Can people in your country afford to move out?

why are Irish such thirdies

I was living on the lowest NEETbux when I moved out so yeah.
Rent for my first apartment was 2891 kr or around €280/month.

Yes, but only for rent slavery. With continuing rising housing prices, I think soon people won't be able to rent too.

I moved out at 17.

Rent is literally just burning money, if your family owns a house use it

Most Swedes move out because we want to get educated.
Living in your parents house is usually not possible due to distance.
And once people get used to privacy and living on their own, basically nobody moves back home.

You can afford to rent, but you can't afford to buy

I moved out at 17 just four months before I turned 18 into a 28m2 studio apartment. Rent was under 300 euro per month and I worked part time in a local grocery store and also studying.

You cannot suffer.

Rent was under 300 euro per month

no suffering in Sverige

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new whiteness map just dropped

Poles live in white ethnostate where you cannot be an incel but claim to suffer.

I'm literally going to kill myself when my parents are gone :)

Their rent is genuinely insane, like it's almost impossible to find a rentable apartment below like £1200

Why do all anglo countries have this issue. You need like double or triple income to afford anything. Here you can just neet and rent a shitbox.

Italian culture of living with momma is really something, despite of italy being industrialized and wealthy or atleast it was like that some decades ago.

These rates are absolutely plummeting here for zoomers

at a late age usually. Why would you pay someones elses mortgage if you can save instead.

We have no choice tbqh, uni is usually too far from home. I never got educated but I found a job at 18 and moved across country kek

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its insane to me how people can graduate university and still live with their parents

Swedes do not suffer with rent lower than in poorland


how are you supposed to grow into a real adult with a job when you live with mom and dad

This. Maybe it's different in other countries but uni life does not mix well with living at home. Not at all.

Living alone isnt important, you can work and save money for your own house while living with them. Plus its nice to have time with parents

i takowe afte graduation
half the people i know live with their parents while at uni

Moving out is easy. Just rent something cheap.
I rented a cheap commieblock shoe box while in trade school.

what was your uni life like? did you live in a dorm?

rent 1k+

mortage for avg home: ~1k

can't get mortage (need 100k p/y salary)

rent? can't afford it

it's a catch 22, where (((bankers))) prevent people from getting mortgage despite having enough cash, and (((landlords))) preventing from renting due to usury

Rent? Never heard of it

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I will never be able to afford to move out. I will most likely live with my parents until they die, and then I will become homeless after that, since I won't be able to pay rent.

I live on my own in a 30m2 cuckpod and it eats away all my expendable income.
My car was vandalised this week and I won't be able to replace it so now I drive around with a demolished car.

If I lived at home I could replace my car but then I cannot move out

Italy is not wealthy at all.

I am living with my parents and will never own a place of my own it's impossible, I'd have to grind for 15 consecutive years and spare every penny in order to afford a 25m2 shitbox, it isn't worth the hassle

Russian on VPN.



White, trad, based, rich

Anything that goes against this is written by Russians.

some people are fabulously rich in this country but they're a very thin layer of the general populace I think it's the same way in russia

But you have tons of home owners in a country where salaries aren’t that low anymore

Isn’t that wealth

aren’t that low anymore


How much do you earn?

why would that matter
overlay wages are very low compared to the prices of houses, cars, clothes and groceries

your parents dont own the house they live in?

But many people don’t have to pay for real estate in the first place, except energy.

Then you can live very comfortably even with lower salaries.

I’ll never afford a home parents are still paying off their huge mortgage on a “luxury” apartment, so really my family doesn’t own anything and is happy.

No, they rent it from the local council.

did they ever own a house mate? only when accidents happen people have kids without owning their first house.
wtf were they thinking?


It's way worse now.

can you move out

Yes. But why would I do that?

Yeah it's insane. 30m2 studio appartment in the middle of the city (utilities included) costs me 750 euros here.

What city?

same here but i make 33% of what you do

Take a wild guess.

You don't. I only bring in 2100 (more or less) after taxes for 40 hours weeks.

Uuuuuuh Nancy


No, they've never owned property. They just wanted kids, so they had them anyway, and never had enough to buy a house.

thats minimum wage in france
my min wage is 1100 dollars before taxes

Minimum wage for 35 hours is 1500 before taxes. The difference isn't that big. And cost of life is lesser in Poland. Our electricity costs a fuck ton. I don't use gas but it's super expensive here as well.

How do they compute this? In Latvia we have this thing called "declared place of residence", used in the census and municipal elections and such. It's a big hassle to change this so most people don't bother until they move into a home they actually own. So there are probably tens to hundreds of thousands of people renting flats while on paper they're declared with their parents, such as yours truly.

My legal address is my mom's house but I only go there a couple of times a month.

be russian

move to serbia

still get triggered by the sight of a polish flag

why does this happen?