Muslims are a threat to trans and gay rights everywhere which is why their culling is necessary

Muslims are a threat to trans and gay rights everywhere which is why their culling is necessary




yes sadly we will have to cull trans right to help our new immigrants feel more at home

You're wrong. There cannot be no trans liberation without Palestinian liberation. The two struggles are deeply intertwined. You could even say that the Palestinian struggle IS the trans struggle.

All paleatinians should be provided hrt NOW


every single muslim i've ever talked to has been gayhorny as fuck

You will have to ask libshits to sort that out. They are fine with importing muslims but also support feminism, gays and trans.


Muslims don't have problem with trannies tho
Gays on the other hand need to go cuz they're disgusting faggots
Also why do pigskins portray themselves as they're champions and protectors of gays and trans when majority of them commit suicide in west due to constant bullying, neglect and ostracization
Sounds pretty fucking hypocritical to me, almost as if pigskins don't really care about them and just use them as excuse to steal land and resources

Looks like someone needs a quick hit of israeli shill cash


LGBTQ+ is a threat to Islam

majority of them commit suicide in west due to constant bullying, neglect and ostracization

fell for tranny propaganda award

steal land

Uhh sorry who appointed you that land?

Gays on the other hand need to go

Who needs to go?

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me on the right

im glad you live in a 3rd world shithole you subhuman shitskin
gays are here to stay and fuck you in the ass >:3


The majority of troons don't commit suicide. The famous 41% statistic refers to a survey wherein the participants were asked if they had ever attempted to commit suicide at some point in their lives. But all of them were alive, or they couldn't have answered.
If troons killed themselves at those rates there would be no troon problem as it would solve itself.

By the way, trannies kill themselves because they are obsessed with attaining a body that they will never get. It's a mental disorder and its main symptom is an obsessive fixation with not looking like they feel they should. The mere sight of their own dick in the mirror or their broad shoulders can trigger their disphoria regardless of how their day went.

Yeah focus on the muslims, meanwhile indians are just getting started

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wtf I love muslims now

The whole kikejeet shill team has arrived and they even made another thread how much do you subhuman pisstained faggots get paid to shit up this whole website, imagine making shill threads and you get 7 replies and 5 of them are your own, lmao what a wretched subhuman existence
Attempting suicide is still an extremely bad thing you stupid faggot, people don't just attempt suicide, let alone 43% of same group, now search how much % have succeeded. they're heavily bullied and disowned and discriminated
And your smearing of body dysphoria as only reason for them to commit suicide is

Stress related to potential backlash of transitioning

Experience of discrimination (transphobia) in the form of physical or verbal harassment, physical or sexual assault

Lack of support from parents and other family members

Institutional prejudice manifesting as laws and policies which create inequalities and/or fail to provide protection from discrimination

Mental illness (including depression, anxiety)


Experience of isolation in a cis normative society


These are just only few of the many reasons they commit or attempt suicide
The point I'm trying to make is, west isn't a heaven for trannies, and giving them hormones and some meme token laws or rights doesn't give any of pigskins an excuse to do wars to steal land and resources


i don't get it
are they not aware of how much muslims want them all dead?

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all this muzzie cope itt


this is political metaforging at work here
thank God we all post on to decide how to force the Overton elevator to go left instead of up or down

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Unironically based

Nigga you live in Romania
every single person with an IQ above room temperature moved west the second they could

We are lol

Still want nothing to do with rainbow flag freaks

brownest tranny award

doesn't give any of pigskins an excuse to do wars to steal land and resources

It does actually, cleansing the middle east of reactionary islamist extremists is based and no we won't stop

Two failed invasions is not a "cleansing"

Leftists will still cuck for us ds00dx

Israel will turn into a Jewish theocracy if current demographic trends continue

why do religious folks and churchies hate LGBTQ+ so much?

Remember when trans was about lady boys, then it became cross dressing and now its about doctors being alchemists