Officially due to the collaboration with the Axis powers during World War II...

Officially due to the collaboration with the Axis powers during World War II, the Soviet government collectively punished ten ethnic minorities, among them the Crimean Tatars. Soviet accounts of the late 1940s indict the Crimean Tatars collectively as an ethnicity of traitors.

According to various estimates, around 20,000 Crimean Tatars volunteered to fight for Nazi Germany, as opposed to 40,000 who fought for the Red Army. On 10 May 1944, Lavrentiy Beria recommended to Stalin that the Crimean Tatars should be deported away from the border regions due to their "traitorous actions". Stalin subsequently ordered the resettlement of the Crimean Tatars. The deportation lasted only three days, during which NKVD agents went house to house collecting Crimean Tatars at gunpoint and forcing them to enter sealed-off cattle trains that would transfer them almost 3,200 kilometres to remote locations in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. The only ones who could avoid this fate were Crimean Tatar women who were married to men of non-punished ethnic groups. The exiled Crimean Tatars travelled in overcrowded wagons for several weeks and lacked food and water. It is estimated that at least 228,392 people were deported from Crimea, of which at least 191,044 were Crimean Tatars in 47,000 families. Since 7,889 people perished in the long transit in sealed-off railcars, the NKVD registered the 183,155 living Crimean Tatars who arrived at their destinations in Central Asia.

On 4 July 1944, the NKVD officially informed Stalin that the resettlement was complete. However, not long after that report, the NKVD found out that one of its units had forgotten to deport people from the Arabat Spit. Instead of preparing an additional transfer in trains, on 20 July the NKVD boarded hundreds of Crimean Tatars onto an old boat, took it to the middle of the Azov Sea, and sank the ship. Those who did not drown were finished off by machine guns.

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When the Crimean Tatars arrived at their destination in the Uzbek SSR, they were met with hostility by Uzbek locals who threw stones at them, even their children, because they heard that the Crimean Tatars were "traitors" and "fascist collaborators." The Uzbeks objected to becoming the "dumping ground for treasonous nations." In the coming years, several assaults against the Crimean Tatars population were registered, some of which were fatal.

Like the other deported peoples, the Crimean Tatars were placed under the regime of special settlements. Many of those deported performed forced labor:[33] their tasks included working in coal mines and construction battalions, under the supervision of the NKVD. Deserters were executed. Special settlers routinely worked eleven to twelve hours a day, seven days a week.[68] Despite this difficult physical labor, the Crimean Tatars were given only around 200 grams (7.1 oz)[69] to 400 grams (14 oz) of bread per day.[70] Accommodations were insufficient; some were forced to live in mud huts where "there were no doors or windows, nothing, just reeds" on the floor to sleep on.

We were forced to repair our own individual tents. We worked and we starved. Many were so weak from hunger that they could not stay on their feet.... Our men were at the front and there was no one who could bury the dead. Sometimes the bodies lay among us for several days.... Some Crimean Tatar children dug little graves and buried the unfortunate little ones.[77]
— anonymous Crimean Tatar woman, describing life in exile

The high mortality rate continued for several years in exile due to malnutrition, labor exploitation, diseases, lack of medical care, and exposure to the harsh desert climate of Uzbekistan. The exiles were frequently assigned to the heaviest construction sites.

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My city was literally founded to stop these evil subhumans from raiding and murdering Russians with impunity. The local architecture traditionally has no door in the front, and the reason for that is to defend against Tatar home invasions. Crimean tatars are scum of the earth and I wish Stalin killed them all.

Soviet archives reveal that between May 1944 and January 1945 a total of 13,592 Crimean Tatars perished in exile, about 7 per cent of their entire population. Almost half of all deaths (6,096) were of children under the age of 16; another 4,525 were adult women and 2,562 were adult men. During 1945, a further 13,183 people died. Thus, by the end of December 1945, at least 27,000 Crimean Tatars had already died in exile. One Crimean Tatar woman living near Tashkent recalled the events from 1944:

My parents were moved from Crimea to Uzbekistan in May 1944. My parents had sisters and brothers, but when they arrived in Uzbekistan, the only survivors were themselves. My parents' sisters and brothers and parents all died in transit because of catching bad colds and other diseases.... My mother was left completely alone and her first work was to cut trees.

