Why do Asian women love this phenotype so much, while white women prefer black men?

Why do Asian women love this phenotype so much, while white women prefer black men?

I love this phenotype

Yes, i do wonder why women love rich guys who look like this prince charming

Everyone loves this phenotype however.

This guy won:
- a genetic lottery
- social economic lottery (was born in Scandinavia)
- career lottery (a football player)

To be honest his luck is phenomenal.
Just how many people were as lucky as him?


Lol, he just tried really hard to be born a blonde cutie in scandinavia and played football

hopefully he has a 2 inch penis and his mother died of cancer when he was young so it all balances out

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brown nipples

uh oh, stinky!

brown nipples

Not white

brown nips

Swedes really do be swarthy as shit goddamn

he actually believed we were wh*teoids


Brown nipples=not white

benchwarmer phenotype

I must say he looks a little.. swarthy.

White women also prefer guys like him over anyone, but let's be honest, just a few Northeuropeans look like that.

Most really blonde, platinum blonde people have brown or rather, peach colored nipples
Super pink nipples are common among dark haired people with sickly pale skin

Why do Asian women love this phenotype so much,

lol, where the imaginary asian woman crowd?

cope, he;s not white

I look like this and I have never had asien women approach me so that's a lie

When i was in Java and Borobudur i was stalked by groups of girls laughing and trying to take sneak photos of me. When i came to the summit, people started to crowd around me and line up to take a picture of me. Father took their sons next to me and they completely ignored the fake monk in robes sitting there for a fake national geographic photo lol.

they probably just wanted to take pics so they could prove to their parents what an ugly albino monkey they meet

His face is absurdly assymetric no

I want a wife like that

Symmetrical faces exist only on corpses

they do the same with my ferret

why dony you prove it handsome?

maybe they're shy, try going to asia

I don't need your affirmation and you would just try to one-up me regardless.

lol ok


the internet ruined real life because women have access to every hot chad in the world.

good morning sir

in south korea

AYO where the asian women at?

Latinix women as well. Just look at that Icelandic soccer player whose social media got blown up by Argentine and Brazilian woman after the 2018 World Cup

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at least translate the joke

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ITT: faggots lusting for other men

he could be a homeless man with STDs and he would still get women