What does your country think of Americans landing on the moon?
What does your country think of Americans landing on the moon?
Space isnt real
biggest lie ever told. only the lolcaust comes close.
mutts and jews deserve each other
room temp iqs on display, predictable culprits (Euros and latinos)
They were supposed to have a base there already. What happened?
blatant lie that justifies all the subsequent ones
looking at the footage today it's hilarious that anyone ever fell for it, the module "taking off" is particularly preposterous
What do we need one for
*Landline noises*
Hello, Moon?
*clear and clean voice, no delay*
This is your President calling from my telephone
*zero delay, crisp connection*
I realize you have no telephone lines up there, let alone phone comanies
but yet here I am! Calling you on Earth telephone!
Isn't it nuts!
Glowing post
Manifest Destiny
A fucking waste, cancelling the last apollo missions was a mistake.
The technological and engineering feat is marvelous and then nothing.
Fucking faggots.
This dumb piece of shit rock could be inhabited by now, we could have the best telescopes ever on the hidden face, we could have new materials engineered in low gravity environment, we could have so much more...
Fundamentally unAmerican Ellis Island post.
Go home, Schlomo O'Ryan Pickelgruber Kaminski the III.
also sorry to break it to you sweatie but elon musk is a big fat retard and you're never going to mars
you're going to die on this planet buried until ten thousand tons of pajeet poo, it is what it is
analog has less delay than digital, moon is only 1 light second away
Meanwhile in Amurica.
Meanwhile in Spain
buried until
buried under, woopserino!!
Call it now. Make a phone call to the Moon.
That place look like California.
Fake and gay only the retarded (amerigoyim) believe in this Hollywood fraud.
Shaniya Davis
Only people who vote PPC believe it's fake. No one else doubts it.
Me? I don't even care either way, but they likely went to the moon.
I think it's pretty cool, should've tried to colonize the place instead of just sightseeing on it 30 minutes at a time for 4 years though.
seethingg spic maker
Wouldn't the jeets want to discredit the Americans, because the jeets now have their own space program?
this is like the jews calling you brown or muslim online if you noootice too much
STFU Ranjesh.
Don't you know?
How that picture is strange and proved American moon landing is fake
Fucking kids today yell "fake!" because they've grown up so overprotected that they cannot possibly fathom the thought that a nation's government would actually put people's lives on the line (with pretty poor odds) just to reach another celestial object for no other purpose than to get there before the Soviets.
Well that's exactly what happened.
The scare of Soviet and communism succeeding at anything was so great in the western hemisphere post WW2 that NASA funding was virtually UNLIMITED and loss of life in the process was deemed completely acceptable. 3 astronauts died in a fire during testing? No problem, send in 3 replacements.
With a few exceptions like the Cuba crisis, the race to the moon was the pinnacle of the cold war. It was the ultimate "second place is the first loser" game of chicken between the two superpowers.
Party politics were put aside and forces were joined with the common goal of beating the reds to the finish line. Few things will unite us the way a common enemy can.
With all the post WW2 and cold war factors now removed from the equation, people today can't wrap their heads around what the world was like then. And so they think everything they can't understand, didn't happen.
Even mythbusters debunked the hoax myth ffs. The least believable fact about the Apollo missions is that Jack Black's mother worked on an Apollo 13 guidance system at NASA, but even that is totally true (and sadly another thing that people will use to claim Hollywood was behind it).
Yeah we went all right, and we could go back at any time given the same funding and backing from all levels of government (which ain't happening).
in the 60 years since Kitty Hawk, mankind split the atom, mastered air travel and reached the moon
in the 55 years since the moon landing we've perfected the art of shitposting on smartphones 24/7
I truly get mad when I think about it.
Good post
The fact that the Soviets never questioned it is I think the strongest evidence that the Moon landing was real.
You realize they had satellite telephony right
Hello, Moon?
but you're missing one thing : radio waves are a thing which exist
Why are you bringing your gay national politics into it
it's a fucking rock with no atmosphere and weak gravity getting blasted by radiation which goes between something like 100K and 460K depending on if the sun is shining down on you
it's fucking useless to put people on it except as a base to make trips elsewhere easier (and then you'll still probably just use robots for everything)
I bet you felt smart posting that.
good post
the shit both sides pulled off is pretty stunning
I am still somewhat in disbelief the Soviets landed on fucking Venus and survived something like 4 minutes iirc
Our greatest rival.