We need to organize a Anon Babble meetup irl

we need to organize a Anon Babble meetup irl


That’s retarded

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You should come to NDT - Stockholm!

i love all the pepes you bastards have

terrifying suggestion

I don't wanna get raped

a webconference of 200 idiots would be funny

meetup in moscow

where do we internationally meet

meet and greet your favourite pepe-posting autists

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you're drunk go to sleep, Giuseppe

how would that work? has anyone crossed the great sea yet?

Near me so I don’t have to go far

we had one

I was thinking the same
Great minds think alike

No offense but I don't want to meet any of you

Im already american, I consume so much american media that if I talked to you you wouldn't be able to notice Im not american, you'd ask me from which state I am instead of a country

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post vocaroo reading that post in your natural voice

Woke or kink?

Finnish sauna


What's The Difference

that whould make it a /travel/ metup.

its imposible

Imagine the gaysex

this froge lol

Puerto Vallarta fag lives nearby and I don't want to meet him

there's so many Anon Babblebros who i would give a biiiiig hug

are those 2 pepes touching their peepees?

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this doesn't prove anything
I will always be american

2 pepes

Anon Babble has fallen

they are apus...

If you want homosexual orgy party just go to the nearest gay bar

stupid American beaner asked me what stare I'm from once

what stare I'm from once

the pepe stare


seems unironically fair, no one from europe would have an advantage (so the meetup wouldn't be 99% of the people from the country it's being hosted in 1% the rest) because it's roughly as pretty far from everywhere and there are few swiss posters

too expensive


state* I'm so sorry, I make so many typos all the time I didn't notice that one

you apologize to no one
you're our Anon Babblebro and we love you


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thank you, always so kind.

Why isn't this more common?

Meeting up with Anon Babble people?
People at the meet will get stabbed

this would be fun

How would it go?

we would need an autistic corner for most autistic flags

There has been meetsup from /fr/

Sounds nice


I SERIOUSLY hope you wouldn't be one of those guys who refuse downing 6 pints and dancing to nostalgic pop music

Just getting on the plane now.

In the Anon Babbleernational waters?

I used to meet people from this site all the time. That was in the early 2010s, thoughbeit, which were better times.

what was Anon Babble like back then

anyone wanna meet, I think it'd be unironically be fun

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yeah me too

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Less talk about blacks and trannies.

Nice. There were some cool people.

We could organize the Anon Babble meetup in a game.

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something with proximity chat would be cool

VRchat is free, does it have proximity chat?

sounds like a plan but it feels too tranny to use vrchat and it's not anonymous