What is it that makes Euros so predisposed to licking the (EU-standard™) government jackboot?

What is it that makes Euros so predisposed to licking the (EU-standard™) government jackboot?

Germans I can understand, the Prussian mentality, zucht und ordnung and all. But what is everyone else's excuse?

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The EU is basically a german government

Unironically American propaganda but it works in reverse, with America being painted as a dysfunctional country and freedom being one of the pillars of the nation, braindead people have taken to associating freedom with being just like those smelly stupid ameridumbs.

Everyone sick of Europe's shit just leaves Europe for any alternative in the world. Everyone who stays behind are either bootlickers or sticking their head in the sand. The end result is Europe gets worse and worse, and never changes.

wait, what is the point of the plastic connection on the bottle cap?

I don't know man. Some of their products are pretty good. Like planes that don't crash.

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the cap not ending up in nature
which is retarded and everyone just tears it off anyway

It's supposed to reduce littering because apparently the streets are filled with bottlecaps
I have NEVER seen a bottle in the forest that didn't still have the cap on, not one retard throws just the cap
Everyone just twists the cap off either way

I'm quite sick of people conflating the continent with the union as if those were the same.

Why do neolibertarians piss and shit themselves whenever a governing body passes regulation to protect their citizens.

Afrer the directive I've taken on a habit to purposefully return the bottles after the caps which I just toss in the streets. So mark my words, soon you'll be seeing much more caps around...

holy based

There is none.

I think I like it for car driving.
The problem is that the long term sealing design is bad, but we've had that for a generation by this point since thin PET became common.

they should also add the lack of plastic bags

the cap not ending up in nature

where do you think garbage goes after you put it in the trash bin?

We can all cherrypick. Airbus, ASML, MBDA, Novo Nordisk and many others make stuff that's the envy of the world.

to be incinerated at the power plant
but it doesn't go in the trash bin, but rather, plastic bin, or recycling machine at the grocery store so you can get your pawn money back

bro, executive bonuses and shareholder profits are way more important than passenger safety

it's the taxes creating bureaucratic bloat. all those government employees have to do something.

Reported you to the based department

Apparently people throw caps away but recycle the bottle so they have to be attached now.



Pretty soon we'll end up like /cum/stains

literally no one does that

Isn't that what you're supposed to do? I don't bother recycling here but living in Japan they didn't allow caps in the recycling.

I simply love to submit American products to EU standards.
The more you know how much we limit American production into the EU, the more your existance gets brigther.
It's just so wonderful. Many Europeans are not aware, but the Americans make a shit ton of simply bad products every year, that they try to push into our consumer market.
So. Much. Shit. American innovation nowadays is diverse ways of marketing Cancer and other diseases.
In the Americas they have this philosiphy of "What if someone dies? We can always pay for a settlement" It's dark shit. A price tag on a broken family that gets pushed under the rug. LOL. Americans really live like this, not to mention all their corn syrup and "high quality meat" that in reality can't make it to Europe. They are completely deluded about this as well (looking at you Brazil/Argentina), and it's amazing to see how much better Europeans simply *live* without having to deal with predatory American BS.

It's a trap for the big nose tribe.
It's like another shoa.

In poland the excuse is: "western europeans made it and they're always right and more civilised"

wwii buckbroke eurobobos so badly they became a continent of nietzche’s last men. mindless, soulless people who live only to eat, sleep, fuck, and do drugs. They don’t care about conquering the stars, all they care about is a comfortable proverbial patch of sand they can stick their heads in like ostriches. The eurobobo “man” wishes only to delay the eventual death of his continent until at least sometime after his own death, so he can exchange the legacy of his ancestors’ blood, sweat and tears for a mediocre life. Truly a sad state of affairs.


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Right wing think tanks test talking points on Anon Babble.


GDPR is based thoughever.


I agree with most of what you say but high fructose corn syrup is a literal non-issue. Compared to sucrose (table sugar), which we use instead, it's only 5 percentage points higher concentration of fructose. Both of them are bad, and the difference by which HFCS is worse is so small that it's negligible.

I kind of like it, its a minor thing but a thing for once that makes sense somewhat. You can't lose the bottle cap, it cannot fall to the floor and you have to pick it up.
It just neatly stays attached and if you feel like you drank enough. You just screw it on or keep it open it doesn't matter.
If I really wanted to get the bottle cap I can still just cut off the thin plastic.

the difference is hfcs taste like dogshit

I seriously doubt you can tell the difference in a blind test.

Lmao do they really?

you absolutely, very easily can
there's a reason americans themselves have a whole market for imported (mexican) coca cola, purely because it uses cane sugar.


well said