/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico

California Edition
(Euro flags NOT welcome)

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people from based states like me

people from cringe states hate me

It do be like that.

Cum con sex

op is a caliPOORnia faggot and is off his meds. Sad!

you are alienating a lot of the people who liked you tbqh

Nobody "likes" you except for mentally ill faggots who thinks they're a woman, faggot

I'm hot and sweaty like your mom's pussy

/cum/ in a nutshell

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Faggot downloaded old Anon Babble reaction images to try to blend in because it thought it can get free attention pretending to be a woman but nobody cares so to has to samefag and talk about itself when it’s “not there”

i disagree

You're on your HRT meds but unfortunately off your schizo meds

nobody likes you schizopoo
the thread would be better without your sperging
you're mentally ill and unlovable

you have to give it a moment

do romanians have rights?


tell me a fun fact about Romania

The thread would be better if you gave the Bulgarian AIDS and the two of you wasted away, faggot
Go spam more shitty drawing game links that nobody plays with you

Pic related is me except I'm Anon Babble and I wasn't cursed with bad eye sight and I don't wear shorts because I'm not a child.

why you sperging out schizopoop??

take your meds freak

Not sure why you keep projecting your own thoughts onto me but go ahead, "Spinny"

Why do you pretend to be a woman despite getting no attention and having to talk about yourself and reply to yourself constantly while also posting no proof of having no Y chromosome, faggot?

This california schizo is an awful lot like buttpoo zazueta. why are there so many schizos in california?

besides that it's a shithole state

i feel powerful denying people (You)s.
reply to me with some inflammatory or dumb nonsense? have fun talking to yourself, bud.

I can't tell who's who and I feel like you guys are just randomly namedropping at each other. End of the day though californians are cringe.

a lot of strife & discord in /cum/ today

Anime image

Troon detected.

“Spinny” has a tiny cock and two shrunken testicles due to HRT

Happens every time there's a European flag

anime website. leave if you dont like it

spinny doesn't exist

You can't get THIS mad just because I said I don't like calioafnia. Come on now.

why do I have an urge to lick her armpits

they all know each other from discord

Life is a 100% fatal sexually transmitted disease

I'm not from California, nigger
What I want is for you and your low quality posts with nigger zoomer slang to no longer be present in come
You're an annoying Eastern European niglet


haha the redditor is seething cause nobody likes him

Did any of you get the vax

are there still shanty towns in USA?

Nobody thinks you’re a woman, it’s time to let this gimmick die

yeah. still not dead

Nnnaaaaah lil jit is pressed for reallll. Bro a crash out!

This is a common misconception.

all the canadians did. you can tell by the way they post

The guy who's freaking out and saying this spinny character doesn't exist is a known schizo spammer who has it out for our girl poster. Nobody really knows why he hates her besides that he's clearly retarded

Interesting how we started getting a woman poster around the same time the other faggot who constantly talked about sucking cock and fucking men stopped posting

A newfag can't tell me shit.

touhou is not anime


most of our European flags aren't even real Euros, except Bulgaria and FK. Same with the other foreign flags (asian countries, brazil & such)

he didnt create this site

No. Still didn't die from the Chyna Virus

our girl

Genuinely interesting how only one person seems to think there’s a woman who posts here

Her simp army is going to call you a schizo

Who's on my side and not a tranny or from cali or that gay pedo stalker from 'cago?

Me skipping the thread silliness

He owns the site. He is the supreme arbiter of what it is

i hope everyone engaged in this retarded discussion dies

It doesn't matter if you think I'm a woman or not. I am a woman and you're gay and suck cocks cause you can't get a real woman! cope and seethe fatso

the 3 most prolific Canadian posters here are:

a turkmutt

a jeet

some sort of SEAmonkey mutt

Explains a lot tbqh


"Her" army of one made up exclusively of "her"self

Because you keep feeding the troll(s)

Have you ever seen a vampire.

are there still shanty towns in USA?

yeah. Most of california is a shanty town

I’m a woman! No, I don’t have any proof! No, I don’t have a driver license that sex my Sex is Female! I’m a woman!

You will never ever be a woman

There always is during morning/daytime cum because it's full of neets and losers who hate themselves
Evening/night cum is a totally different vibe

So if i bought the mona lisa and said its a trans woman...you get where im going

I haven't been much part of this discussion

At the end of the day though, facts are facts, but I'd still play skribbl with all of you.

