Hell on earth

Hell on earth

I concur

that sucks

omg is that an Ahmed and Ngubu that i see!??!? AAGGHH MY LIFE IS HEEEEELL!!!

more like

i suffer in an endless nigger infested slum country with no beauty, no jobs, no future and more crime than in a favela

you probably just live in a shit part of the country

Par for the course, we all have our own personal hells, you choose to look at it from the first possible angle day after day cause it's convenient to the way you wanna view the world.
You want to be depressed, accept that it's a you problem and move to solve it, or be miserable for the rest of your life cause you want to whine about niggers

Musée de l'Orangerie

Sacre Coeur

Pont du Carousel

Bois de Vincennes

Grand Palais

Hôtel des Invalides

Petit Palais

Jardin des Tuileries

Palais Garnier



Les Catacombes

Bois de Boulogne


Place de la Concorde

Comedie Francaise

stfu, you cannot suffer at all

I live in le epic trad countryside
Its a fr*nch problem.
Not my fault if this country is a disgusting shithole

ugly overpriced dumps for rich oligarchs

I would kill to be colombian insead of frenchshit
You dont suffer

French problem

You really have no idea, try living a year here and then come back to tell us about muh no career opportunities no future in France

Northern italy has more career opportunities and is less of a shithole than fr*nce

It's over for Europecels
"The west" as a concept is over, only America remains prosperous in any real sense

You don't know real suffering.

Lies, north Italy probably has the shittiest air quality in Europe, it's all an ugly plain for the most part and is full of nafris and Ngubus all the same, and the Paris area shits all over it in terms of career plus likely any other public sector job in general
Italy is objectively a worse country to live in than France in terms of career and probably general quality of life.
You guys are simply us but richer and moe efficient

All this to say stop whining and fix your life instead of whining about what's around when it's a you problem

Yeah, that's why i'm moving to north america.
It's literally the future.
Plenty of spaces, and the economy will keep being strong compared to the rest of the planet.

kek you niggas have no idea how shitty and poor life can be if you think the average European has it hard

Erm actually Europe is great because it's not Niger. Checkmate Americhud

Ok Pietro

I live in le epic trad countryside


Whatever, keep being miserable on completely retarded standards
Some of you truly need some real hardships in your lives cause clearly you haven't suffered enough to take the stupid out of you

I'm a jobless nafri with no gf => Hell on earth


France is great to visit, it has beautiful monuments, beautiful nature, sovlful countryside... but once the novelty wears off and you actually have to live there it fucking sucks. It has both the disadvantages of Northern Europe (cold people, high cost of living, boring cities, etc.) and Southern Europe (low wages, bad public services, state corruption, etc.), with none of the advantages that make living in Spain or Germany bearable.

Judging by us you live in literal paradise. There's not a single problemo in France that isn't in India, I guarantee you. So chin the fuck up monsieur

cold people

Nobody wants to be friendly to foreigners who don't know shit about France here. And no, regurgitating random history facts =/= actual culture.

high cost of living

Drive a dirt cheap used up renault here like everyone and you can manage.

boring cities

It's not the US but when you compare it to other european cities (snoozfests) it's decent

low wages

People who tend to have low wages despite havng years of experience live in empty parts of the country where having a low wage is irrelevant (houses are dirt cheap, farmer markets are dirt cheap, etc...)

bad public services

Depends on the city but overall it's true. Sending a sick relative to a public hospital in a big city is a death sentence.

state corruption

We're not Italy.

After we liberate Canada and the UK, you're next.

Id rather be in sri lanka or nepal than here

I live in le epic trad countryside

So you barely experience anything you described

Think of it as the boomers gift to you, before they die.

The countryside is shit and zogged too. The only difference is having to drive 1/2 hours to do anything

Votre pays aurait pu un endroit très agréable à vivre. Mais vos dirigeants ont été des idiots qui ont fait venir en masse des personnes qui vous haïssent en raison de la colonisation de leur trou à merde et en partie à cause de l'Islam. Mais une partie de votre population a été très stupide aussi à encourager toutes ces conneries de vivre-ensemble et de diversité.

Vous auriez pu avoir l'un des plus beaux pays d'Europe, vous avez tout gâché.

You gotta admire OP
His formula just works
These threads are completely devoid of efforts, his replies are always the same, yet it never fails to gather posts

The first few months are annoying, first you try to argue with OP and he just throws outright lies and over the top claims at anything you say, then you quit but still think "what a retard" every time his thread appears, then you feel neutral about it and after some time away you start lurking his threads with a cool head and realize he's cracked the code
Other French people still at the arguing stage, gullible foreigners typing "wow.... I knew France was no longer France....", posters thinking he's serious and actually trying to help him find ways to move out of "Franceshit"
They're all there and they keep coming and they will keep coming as long as he posts >it

you have brownpipo in your small comfy french village?

yes it's extremely dangerous to go outside there nafris gangs routinely conducting raids in the countryside to stab people and break into homes
you dont suffer in your white paradise


tu viens d'où ?
la majorité de la population est encore bloqué sur les question de tolérance et de vivre-emsemble, j'habite à Paris et être blanc et anti-immigration/critique face à l'islam c'est un crime social.

tu viens d'où ?

