Host country provides him with taxpayer-funded affordable housing instead of abandoning him on the streets...

host country provides him with taxpayer-funded affordable housing instead of abandoning him on the streets, including affordable healthcare and education

gets irrationally angry

calls it a "ghetto"

drops out of school

starts dealing drugs

sets cars on fire

goes in and out of prison for narcotics and rape charges

complains about the place he himself ruined like he's the victim

Which minority behaves like this in your country?

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Dot or feather?

I am in this image and I do not like it

drug dealers should be killed on sight, back to your question, the answer would be, Negros de Mierda

dot ofc
feather guys are based

go back to your arab country
I'm prolly more German than you are

Dots never act like this theyre too docile and sedated.

Feathers are based because they acted like this for the entirety of the 19th century. They would be given some reservation land and federal assistance, then they'd use it to plot an attack on the nearest poor white settlement where they'd behead and scalp all the men and stab all the women and children in the stomach. Warrior genes

t. Delusional cheesehead

Dots never act like this theyre too docile and sedated.

pajeets were bragging about owning the property in london a few days ago

right exactly they are waging a cold war of aggression and infiltration against the west rather than behaving like islamists or Comanches

They don't do all that though. They just stink up the place, act like sex pests, invade companies, and have no social awareness. Jeets are basically the invasive minority to the middle class where as the ones OP described mainly effect poor people.




Respect your ancestors Mario

basically all of them, I don't think Britain has ever had a decent immigrant group between the Irish, Indians, Africans, Jamaicans, Polish, all of them are scum who actively made the country worse

My last name starrs with “von”
Boy down

Fucking wop guido trash

Fuck Luigi gon do

I really shows that you can't win with some people. You build them houses and they accuse you of putting them in "ghettos". Ghettos! Like we're forcing them to live there. Like we should build them Hollywood villas instead. Bunch of entitled parasites is what they are.

ship em back to their own shitholes

i live in public housing its pretty shit the elevators smell like piss and i have to live alongside violent niggers but i dont pay rent so im happy

They're honorary NEETS

This never happened.
Reservations are were given to most docile, buck broken, and traitorous to their race.
Even when they did everything right and gave up all they had, whitey would find gold on the land and remove them from their reservation and kick them a quarter of the continent away on a death march.
That's literally what the trail of tears was.

What about Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Normans?

wytes need to pay me reparations

i would be very happy with a humble 5k a month redistributed from caucasian-americans to my bank account