 19th century.

I was born in Denton so my parents were asked by the local Texan docs if they wanted me mutilated and they were horrified. Thank fuck, foreskin feels amazing. I quite literally can't imagine gooning without it. No wonder lube is such a meme in American movies.

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They have nothing to gain from admitting they were wrong and everything to lose from apologizing so it's not surprising

You will leave a tip and you will be happy.

Yes. Which is why a lot of foreigners (especially Europeans) who come here thinking they'll get sex is retarded
Women here are grossed out by uncut dicks

Shit like this is why I'm killing myself before I'm thirty.

They have nothing to gain from admitting they were wrong and everything to lose from apologizing so it's not surprising

They can gain their son's trust and potential love if they decide to empathize with his situation.
Unfortunately its Anti-American to love your children for some raisin.

I had to get surgery on the area as an adult and the slimy little fucking kike urologist had the audacity to suggest circumcision, told him I wasn't doing that and they did a smaller thing instead which solved the problem completely

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They caused the situation in the first place so they would have to make it up somehow

revealed their penis was uncircumcised they would be weirded out

Mutt women are fucking insane

Women here are grossed out by uncut dicks

lol just yours, dicklet.


I definitely have mild phimosis but I refuse to do anything about it because I'm worried it's going to be hard or impossible to fix it without getting circumcised.

No it was Kellogg

Jews had a role in popularizing it. Look up Abraham Wolbarst, big circumcision proponent and also proponent of involuntary euthanasia

If it's just phimosis it can be cured with steroid creams. If it's because of a frenulum that's too short, it would likely take frenuloplasty or frenectomy
Either way even if you intend to be a sexless incel forever, gooning is much better when you can pull your 4skin back completely. I would know

I'm cut but restored my foreskin. The covering the skin is nice and the glide is nice but that's about it I guess

Interesting. This might be something I look into when I have insurance.

You will never recover from the sub conscious trauma from losing a part of your body.
There's a good chance its isn't even that bad or something which can't be fixed by those steroidal creams.

Circumcision is actually dropping in America and the media is having a hard time coping with it

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bad goyim!

defying science

no fucking way kek

The earlier you do it the better (or easier rather), but even the surgical treatments are such minor operations they should heal to where there's no sign of them after a few months. Phimosis has a psychological effect on self-image that you might only realize after you get it fixed

it's crazy to me that any parent would elect to have part of their baby son's dick cut off.

what benefits?

It does actually monumentally decrease your risk of STDs but this really only outweighs the cost in places where 40% of the population has HIV/AIDS

Use a rubber...

You still keep doing it because it’s another charge the hospital can charge you.

This is actually a myth. The odds of contracting an STD is low to begin with. It’s like those studies saying that “zomg coffee increases the risk of cancer by four times” and then it’s revealed that the risk goes from 0.04% to 0.16%, and even then these studies aren’t even outside the error margin half the time.

That's exactly what I'm saying. The risk is so low if you take any sort of precaution it's not worth it.

I want to circumcisise an amerifat.

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Not spicy latinas (who the fuck wants to bang some minnesotan obeast?)

Also, I think that the risk of complications is high enough that it doesn’t warrant the procedure compared to its supposed medical benefit. That’s at least the reasoning our own doctors use for why they don’t recommend it as a general practice.

You know what else monumentally reduces the risk of STDs? A condom.

dog dick cope thread

I always found it pretty weird that the country that refuses to teach kids anything else than abstinence-only as sex ed (because giving out condoms is encouraging kids to have sex or something) have no problem with mutilating genitalia.

I had pinhole phimosis circumcision saved my sex life and self esteem
food for thought

Yeah god has a long history of mutilating genitals. It works because sex is the number 1 human desire. And males are the ones who go after it. God does still mutilate penises. Which is a practice that is said to make money graphs go into the green. He doesnt show his face around us lololololol. Imagine he walks anywhere after what he’s done. Mutilating a penis is pretty fucking bad. Thats actually as bad as possible, even worse than murder. And thats what he does, and he tells us were his slaves. He has been ass raping me and possessing people to fuck in front of my room. He castrated me first. Imagine we had any power? Hes sick. Sexually twisted. A type of violent homosexual non human. Wish somebody would find a way to kill him.