Why are they like this?

Why are they like this?

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be Hungarian

wake up

start shitposting and hoping your Israeli masters will notice you today even though they haven’t for the last 300 days

They ain’t gon like this one


everyone that doesnt agree with me is muslim

This but without the irony arrow.

You're gonna piss off all the Euro flags OP

t. Pakijeet

this thread gonna get zesty lel



Did Israel-senpai notice you today?

how many children you molested today pakipedo? you honoured aisha already?

Nice pol thread, good job moods.

lol u mad

your prophet was a pedo lmao

muzzrats are all bark no bite

I’m not even Muslim just find jeets simping for Israel hilarious when they would probably mistake you for an Arab/pakestinian and shoot you on sight since you're brown.

why are porkistanis so stupid? do you believe no one can notice you? you were already seething about the hungarian, you get mad because people laughs at how a tiny country of 10 million rekted your entire cult of goatfucker pedo worshippers

Indian Jews exist. Also Arab Jews exist and the weirdly we have Pakistani British muslim zionists currently living in Israel renting an apartment in grandpas building. Israel's as racist as America which isn't actually racist at all

Forgot pic

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I’m not brown and not Muslim. Of course I laughed at the Hungarian dumping for Israel, visegrad xitter posts get reposted here all the time. Stay mad my brown friend.

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Chud thread

not him and not simping for jews
but dead mudslimes make my day brighter


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kek it do really be like that

Muslim getting incinerated by airstrikes bad because... because yes ok?!?

not simping for Jews

You sperged out even though my post said nothing about dead Muslims=bad at all, I only made fun of the hungarian simping for Israel.

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saying israelis killing muslims is based means you simp for israel

brings some random paid shill from a call center

can pakis be this retarded lmao, no wonder israelis made the entire islamic world their bitch


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You sperged out

where ITT did I do that?
and I only agreed with with what the hungarian posted

bodied those freaks

Indians support Israel because they hate Pakistan or something like that.
Is not like americans, who literally worship jews and cut a part of their newborn children so jews can have sex with their women without confusion, but still...

Its babies you chuds
Babies dont have religions

le children

these people are Modi shills, they are simply supporting israel out of political opportunism, same as european libtards that support ukraine

its pretty crazy how much muslims lack self awareness, they go from bragging about muslim conquests and shiet, to victimize themselves when they are in the receiving end of their game, to wonder why people might be happy at their misery

They are modist saaar bloody benchood saaar

No one cares
Israel is doing God's work

muzzies fuck them regardless, when they are not busy stabbing them

you need to go back

*smacks your falas6eez*

Atheist palis are also terrorists

Very good post

be caveman living in gaza

gather 3000 of your fellow ooga booga

invade israel kill hundreds of people and piss them off

israel bombs gaza back to the stone age

waaah waah muh future caveman

But people always says those babies will grow up and become terrorists because Israel le bad or something so why not kill them while they're an easier target?

Isn’t that like circumcising male children because they’ll grow up to become rapist or something? Oh wait.

Circumcision is dumb and retarded in the first place