Why don't you abominable Anon Babblecels just get a prostitute gf?

Why don't you abominable Anon Babblecels just get a prostitute gf?

That's an oxymoron

That's a cop

Too skinny... 5/10

How to acquire Honeypot cop gf

he nutted inside without a condom, GET HIM!

clench that vagina and hold him there!

nah you have to be 18+ to be a cop.

tfw no undercover cop amazon goddess gf to arrest my incel ass for solicitation

I svffer.

cop will walk wearing nothing

sure thing


I would breed her
I hear it often. How common is that?

Cops are legally allowed to lie and do anything except break the law (in some cases) to get a conviction

no way cops actually waste their time doing that shit

How common is that?

they don't dress hot young cops up in literal hooker clothes and send them out walking. they do "sting operations" where they trick johns into entering a secured location where the police are already waiting for them.

In 2023, around 75% of the "street walkers" were police bait and an estimated 55% of online "escorts" were also police.
Since it's only illegal for men to buy sex (legal for women to sell) it's the perfect operation.

They actually do in america

My girlfriend used to be a prostitute but so did I. When you've got a dick like mine fags will pay to suck it. I could never be with a normal girl because I'm so fucked up

used to be

Oh my sweet summer child

I already did no regrets

If she's attractive, it almost certainly is a cop.

Your average streetwalker in my area is a forty something black woman with no teeth due to years of drug abuse. A girl like the one in OP should be offering her services online, which is safer and makes more money.

Gf? No! Fuck a bunch? Yes I did that for years. But like streetwalkers like in your video? Lol fuck no, forget that.

That is something we don't do here.

My city unironically devotes a significant amount of time to curbing prostitution

where does she keep her badge

Did that, didn't help my inceldom one bit

goodness.. i'd be temptd ngl

I would rather kill myself than even talk to a prostitute. They are disgusting beyond belief.

Oh my sweet summer child

Oh my sweet Redditor

wow I have to say that must be one of the sexiest cop uniforms in the world


no whore cop gf

what's the point of even being american?

married a prostitute

1486616552331.jpg - 487x423, 5.96K

she's absolutely gorgeous
this can't be real

it isn't there are a lot of these fake videos going around of "prostitutes"

what do you mean bro I fuck girls like her all the time and my country is not even a rich country where prostitutes from all over the world come to work
look around a bit around you and you'll find cuties soon.
you'll have a fuck a couple 6/10's before they start giving you cuties tho, they screen clients sometimes unless you come with big bucks the first time around.

My cousin managed to get like 4k a month in pension from the navy + he's a landlord and rents out apartments in Puerto Rico and he uses the money to fuck whores constantly, a few of them fell in love with him apparently

Not if you're into degenerate cuckoldry it isn't.



I'm sure they loved him for his sense of humor though

I really don't think you need to fake them

what if you had sex with her and then you bought something from her for a ridiculously high amount, could you defend that in court?

That's how they get around the ban.
Pay for a massage, and after the massage just fuck.

Why don't you abominable Anon Babblecels

I'm not abominable and i'm not an Anon Babblecel, so i don't relate to your projection of Anon Babblecel.


I just don't give a fuck about having a gf, i'm not a pathetic subhuman slave of pussy like you. You're obsessed with having a gf because you're low IQ.

Somebody post the webm of the chubby hooker in the gas station chasing after the guy filming him.