Estimates produced by Crimean Tatars indicate mortality figures that were far higher and amounted to 46% of their population living in exile. In 1968, when Leonid Brezhnev presided over the USSR, Crimean Tatar activists were persecuted for using that high mortality figure under the guise that it was a "slander to the USSR." In order to show that Crimean Tatars were exaggerating, the KGB published figures showing that "only" 22 per cent of that ethnic group died.

In 1956 the new Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, held a speech in which he condemned Stalin's policies, including the mass deportations of various ethnicities. Still, even though many peoples were allowed to return to their homes, three groups were forced to stay in exile: the Soviet Germans, the Meskhetian Turks, and the Crimean Tatars.

In 1989 the ban on the return of deported ethnicities was declared officially null and void and the Soviet Union further declared the deportations criminal, paving the way for the Crimean Tatars to return. Dzhemilev returned to Crimea that year, with at least 166,000 other Tatars doing the same by January 1992.

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Genocide is ok if their ancestors did something fucked up hundreds of years ago

>On 4 July 1944, the NKVD officially informed Stalin that the resettlement was complete. However, not long after that report, the NKVD found out that one of its units had forgotten to deport people from the Arabat Spit. Instead of preparing an additional transfer in trains, on 20 July the NKVD boarded hundreds of Crimean Tatars onto an old boat, took it to the middle of the Azov Sea, and sank the ship. Those who did not drown were finished off by machine guns.

lol, maybe i am desensitized by Anon Babble but it sound hilarious imo
comically evil, but hilarious at the same time

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It definitely has some black humor to it. Committing a massacre out of sheer laziness

Collectivism is a bad thing now?

Officially due to the collaboration with the Axis powers during World War II, the Soviet government collectively punished ten ethnic minorities, besides the Crimean Tatars, these included the Volga Germans, Chechens, Ingush, Meskhetian Turks, Balkars, Karachays, Soviet Koreans, Kalmyks and Kurds.

Interesting that basically every Muslim or Asian ethnic group the Nazis ran into collaborated to some degree above the rest.

What do you mean now? When has it been a good thing?

Most of us here won't admit it but judging by the behaviour of this board I would say that most of us do believe in collectivism.

Made up bullshit atrocity propaganda tends to be like that. There’s good reason OP is leaving out the sources for his claims

Made up bullshit atrocity propaganda

What actually happened to the Crimean Tatars then?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Twice the number of Crimean Tatars fought the Nazis than fought for the Nazis.

Not a great look if you switch it around and realise that a third of Crimean Tatars were traitors.

A third collaborating justifies ethnically cleansing the other 2/3rds literally fighting for you as well as the significantly more civilians who literally didn’t do anything?

don't bother arguing with a communist, they are evil people with no morals

a third of Crimean Tatars were traitors.

No, 20,000 Crimean Tatar soldiers doesn't include Crimean civilians, how did you think the 40,000 Crimean Tatar soldiers who fought for the Red Army felt knowing that their families were ethnically cleansed by the government that they fought for?

the real evil here is that they dont bring those details into The death of Stalin.
huge crime against humanity and kinoism imo

And to think that the communists were calling Nazis genociders for the holocaust while at the same time carrying out their own genocide against an ethnic group who mostly fought to defend them.

crimean tatars burned moscow to the ground 5 centuries ago so it's 100% justified

I'm not saying it justifies it, but the fact of the matter is that that is a huge amount of people fighting for an invading force. There have been genocides for a lot less.
I've not said anything about communism, just pointing out the reality of the situation. I await your apology for libel.
You literally used the wording "Crimean Tatars" to mean Crimean Tatar soldiers in your first post. If you're going to be a pedantic shit then at least don't be guilty of the same thing.

You literally used the wording "Crimean Tatars" to mean Crimean Tatar soldiers in your first post.