Common misconception actually. That should be a question for me.

you're a fat neet and you're mentally ill

and a homosexual that nobody likes. gross!

Evening/night cum is a totally different vibe

yeah ratpedo here from 6am bong time to around the time his mum invites him in from the cuckshack for reheated greggs

no I don't get where you're going with that retarded idea

which one are you

Not having him filtered

literally who GIVES a SHIT why does this make you so angry that you sperg out and ruin the thread kys

Is this about spinster

I dont want them dead but I would like this to stop
Bulgaria nigga has been here longer than me he should know not to feed the schizos


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The Mona Lisa is a painting. Anon Babble is a website. You can hold a painting and touch it. You can't hold a website. As for the purpose of a website, that is determined by who owns it. If you go to to Anon Babble or Anon Babble, what does anime have to do with guns and cars? Nothing. If you go to Anon Babble it's about anime. So while there are anime boards, the entire site isn't about anime. Surely even you can understand this

No, the guy known as schizopoo

*Breaking News*
/cum/: Angry tard is angry

what the fuck is wrong with you people

i just hope you die a painful death

Blaring sunlight

NOT a vampire.

I would do crazy things for a vaguely brown mildly autistic east euro girl and im not joking

I thought places like Sacramento, Fresno or Redding were nice places in California

I post here much less since the 15 minute timer sadly, I'm also banned ever other 3 days

the jannies have it out for real canadians

Need a new vampire anime or Yofukashi no Uta S2 asap.

Sacramento is nice. Dont pay attention to these anti California retards
They're obsessed weirdos

Erm murnau invented that actually

by nice you mean a shithole

Who invented what?

Feel like shit

Sometimes you guys say things to each other that even hurts my feelings and it isn't directed at me

sex feels bad without a condom

you risk getting a girl pregnant witjhout a condom

stop being a woman

Soft cunt.

a real gamer girl living rough making do with little

She developed immunity from repeated exposure

Whatever you do, don’t google Metzitzah b’peh…

One of the mods here really does, I've been in Anon Babble threads where everyone is making fun of jeets and 2 other leafs + me are the only ones who get b& for it right before the thread is pruned lol

Ok I like American culture, but not THAT part of it.

Romanianon where do i find an autismo romanian girl for real

sex feels bad without a condom

it really doesn't, obviously not ideal but idk why niggas keep pushing this meme on Anon Babble

cause incels

i never had sex

Metzitzah b’peh

I guessed what this was without 100% remembering the name. rabbis also have higher sexual abuse rates than Catholic priest iirc but it goes much less reported

what a beautiful language

My stomach burns


Did you know Americans pay a religious tax on their packaged foods?

Despite jews being 2% of the population, the majority of prepackaged food in the US is certified kosher by a jewish rabbinic agency.

Over your life, this jewish tax will cost you thousands of dollars

pretty sure one of the mods is insanely petty and targets people he doesn't like.

California is the greatest US state.

Twitter has almost completely destroyed the mythology of the professorial type; you thought you were getting wisdom, learnedness, erudition - instead you're getting reheated Rachel Maddow with a heavy dose of mental illness and psychological resentment.

personally, i'm afraid of women

No cap? Never heard of that. Isn't the "in God we trust" on dollars related to Christianity?

If God is real then priests are the single most important people on the planet. More important than doctors or scientists. If they represent the controlling power of reality then they should be deferred to above all other.

If God isn't real, then they're a bunch of stunads in funny clothes and utterly irrelevant, perhaps even somewhat deleterious to society as they expose a false message that can harm people who actually believe in them.

Sad that hiroshimoot basically abandoned this site. Moderation (on int at least) is very arbitrary.

travel the world chud, you types are always so sheltered and would be less hateful if you actually saw other people!!!

Brenton Tarrant literally became a chud after travelling

Anders Breivik literally became a chud after travelling

Why is the media so horrifically bad at understanding the mentality of mass shooters and school shooters? Since Columbine they are always wrong

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canada is cute asian girl central

theres going to be a live action lilo and stitch

Yeah almost everything is kosher certified, which is just a giant scam to make food conform to ancient dietary guidelines in the jew book

i hate you all

They better cast a good nani

Moderation (on int at least) is very arbitrary.

yeah. I think int in particular got a lot of reddit tier jannies

Father son gym time

Twitter has almost completely destroyed the mythology of the professorial type

the few remaining Professors/professionals who are in their late seventies or older still are like that. It's a generational thing starting with the boomers that gets worse each generation

lemme guess
stitch will be played by a short mexican, right?

