True and honest thoughts on Russia and Russians?
True and honest thoughts on Russia and Russians?
interesting country and people but horrible politicians.
nose piercing
she deserves and loving and caring indian husband
Came here to say this
Some Russians are like that and others aren't.
nato wants to bomb this
I was once friends with a Russian girl who was 185cm and stunning, so I have a hard spot for them
the country of Russia and its people owes me a 2015's Kristina gf ;___;
Russia also owes me a Russian gf
she 100% ended up doing porn
0% chance because Russians don't do porn
they have potential
I don't mind them even though they hate us
You're Russian though
I'm Siberian
he is some kind of churka or finno-ugric/turkic guy
You're Russian (nationality)
Russians don't svffer
No you aren't Timmy, you're a colonizer.
Irkutsk flag
okay he is larping. He is Russian.
i hope she starts doing ASMR, i'm getting bored of all the russian ASMR girls i follow
Is being rude for no reason you're idea of fun?
I love all Russians
Why are you telling this to me/? I'm not Russian
You mean a soft spot
Including nationality
do you have a special weird language like Tuvans do?
he lives in a zone where the population is 98% Russian and there are no specific native nation there
No but we used to have a dialect which soviets have erased, now all that's left are just couple of words
Do you know anyone who lives in Alaska
I've heard there are still Russian/Siberian families in some of the remote villages there cause it used to be part of russia
I dont know the names of my neighbors
My only internet friend is from Altai krai
I believe in Total Russian Love
Go here to volunteer on the front line.
I'm not interested in being ass fucked by Russian men
assimilate to finland
doesn't that just mean assimilating to sweden then?
A land of plenty wasted on actual orcs.
An entire nation of people who half ass just about everything.
You must help us to defeat the nazis. Sign the contract if you love Russia.
I can fix her
By defeating the nazis on the frontline.
Military adventuring is illegal in Australia. I love Russia though
i hate this country because there like genetial divide between good-looking people and ogres, like there no middle-grounded regular people.
I'd sacrifice a lot and my soul if a girl like
this truly loved me
Polina is a pretty name
You have to sacrifice nothing for her love, just go to the frontline and fight the nazis. You will return a hero and all women of this country will be yours.
They won't know, we won't tell them anything. Moreover, it's not an "adventure," it's an Orthodox crusade against homosexualism and nazism for multipolar world and traditional values. Sign the contract.
Girl's probably anti Putin and war
but if she spoke her mind about about it she'll probably get jailed in one of your gulags
it's an Orthodox crusade against homosexualism and nazism for multipolar world and traditional values
I don't really care about that to be honest so I don't think fighting it is for me
I love Russian women so much it's unreal
so apolitical folks essentially they putpruce all the important decide making to an I credibly cynical and corrupt elite and then wonder whys everyone so shit.
but I still like them
All the good porn (sex on beaches) is done by Eastern Euros
They are based and we should be friends with them.
The last hope to save Europe from American Jewish dominance. The only reason Eastern Europe is still white unlike Western Europe.
Yes, correct, anon. And friends always protect each other so you should sign the contract and ship to the battlefield.
Correct, too. Did you know the nazi chieftain against whom you should fight on the frontline is a Jew too? A zionist nazi kike he is, we have Eastern European lands from him.
You sound like nazis. Watch your backs now you kikes, you should've signed the contracts when called for. You're traitors, no woman will ever like you.
true mindset of a Z retard
Shut up you niggers
I swear if you would stop talking about RASHA for one day it will collapse because it's existence solely depends on your permabutthurt
2 more weeks until the whole world loves Russia
russia has always chosen to align themselves against western/white civilization. they are and always will be spiritual enemies.
Looks you're eager to join our military, anon. Sign the contract.
Чoмy ни нa фpoнти, пиггep?
Here are some recent news related to Russia: 18 y.o Russian student fucked with tajik for iPhone, but he didn't bought it to her. Then she fucked him again because he said this time he would definitely gift it to her. After that he blocked her everywhere. She was very upset that she lost her virginity like this and reported him to the police as if he was a rapist. Now, when it's all revealed the tajik's lawyer may make her pay a $3k fine and a compensation. Please don't fool our women, they are very naive.
этo cкoлькo в cpyблях щac? 9 миллиoнoв?
In your wet dreams, sosok. $3k ≈ 300k ruble.
I like Russian literature and would like to visit Russia one day. The Russians on here seem nice
still thinking all posters who arent kolyaskas are his imaginary friend from fag general
general fags are mentally disabled
based russia enjoyer visit the frontline please
I must confess I didn't appreciate our ice princesses enough when I was younger.
Now I want to make love only with Russian girls.
As much as I like you I don't want to die for you. I sincerely apologize
There was another case that was even funnier
Again, a Tajik and a Russian girl were dating and everything would have been fine but at some point he cheated on her with her best friend. The girl was so offended by this and went to the police claiming that he raped her. After some investigation Tajik stated that everything was consensual and provided a video as evidence (sex video lol) but he miscalculated
Firstly, filming porn is illegal in Russia and secondly, the girl in the video was not yet of legal age
The moral is, don't cheat on Russian girls with her best friend and don't film your sex. Otherwise you'll end up like this Tajik
What's the best dating app in Russia, now that Tinder is kill?
My visa application to Russia got accepted today, after 2 days of waiting.