Yes, and I wasn't referring to a Crimean Tatar civilians, only the Crimean Tatars who fought in the second world war. If twice the number of Britons fought the Taliban in Afghanistan than fought the Argentine military in the Falklands war, it doesn't mean that 45 million Britons fought the Taliban and 24 million Britons fought the Argentine military.

I wasn't referring to civilians either. I was just using the same wording that you used. You must be a total retard to not be able to apply the same usage of a term in your post onto a post that was replying to yours and referring to the exact same subject.

I made the distinction because this is a thread about genocide and ethnic cleansing and some anons in this thread such as seem to be justifying harming innocent civilians based on the past crimes of other members of their ethnic groups.

I don't care for why you're making the distinction. I care that you're correcting me on the basis of pedantry while being guilty of the same thing you're correcting me on.

Yes, I was being pedantic, but it's because I didn't know where you stand on this topic and so your statement: "a third of Crimean Tatars were traitors." could have been used to justify the ethnic cleansing of Crimean Tatars rather than just a shortened way of saying "a third of all ethnic Crimean Tatars who fought in WW2 fought for the Nazis".

I think the latter would be obvious given how you've used the exact same wording, even more so when I told you to switch your statement around, but at this point I'm just repeating myself.

You're right, I was mistaken for assuming your stance on this topic just because you seemed to disagree with my first post

What’s a Briton doing in Egypt?

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Tf did the Koreans do?

I like their flag, very distinct

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Sounds like complete bullshit desu

We're the families of the ones who joined the Soviet army excluded from the expulsion?

I was in Egypt two weeks ago and typing under their flag. Amazing country and people. I will be back.

Why are Russian posters on Anon Babble like this?

You won't understand. Your cities weren't regularly raided by nomadic hordes.

Russians left them alive just like with other people that didn't deserve it, it's actually a testimony to how Russian empire was unlike most others, preserving hundreds of tribes.

Instead of feeling bad for the Crimean Tatars because of crimes during communism, remember Slavs in Russia that suffered instead, who actually deserve sympathy.

Neither were yours for the past 400+ years

Lol, not at all. Look more about the history.

Neither were yours for the past 400+ years

Owing to the fact Russians caved their heads in, not because of some Tatar enlightement.

Such a unique place was lost…

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that arch is 9/10 fake imo. Tho the genocide is real, but to get people's attention you have to create sensational stories like that to attractive others.
like, knowing the Soviet, and your end goal is to kill them, why dont they just line them up and shot them en masses? Its much quicker and easier than doing what ever the fuck that was mentioned above.

Why are Serbs like this? What has Russia ever done for Serbia to merit such dickriding?

Why do you think this is just about Russians? Ukrainians suffered under the Tatars as well. That's why I say Slavs and not Russians where I want to say so.
And I'm not accountable to explain to you why I like Russians, as I don't think it's worth my time.

We don't really hold a grudge now, it'd be pathetic considering they were already defeated in the past and are just a 200k stateless nation nowadays.

Relatively pointless from the Ukrainian perspective since from the logical side it's dumb to alineate Tatars in Crimea that swing to your side, however I spoke from the Russian perspective as Tatars there are much more numerous and in the 90s were somewhat on the side of independence and terrorism.
However I don't like all this crying about the tatars as their people had continuously horrible practices for centuries and the only reason that hasn't continued ad infinitum is because of the Russian empire, where Slavs became the bigger power bloc.
Catherine's edict phased them out from much of your mainland and Ukrainians settled those parts again. I think she even specified that only you should settle it and not the people from Russia proper, I read up on it from Britannica so I think it's a normal source as far as the politicisation goes.
Tatars should be quite grateful and pro-Slavic.

The Soviets feared Japanese infilitration in the Korean Soviet population.


Anticommunists must be boiled.

They were bandits collaborating with fascist vermin so yeah.

I'm afraid we're not going to feel sorry for the RONA.

Why would they fear that when the Japanese were comedically cruel to the Koreans? You’d think the Soviets would have an easy time convincing them to fight the Axis


Because there were collaborators in Korea.

what city

all this talk of Tatars and Russians, what the FUCK happened to the Crimean Goths? now that's a tragedy