I just want progeny bros

Canada's government, using 2016 data, projected that 50+% of the population would be foreign born or the children of foreign born residents in 2030.

Trudeau's government accelerated that so massively that Canada will hit that 50+% in 2024 -- it's likely already there as of today.

I expect to see the balkanization of Canada in the next decade. How much longer can it continue existing as a single nation, given the demographic realities? Some cities are nearly 100% "newcomers" today. Many areas have nearly 0%.

Can confirm.

we have less now than we used to but instead have jeets, very very sad. I would not wish this on anyone.

i would be very happy if only i could have an asian gf

We're literally a worst case scenario warning to the rest of the world. You think voting doesn't matter but we elected that faggot once and he singularly destroyed this country.

I know we've been down this road before


is it true canada was been supremely pooified

dont care still voting Trudeau

Canada and n the 90s was a scandi-like utopia. Now I wouldn't go there on a bet. America is shit now too, but Canada went balls out.

I mean biden let in millions of people in his 4 years. it's pretty obvious they're using migration as a weapon

Why tf did you vote Turd'eau a second time you lemmings? Vote PPC like your life depends on it because it does.

Trudeau is fixing it. PP wants to change nothing

i'm mid

yeah but those are all illegals who theoretically could be deported one day, Canada has millions of jeets in various statets of legality that will never ever be deported and have a much easier path to permanent residency.

it's pretty obvious they're using migration as a weapon

yeah even the most diehard cucks are no longer denying it but somehow trying to make it a positive or something. Remember not that long ago they were outright saying all these demographic changes simply weren't happening and were conspiracy theories

they wont get the thickness right if anything i wager they go TOO thick, realistic pacific islander thick ITS GONNA SUCK

I remember in the 90s certain TV shows would film in Canada because it was cheap and you could always tell it was Canada because it looked like America but just something was slightly off and uncanny. A good example of this is Highlander: Raven.

Also, the lead lady in Highlander Raven fucked Bill Clinton.

Ich kannte viele schöne Damen
Auf dieser schönen, weiten Welt
Mit Fug und Recht kann man da sagen
Ich war ein wahrer Frauenheld
Man sagt mir nach, ich wäre schamlos
So herz- und lieblos und frivol
Man meint, ich hätte sie gezwungen
Nein, die Wahrheit liegt dazwischen wohl

Denn ach so gern hab' ich die Frauen geküsst
Und doch nicht immer auf den Mund
Ich wollte immer wissen, wie es ist
Und küsste mir die Lippen bunt

Ich küsste nicht nur rote Wangen
Ich hatte einfach alles lieb
Man sagt, ich sieche vor Verlangen
Besessen so von Paarungstrieb
Sie meinten, ich wär' tief gefallen
In ein Meer von Libido
Man sagt, ich sieche vor Verlangen
Das kann man so sehen oder so

Denn ach so gern hab' ich die Frauen geküsst
Und doch nicht immer auf den Mund
Ich wollte immer wissen, wie es ist
Und küsste mir die Lippen bunt
Ich nahm sie einfach in die Arme
Und Manche hauchte leise: „Nein“
Doch ich kannte kein Erbarmen
Am Ende sollten sie's bereuen

Wie das Kaninchen vor der Schlange
Ein kalter Blick, dann biss ich zu
Und das Gift ruft ein Verlangen
Ließe nimmer mich in Ruh'
Ach, die Frauen, all die treuen
Und manches Herz brach wohl entzwei
Am Ende sollten sie's bereuen
So viele Tränen und Geschrei

Denn ach so gern hab' ich die Frauen geküsst
Und das nicht immer auf den Mund
Ich wollte einfach wissen, wie es ist
Und küsste mir die Lippen wund
Ich nahm sie einfach in die Arme
Und Manche hauchte leise: „Nein“
Doch ich kannte kein Erbarmen
Soll damit sie glücklich sein

The funniest thing is when you see the most deranged facebook boomer tweet and you click on their profile and it's like "Professor of sociology at Stanford. NYT Best Selling Author of 'Authoritarianism in America'"

Why tf did you vote Turd'eau a second time you lemmings?

