Do showers kill you in your country?

Do showers kill you in your country?

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the electrician fucked up the grounding for my electric shower heater so i got electrocuted and passed out on the floor when i touched the shower. i was out for 3 minutes. it is a miracle im still alive.

i kill myself twice/day

i was struck by electric current after touching a light up desk globe it was a nothing burger

did electroboom ever do a greece episode this shit sounds insane you're brazil of the med

i have a gas boiler so probably not


it was just a faulty cable

I got shocked by my shopping cart today in Kaufland


wtf is happening in romania those shouldnt be electric at all
was it around some cloth/curtains and got statically charged?

I didn't know non-Brazilian gringos had electric showers too

got statically charged?

it happens all the time during winter, I guess from the winter clothes


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How hot does this actually get the water?

why no simply make a small electric powered kettle that you prefill with hotwater and can unplug when showering instead of whatever this abomination is?

feels like thirdies are creating stuff like this on purpose so they can die asap without having to actively to ack themselfes (suicide will send you to hell after all or something like that)

so hot it almost can burn your skin
but brazil is a warm country, so you must consider room temperature

an electric shower is completely safe as long as you install it correctly. Put grounding and protect the wires and that's it. It's a simple and straightforward way of heating water, no reason to complicate things

it's safe when installed properly

that might be
but you are thirdie so chances are less than 1% are installed properly

that's why we take 2, 3 showers per day, retard
and 99% of brazilians use electrical showers

What encourages thirdies to put wires in their showerheads?

that's why we take 2, 3 showers per day, retard

to maximise your chances of dying asap?

0 nobel prizes

w-we know better though


Probably because they don't need heating, so a boiler just for the shower wouldn't be worth it.

we had nobel prize winners who were born here, who got other citizenships.
anyway, nobel prizes exist for western faggot suck each other's dicks.

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looks heavy, did it fall off the wall?

kek did it happen like I think it happened?

why did he get another citizenship and died outside of brazil hmmm?

unironically, because he had to do military service, since it's mandatory here.
he didn't want to, and moved to england.

im honestly tempted to try it

How does it instantly heat the water? Doesn't getting water hot take time?

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it demands HIGH CURRENT, but it's very safe, practical, everyone uses it here.
here are the specifications for a standard 220V shower (5,500 to 7,500 watts):
circuit breaker: 30 to 40 amps.
wire gauge: usually 6 mm2, depending on the distance from the circuit box.
also, people here use a dedicated circuit, to avoid overloading.

Do homes in the favelas even have running water? All those blue tubs are catching water, aren't they?

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because of the resistance-based heating element's design, which is powered by very high electrical current

yes, all of them use electrical showers too

Yes, flag related

not dangerous, even if it looks like that
the idea of it is to avoid using a kettle/ pot to war your water in the stove
its more dangerous to live in zones where temperatures get under 0 for days yet we dont tell you to come
not much, in hot zones it gets hot but in temperate zones it just get you cool water, not warm but not chill

I don't know. Do people have running water in trailer parks? I'm gonna ask if gypsy shantytowns have running water in the next thread about europe

but it's very safe


I think it depends on the power and water flow... Mine, at 7800W, can make the water really hot, even in cold days

it's safe, even richfags here use fancy ones

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it's a water heater, mongoloid
you have one in your sink

All latinos have it