I'm glad that Poland is on Russia's list of friendly countries with simplified e-visas, despite the fact that Poland doesn't issue visas to Russians at all
It's called Voenkomat.
Go make love with a shvabra you monkey.
The more rusmonkeys you've killed throughout your history, the more of a friend you are for the country. It's based, everyone hates them.
You just take the girl's phone number and message her.
I swear i beat the shit out of you if you come here
Пидopacы и пpeдaтeли poдины ITT
Boвa зaкpывaй гpaницы нaхyй
maybe I'll become an actress
do you think that after this whole ATACMS and Storm Shadow debacle, USA and UK will finally be included on Russia's list of friendly countries?
I want a visa so bad
you do realize that they hand out visas to everyone willing to come? just apply lol
Seems like we just need to have pre-paid accommodation available, and use their reference number to apply for the visa.
Not the ideal way to travel, if you'd prefer to travel without an itinerary, but it's not impossibly difficult.
That's Ukrainian with VPN. He shits on Anon Babble pretty often.
before the e-visa program I applied for tourist visa many times
what you do is you contact a visa agency that will organize an invitation + mock hotel reservation for you and it will be enough
you don't need to follow any itinerary nobody checks that shit and it's not stated anywhere on your visa
Why not on the frontline, piggerzz?
Apparently 80% of them are backing Putin. What should I think about them based on this? I don't know. Stupid and gullible? It's weird because their culture and literature is so rich. I'd want to like them but they're savages.
seriously how dare they back their own interests instead of the interests of global zionist bankers.
Why is it always a clueless American that defends them? Rofl.
why is it always a fingoloid who rabidly attacks them and perceives anyone who isn't an aggressive globogolem as "defending" them?
their culture and literature is so rich
did you mean gay rape? i struggle to remember anything else in puzzian ""culture"""
you're so bazzed and chud and zedpilled! signing the contract when?
I kinda doubt it's "always a fingoloid" that shits on your argument and reminds you that states join NATO on their own volition and for a very good reason and it's not a conspiracy like FOX told you. You don't operate on my level because you believe stupid shit and think you're smart, from 9000 miles away from Russia.
I'm a russophile but in general I don't like Russians and I do not like the Russian Federation
I hope that Putin and the rest of his cronies meet the same fate as Mussolini or Ceaușescu, Russia needs to be purged and I'm worried that at its current trajectory the glorious memory of Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union has been indelibly tarnished
Russia needs a strong leader who will be able to keep all of the pathetic parasites around its border forever in its shadow, as is proper and right
Pian kostamme neille talvisodasta
Soon we shall take back our ancestral lands noviope churka
I wish Russia and USA to become friends again. This new cold war is pointless
Wrong answer, invasions of sovereign countries and rapes are okay because like Putin is a badass I watched a wide Putin video and I watch his interviews every day.
I prefer Stalin
Yeltsin is a runner-up. Attacking his own country's parliament building with tanks. Truly based.
I wish that would happen here
Because ruzzia is our archenemy. They've been trying to invade with us for centuries.
Personally love Russia
yuropoors are embarrassing in general, but fins are a special kind of retarded. i suspect it's because of the high degree of inbreeding.
Still salty that you got called out?
thinks of Russia as of its archenemy
doesn't think of Finland at all
Russia is my friend personally
Worst thing thay happened to humankind after their progenitors, Mongols.
all thus simping for Russian girls
I hope you anons finally find her and get infected with HIV like most Russian whores have.
Hell, you don't even need to visit Russia. Just visit us and go to our whore district (most of our whores are Russian and Ukie girls)
Based. If you hadn't kick ruzzian asses they would've infested Finland with metastases of ruscism, like they did with my homeland Tatarstan and many other non-russian countries.
Hell, you don't even need to visit Russia. Just visit us and go to our whore district (most of our whores are Russian and Ukie girls)
And why are you angry at us again? Be thankful
I heard that Tatars used to speak an Uralic language and got Turkified later
Russian women are lovely, not whores and most of them don't have HIV
beautiful women and no russian ever called me a shitalian
They will now
ive been calling shitalians shitalians moors moors and medbugs medbugs for several years already
Russian hate on this board has gone too far
Good good, vatnik
and fingols fingols too. your not white you belong to just the same race as this chink. go back to china both of you
You have to go back, mykola
i will come back to europe. i will leech as much welfare as i can and then emigrate to europe while you will be dying in a trench you dirty hiv ridden subhuman
i will come back to europe. i will leech as much welfare as i can
I have bad news for you
Russian hate has gone so far even people living in Russia hate Russia. What can be done about this?
kill all puzzianzz
get rekt hohols
I wish that we could live in peace with Russia but I don't think it's really possible. As long as either of us can potentially threaten the other there will always be conflict.
Fuckable women and disposable men, don't blame me, that's the image Russia sends to the world.
Your post is not cool
that's a porn skit right?
No. It is the honest heartfelt thoughts of a young Russian.
theyre comedians at heart
I'll get banned for racism again if I start
Beautiful women, chuddy men.
One of the highest wealth inequality in the world despite being the biggest country and having practically unlimited resources.
Harassed by imperialist USA.
start doing it in front of your own mirror
Я нpaвитcя Poccия и дyмaю их дeвoчки кpacивaя (извини зa пиздeц pyccкий язык, я ypoд)