We didn't, he got like 33% of the Canadian public to vote for him which was less than the Conservatives.

knowing the PPC and turdeau


Sounded cringe so I googled it and of course it had to be Soystein

various statets of legality that will never ever be deported and have a much easier path to permanent residency.

it's time to invade Canada and set things right

mfw thinking about all the boyfriendless asian girls out there

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filtered the german language

assuming you are white-passing you could get one easily. Even in Asian countries with the big incel problem there are millions of single women

I look just like her

watching destiny

Sort of funny how mens bathing suits got larger and women's got smaller

cumpies, im drinking covfefe

assuming you are white-passing

“Marriage is a commitment”

But you believe in no fault divorce yeah?

“Yes of course”

So it’s a commitment to stay together until you don’t want to?

“Well… yeah”

How is that different than a relationship?

Meds, Slavs, and Orientals all still wear those speedos for some reason

We didn't, he got like 33% of the Canadian public to vote for him which was less than the Conservatives.

Then how tf he's the one in power?


Nu, sunt român dar am rude în Canada.

Same, just like yesterday. Do you get up late as fuck or something? I'm just on my lunch

the difference is that she can divorce rape you

women will divorce you over feelings

your marriage and financial stability is entirely dependent on female feelings

It's so over...

bunch of incels itt rn

maybe you can, i can't, it's impossible, it's a pipedream

I don't believe in no fault

Then how tf he's the one in power?

He made a deal with his brown wife Jagmeet Singh (3rd party leader) to stay in power forever. Between them and the Quebec party they have enough seats to pass everything they need.

found a post I made on Anon Babble in 2013

I heard in france some places won't allow you to wear swimming trunks and make you wear a speedo. dunno if it's true

Mind sharing it?

Drinking coffee rn


it's true, Euros have this weird centuries old hatred for shorts in general

What roast, and with or without milk/cream?
For me?
It's light roast black coffee


baby shark will solve mexico drug problem says the obvious narco puppet president

Hmm, sounds like the same situation in France where conservatives also had the most votes but didn't get to be the actual winners. I think one party needs to have at least 50%+1 of the votes to guarantee a win.

man i really don't give a shit

that seems strange, shorts are nice to wear. I don't mind wearing a speedo though, but NA is kind of weird about speedos in the same way europe is about shorts.

Same, I can't help but not give a fuck about what happens in brown countries

Then why you respond you maple syrup bottle bj giving fag

I'm drinking light roast too, with cream **[spoiler]and sugar[/spoiler]**

Who do you think arms the cartels?

so you stop posting shit no one cares about

Nothing bad about some cream and sugar sometimes
I like my coffee like I like my women, in all shades
I like Chobani sweet cream mostly

The world doesn't revolve around you.

Black girls give the best blowjobs

Yuros think shorts are for kids, the Bulgarian itt even said that a little while ago. French ban swimshorts because they think it's not easy to distinguish them from regular shorts or something which would make the pool dirty. In reality it's just euro-tism

This is true
I could never cum from blowjobs until I was witha
black girl because most girls are awful

Europeans sperg out about their younger generations dressing like Americans AKA not in nut-squeezing tight pants, a dress shirt, dress shoes, and a black puffy jacket because that's the only way Europeans can dress

You are getting shitty bjs /thread

gonna fap

Yeah I know

because most girls are awful

I was like 19 so most girls weren't professional cocksuckers yet

oh wait
not for illegals hahah we also need slaves

we're all racists here

Illegals don't deserve any legal protection, labor rights included

Americans dress like toddlers
It’s always bizarre seeing 50 year old American tourists with baseball caps, sneakers, shorts and team jerseys (all ill fitting).
They look like little kids getting picked up from preschool.

Dudes give better head but you didn't hear that from me

I wonder if there are alien civilizations too far away for us to ever meet, and if they have an internet with image boards and memes and racism and shitposting

why are black girls better

In the end, it doesn't matter.

