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Why are chuds like this?
No fun allowed
Why are chuds like this?
is he still coping about his black haired son being "dark blond" or did he finally abandon him in some random cave in central france
I didn't mind Varg retardedness but now that he has attacked Japan he has become my enemy, fuck him
Wtf, i respect Varg now
The poser who spent 16 years in prison for trying to live up to an impossible myth is still at it... good for him. Is he still putting out weak music?
At least they're mostly Japanese unlike your gay ass Lord of the Rings country
I still love Japan.
Have you seen the Finnish? They're mostly Japanese.
smartphone cleaners in public bathrooms? not the aryan ideal...
I don't mean OP, I'm talking about Varg. My bad (even though I'm still technically wrong since he's now living in France last I heard)
why are chuds telling the truth
i don't like the illusion of japanese superiority being questioned
Japan *just* stopped using the floppy disk. They don't live in 2050, they're still in the early 1990s.
that's what ć¾makes them special and better than everyone else, they have sovl
The 90s were the peak of human civilization thoughever
Varg himself is "dark blond"
Our ATMs are still using COBOL, and the early 90's are still the high water mark for western civilization, so what's your point?
Floppy disks aren't equipped for many of today's technological needs, with storage capacity maxing at 1.44MB. Still, government bodies in Japan have been using them regularly, leading, at times, to complications. For example, in 2021, it was reported that Tokyo police lost a pair of floppy disks that had information about 38 public housing applicants.
imagine how many housing applicants would have been dicked if they misplaced a 1TB flash drive
varg pays for the blue arrow
COBOL is just a language. It's not some antiquated hardware like a floppy disk.
Imagine how much could be lost if they used prohibited cloud technologies and made backups (not on floppy disks)
so did we
floppies last a long time
It's old as fuck, and if memory serves one of our major banks had to rush to train people in it the last time shit hit the fan. I don't speak COBOL, do you?
This nigga does.
Chuds create noting except more ugly jaks
Chuds use someone else achievement to boast why he's better than others
Chuds can no longer see anyone else being happy
Chuddom will end the white race.
how do I unsubscribe of his blog? how do i filter Varg threads?
extremely inefficient
How does he know? Out of all the myopic stereotypes this retard runs off of he's able to see past the karoshi meme and realize they're ludicrously unproductive.
Why do wypipo despise functional societies?
welfare queen speaking like an authority on anything
For every one person bitching about Japan there are twenty talking about deers, anime, cool tourist spots and toilets.
What is the best reply to trigger this guy?
—Broken —said the little faggot with the blue mark—, completely dependent on civilization to survive, extremly inefficient, sexually very dubious, self-destructive, and dying.
After saying this, he went back into the sea of political irrelevance, and pornography from which he came.
welfare queen
they're still in the early 1990s
I gained newfound respect for Norway after they kicked this murderous, pagan faggot out of their country.
Just tell him Christianity civilized Norway and stopped them from being savages who sacrificed children.
they sacrified irish children tho
You can learn COBOL in a day. It's not complicated at all if you know other languages.
Getting familiar with an existing codebase on the other hand is the challenging part.
what is the image though there's a big fucking caption on it
less developed
wow what savages
more developed
wow, so buck broken
retards from europe really have convinced themselves there's something superior about their brand of stupidity