Have you noticed Americans have become a lot more cold towards foreigners?

Have you noticed Americans have become a lot more cold towards foreigners?

There was an exchange thing at my university and a few years ago my fellow mutts probably would’ve fangirl how they love ‘This is England’ or Falco, but now it’s just nothing even when these people introduce themselves. It doesn’t even seem to depend on what side of the political aisle a mutt is on, there just seems to be a growing mistrust or fatigue because they just sort of assume the worst and keep their distance.

It’s honestly sort of sad

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Americans are a sad people.

I've just become more cold towards others. I genuinely hate people.


You're an American't.

You know why.
Sorry, I meant United Statian

I think most Americans just wanna be left alone, forget about the outside world

Nah, I not really

Covid lockdown made everybody even colder, but the underlying issue is that we have a selfish culture. A me-first culture. And when things get tighter in any way people get angry, it's the natural reaction. Yet with the culture war instead of anger being targeted up like it normally would, and pressure being put on the powers that be to make changes, anger is targeted at each other.
If I was a schizo I would say it's all according to the plan of some mysterious "elite", but I think it's just a natural culmination of our shitty culture.

Americans have always generally glorified Europe, had a sort of mystified view of it, rose-tinted glasses, Europe is thsi splendid place with luxury and class and elegance

Then every retard in the world got a smartphone and sits on instareels, twitter, tiktok.

Here, Americans, who long saw europeans as cool and interesting now have to listen to constant "HAHAHA AMERICANS ARE SO FUCKING STUPID AND FAT WE FUCKING HATE YOU!" from people who've never even stepped foot here, and if they did it was probably some shithole part of LA or NYC for a 1 week vacation, and they just base everything on some exaggerated image of what actually only exists in flyover shitholes, trailer parks, and innercity areas.

Most of the people shitting on America have no clue what it's like to live in a nice town in the north (northeast minnesota, small wisconsin towns for example) or a cozy little hamlet in new england, or a decent small city on the east coast, and they have this warped idea that every single american is a mobility scooter riding fat retard who can't find brazil on a map. that IS true for like 30-40% of americans but a lot of people here are generally sociable and well educated. So to then get shit on by countries you admired, you feel spite and animosity. Speaking from experience here. I used to think Europe was fucking awesome and really wanted to meet europeans and learn different languages until they all laugh in your face for nothing despite being polite and softspoken and genuinely curious about their cultures, just because you have a retard president and your country has fastfood.

tl;dr americans hate others because others hate americans. it's a defense mechanism.

tl;dr you're fat

i left this comment but also heavily agree with what you said. there's an insane sense of individualism here and a misunderstanding of what 'freedom' and 'liberty' mean, and people could give a fuck less about people outside of their social group, and barely even about those within. life is hard here now unless youre making ridiculous money, and even then it's pretty shit compared to being anywhere else with ridiculous money. when life is hard you feel like shit, and when you feel like shit you treat yourself like shit, and you treat others like shit.

A me-first culture

It's funny you used that term because my grandmother had bad dementia before she died, and she always used to rant about how america started going downhill with the 'me-first generation' but never specified what generation that actually was. she would repeat the same 2-3 minute rant about how people just buy shit on credit cards, cut eachother off in traffic, and don't give a fuck about their community. my parents and i used to wonder where she got that term from because we never heard it elsewhere, but she would always just say 'THATS JUST WHAT THEY CALL IT!'

then she died in a nursing home from covid because the african nigger 0 empathy nurse never cared to wear a mask around her when taking care of her and she already had emphysema, and we couldn't see her in the hospital in her final hours because of the protocol.

Faggot, who gave you permission to speak? Either become a state or independent, otherwise shut the fuck up

I'm 5'10" and weigh 160lbs but alright
can't imagine being puerto rican though holy shit, do you have anything to be proud of other than fat joe, bitches with fat asses that live in the bronx, and big pun? may as well be dominican lol

puertoricans offer nothing but baseball players, criminals that drive blacked out nissan altimas, a few decent 90s rappers, and short fat mothers that scream in public

where the fuck even are puerto ricans anymore? i feel like they used to be everywhere but now they're all just old, i havent seen a young puerto rican in years
t. 30yr old in nyc

Done us

Think this is probably closer to the actual answer. There’s a sense of damned if we do, don’t if we don’t, Americans just don’t care anymore

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Why is this in English? Must be an international call center or something.
In progress.
They're here, where they should be. The ones in New York all assimilated.