Another reason why Paco the Venezuelan should go back

lack of fine motor skills, so they're way more willing to put friction onto your cock where normal girls are scared of hurting you

shut the fuck up

Selective breeding
Goes back to the old plantation days
Bred to please Massa basically

The federation is a ferengi puppet

It does actually

What would you know about that in Europe? You get literal ape tier Africans, not African americans

There was a tranny in college who "confessed" to me and I realized that I hated trannies then and there

Germans just shit on each other while wearing pup masks and call it high European fashion

which means? How does it feel different

Black women love sleeping with white guys and are very enthusiastic about it so they go all out

Bro got a supervillain backstory

Make fun of stinky indian poopoo paki incel jeets

A black girl I went out with a couple of times was a weeb and I think she was disappointed about the fact that I knew nothing about anime because all black guys seem to be into anime

Europeans get out

This is my thread.

come to read american thread

they all talking about black people

Most based post ITT

I’m just talking the talk

You're an awful poster
FK can stay, he's been here for almost a decade

LOL you don't even get a vote here, Yorgi

Black women are like the most sour grapes group in the dating market. They all hate White men, Latino Men, Asian men etc. until any of those men give them the slightest attention lol

Nobody likes you Boris

It's like the country is full of them, right?
What's next, talking about mexicans? lol

what good is it wondering about aliens when we can't even civilize niggers?

Many White and asian girls giving you a bj is sort of like teasing your cock with a soft feather. It's nice but like you're probably not gonna cum from it. Black girls get on there and they put a bunch of friction like you would and most glob glob on your cock.

yeah ok incel, spout off more incel opinions

better than you

I knew a Mexican girl who's family owned a massive ranch and she lied to her mom and dad that she knew me from class instead of meeting me at a party
She had really bad taste in music but she was fun to hang out with

Why is American ghetto negro culture so powerful?
We get wilderness bush life Africans here and they dress like early 2000s Ruff Ryders niggas with durags and baggy pants and all
They could just become normal people but something in their blood told them to become a nigger instead

There's a reason their ancestors were sold into slavery by their countrymen
Lets just say they weren't sending their best

I've never had sex so idk what the difference is

My sons.

Didn’t ask
And furthermore, don’t care

Shots fired, RIP!

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idk many of them just straight up approach me. They're far more open to approaching guys than any other type of girl, I've gotten a lot of "ayo yboi u cute." I wouldn't ever date one though far too much of a culture gap

Daily life in the USA is like a Hollywood movie

sexhavers out

back to r9k with you, stinky incel

Another awful post from Nopusvan Incelovich

Everyone is convinced that complex alien technological civilizations must exist even though Earth didn't have them for 99.9999% of it's history lol

I liked it.

your post? not so much.

incel website

They do exist but FTL travel is never going to happen so there's absolutely no hope of any civilizations meeting each other in space

sympathizer fuck off

Guy came out of the house shooting at the cops.
This is LA, CA has the toughest gun control laws in the country, I think they are similar to NY.

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don't have another spergout you already had one today, schizopoop

this schizo troon thinks everyone who doesn't glaze his boyfriend is the same person

It's about time for your meds

This, they need to fuck off to reddit or Facebook or some shit

incels back to r9k cope and seethe

She lowkey fine

He replies to every negative post about him like it’s the same person
Might even just be him on a VPN at this point

go back to facebook where you can write about your sex stories

Everyone is convinced that complex alien technological civilizations must exist even though Earth didn't have them for 99.9999% of it's history lol

Why would the aliens want us to know about them?

*goes on the most incel place in the entire internet*

wtf there are incels here? this is unacceptable

Incels built this site
It got gentrified in 2016 by election tourists, now these filth think they are the rulers here LOL

You sexhavers will ALWAYS not belong here

Pull out method is 100% safe

go back to r9k where you can whine about Chad instead of embarrassing yourself here

I mean even if they wanted to contact other civilitations, why would they not be limited by the same laws of physics that limit us?
They could be sending out radio signals like we are that will never reach anyone either.

Incels built this site

This is how I know you're a newfag from 2015

they definitely exist we just can't see them!!

Life in the universe is simply incredibly rare and so are the conditions to sustain it, no need for all these elaborate copes to explain the Fermi Paradox.

fuck off nigga

Most of us used to be incels too
Most “incels” are actually just underage 16 year old virgins
Took until 2015 for me to escape inceldom

I've been here since 2008, sweaty wat nou

if you're a beta shy incel all you can do is get huge muscles really, people fear and respect huge muscles


most incels are underage 16 year old virgins

I'm 32 and a virgin


I’m addicted to nasal spray

shoots you in the face

2008 lmao stupid newfag get a life probably posting on Anon Babble instead of the chad boards with the sex havers

You are just a normie who claims to have been an incel for clout. You were always a normie

Earth is the origin of life. We're the first intelligent civilization. The universe is still in its infancy and has uncountable years until its death.

you must be stupid if you think i'm talking about physical confrontation


More like 2010.

Shan't be participating in thread wars.