Do You Like Astronomy in Your Country?

Do You Like Astronomy in Your Country?

chinkleaf spam thread

reminder - this fag does it for free

I've been meaning to pick it up as a hobby but I can't find my dad's old telescope in the garage.

Other planets being globes doesn’t mean earth can’t be flat

If the earth was flat we wouldn't have time zones and it'd be the same time of day everywhere on earth. We also wouldn't have day and night it would just always be day

why cant these types stop themselves from saying obviously retarded shit like this? pizzagate etc is atleast somewhat beleivable

this dude's whole job is to make noooticers look like nutcases, he must have so much fun
gay frogs is fucking insanity

I actually do but haven't had a chance for ages. Been waiting for saturn to stop hiding but its taken a few years for it to come back into view.

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asstrology, why yes, i'm a connoisseur of sorts, ifywim

Don't bother these retards gofunded 16k$ laser to proof the earth was flat . It prooved it was round . Despite the evidence they did a conventional test with flash lights and cardboard . Still proves it's round .
Their response

Well this doesn't prove anything and there's so much we don't know

i like them maps

because they're falseflaggers

I'm only interested in the superior field of astrology.

If any of you niggers had had to work with raw GPS data you'd WISH the earth was flat, or round, or even le oblate spheroid (ebin one redditbros)

in reality it's a randomly shaped ball of mud with humps and bumps with a bajillion different ways to "correctly" measure height from the "surface"

Go in a large dark room with a candle. Stand near one wall, notice other wall is still dark. Travel across the room to dark wall. Dark wall is now lit, previously lit wall is now dark. Fucking moron.

you're unemployed.

You're joking of course

Comparing a candle to the fucking sun

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have a surface level interest in it, its the one topic that will never be boring

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Why would the sun go in a circle above a giant diak


I used to pretend to be a flat earther online, was good fun getting faggots into a seethe, especially when they got long rambling posts out with links to a whole bunch of shit as if I ever believed it to begin with lmao, did it on Anon Babble too before people stopped taking the bait

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I am old enough to remember reading a magazine article about the "last remaining member of the Flat Earth Society" back in the 80s. How far have Americans fallen.

Why would it go in a sphere around a giant globe

He thinks the sun revolves around the earth

Ok nvm you're clearly a retard

UHMM ACTUALLY the flat earth society was British, before the am*ricans usurped it, as far as I'm concerned it still is

Except I can still see the candle

the earth is flat... in spherical coordinates

what is the horizon

what is a vanishinf point

what is atmospheric perspective

I know you guys think I'm crazy for saying this... but sometimes I see the moon during the daytime.

That's just an owl. Don't worry about it.



I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of flat earthers are just attention whores.

Had a pretty good telescope as a kid, but lost interest in it outside of watching videos. Not sure where it would have went if I stuck with it since I still think space is cool as fuck.

Never flown in plane anon that map is fucked fucking loser get a pass port

If this was right, why we aren't doing expeditions to go there? I just know corporations would pay for everything to exploit the ressources there, literally new Gold Rushe's 24/7 in new directions