It's over

banter aside what is it even like living there? are you actually a puerto rican and not just some vpn freak? how did you end up on a site filled with 25-35 year old weeaboos that used to just be an anime imageboard?

what is your town like? what is day to day life like? pop culture? what do you eat for dinner?
do you have hope for the future of puerto rico, are there any actual emerging industries there? is crime rampant or not so bad? is there a sense of community?

In progress

Cool, you leaving?

America started going downhill

1963 immigration act

basado y rojopillado

After living abroad I can confidently say that this is just Americans with the mask off. The kindness was always skin deep. Both to foreigners and to each other.

We always knew that which is why no one liked how fake americans are. Especially those fake creepy smiles


Yes, I am actually Puerto Rican. No, crime isn't that bad. Just don't get involved with the wrong crowd. I eat mostly rice for dinner like any spic. No idea about emerging industries. Yes there is a sense of community especially in response to the recent gringo migrations. I am hopeful for the future as support for independence keeps growing among the youth.

I look like like this BTW.

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You look chinese?

Certain people have just gotten colder towards people in general. I blame this misguided ass culture war.

I look like like this BTW.

height checks out

I don’t know man, it’s not like our mutts were being friendly at this exchange meet. They genuinely up-front about genuinely not really wanting to make any sort of associations

No I look like that without the height or chud phenotype.


No one's kind to us so fuck em simple as

correction because I’m autist:

I don’t know man, it’s not like our fellow mutts pretending to be friendly at this exchange meet. They were genuinely up-front about not really wanting to make any sort of associations

No one's kind to us so fuck em simple as

Yeah, I’d have to agree. While I don’t exactly agree, I don’t think I can blame them. It’s fucking easy to get sick of the Anti-Americanism. We might as well just amend our transgressions with the outside world however we can and put all our eggs in space colonization :/

Oops, replied to the wrong reply

Maybe don't keep colonies in 2024 and we wouldn't hate you so much.

This. Somewhat. There's always been a tense relationship with Europe specifically, ranging from idealization to distrust and hatred, but most have grown tired of it and find the people there pathetic and strange these days.

As for Asia, Latin America, Africa etc; I don't think people care about them. Complete indifference.

Maybe don't keep colonies in 2024 and we wouldn't hate you so much

Nobody’s stopping you from declaring independence. But if you decided to become a state, then we’d actually get the ball moving and quality of life would rapidly increase. While if you become independent you probably continue being poor, that’s just the reality

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Why was she in an old age home?
Why wasn't she staying with her family (you included)?

Those referendums are bullshit, there's a ton of blank ballots boycotting it because ELA isn't an option and pro-independence people who don't trust a PNP plebiscite which bring down the number to ~47% for statehood iirc. Seriously, Americans always pulling these fucking strawpolls as evidence of anything is laughable. Nobody cares about them.
The truth is the independence candidate got second place for the first time ever and the statehood candidate keeps winning with a very slim minority.

If you add Free Association with full independence you get 42% against 47% which is very close, closer than in a very long time. Statehoodfags are done. They'll keep declining into obscurity.

They’re fake

refuses to participate

nothing happens as a result

Yeah, okay buddy, cry me a river

You're the idiot that takes them seriously lol

If you add Free Association with full independence you get 42% against 47% which is very close

Okay, so the polls are fake, but the part that aligns with what you want isn’t.

europeans are annoying irrelevant fags

t. I don’t have a comeback

The boycotts are from independentistas and ELA supporters. Ignoring the latter because they're irrelevant, the numbers do line up. I'm assuming the boycotts are from independentistas in this case.

let me tell you about your country

You idiots don't even know what goes on here. Just let us go.

What I really meant to say is I'm sorry for the way I am. I never meant to be so cold.

Just let us go

Okay, how? What should both tgs United States and Puerto Rico do to make that happen? Because the referendums are clearly fake, so what? What now?

Unilaterally declare independence for us in Congress like you did with the Philippines, duh.