La réunion. Nous notre problème ce sont les Mahorais, délinquants en plus d'être des psychopathes qui torturent les chiots dans des squats.

Tiens c'est marrant y'a 2 jours je rentrais de l'université à Saint-Denis avec un autre étudiant, lui Mahorais de naissance, et en contrebas de la route au bord de laquelle on marchait on a vu un mec se balader avec une machette
Je lui ai fait remarquer et il m'a dit que chez lui c'est normal

t. zoreille


Hard r board. Say NIGGER or get out

si tu critique le droit des mahorais à se promener avec une arme blanche dans la rue, est ce que t'es considéré comme un raciste ?
aussi, est ce que les mahorais parle le créole réunionnais ?

The way French men kiss my cheeks always make me blush :3

beautiful nature

What nature?

Je sais pas je suis pas là depuis assez longtemps pour m'être imprégné des nuances de la politique locale

Non je vois pas pourquoi ils parleraient créole réunionnais, d'ailleurs je sais même pas si il y a du créole tout court à Mayotte
Contrairement à la Réunion qui était inhabitée avant la colonisation ou aux Caraïbes dont les indigènes ont été complètement éradiqués, il existait déjà une langue à Mayotte, celle des Comores, une langue Africaine, donc y'a pas eu le vide puis mélange des peuples apte à produire du créole

There is a decent diversity of landscapes considering we span from the North Sea to the Mediterranean where climated are very different and have several mountain ranges

Yes, yes, we know Canada is both massive and covered in wilderness unlike France. Doesn't mean there isn't cool nature here

i know you are not real french because europeans enjoy those kinds of things.

Correct but they're all Paris and real French dunk on Paris all the time
We need dismantle them and spread them out evenly throughout the country

I am not a pedo parisian or a shitskin like the poster above
Sorry not sorry

Si je pouvais bosser là bas j'irai à la reunion. La métropole pue la merde.
Mayotte aurait pu être bien si il n'y avait pas les Comores à côté
Yes. Many. The government tried to flood with every manner of mahometan terrorist


comfy everywhere on mainland france is ugly and grim af


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More like because everywhere is ugly and looks like a slum, everything is expensive theres crime, robberies and muggings even in villages ,no jobs, no nature, no culture nothing.
France is where europe took a shit.


overcrowded ugly tourist trap

gated community/nafro infested shithole for rich nissards

gated community for rich people working in monaco where houses are 800k€+

France is garbage
Id pick namibia over here

I know you're just fishing for (you) but you realize anybody can easily use street view and see you're bullshitting right?

I am not. Ive been applyong to visas and looking for jobs for ages.
Everyone knows france is a disgusting third world shithole and arguably one of the ugliest countries in the west

You wanna swap?

I wonder if he's doing it for fun or because he's paid to do so
A strange passtime if the former, slightly more concerning if the latter

Are you that big butt Saudi? Haven't been posting on here for a few years but why are you still around

Oui et ils font leur cuisine à même le sol devant l'entrée des immeubles
On a pas le même niveau de civilisation

Si je pouvais bosser là bas j'irai à la reunion

Trop de chômage ici. Viens en vacances mais je te déconseille de vivre ici à long terme.

Ta vie serait probablement pire ailleurs PD

You can go to countries like Denmark for free you tard, what the fuck you need a visa for? If you think French cities are shitholes wait for when you see American ones.
It's definitely not paid, he's just attention whoring, I can understand the sentiment, if you're the one shitting on your country in the first place people will be compelled not to and it will hurt/annoy less when people do, lots of people will also dish out compliments too to counter the negativity.
I sometimes felt the same on Italy here, me too being an always online loser, after you read so much constant negativity by other schizos you just want to indulge more than the trolls, and self victimization is the currency of the modern age
It's just retarded always online posting habits in the end.

C'est comme ça dans tous les domtoms. Mes oncles vivent en caledonie et c'est pareil là bas. Ça fait 8 ans que je cherche à la reunion. Rien.

With russia. If i dont get drafted why not
Non. Tout l'inverse.
Americans city were fine when i went. Better than here thats for sure

what do you need a visa for

Theres nowhere worth staying long term in europe. Its a doomed peninsula.
Why should i go elsewhere in the EU kek

muh denmark

You need to speak danish. Also it has even less nature than here

Europe is shithole! Europe is doomed! Muslims and migrants!!!

B-but I need to learn another language that's basically slightly more Germanic English in a group of countries where literally everybody speaks good English and the quality of life is extremely high!! Asking too much!

I wanna go to Russia! Yes!

I won't even bother mentioning Switzerland and Norway, since you'd find bullshit excuses, you're literally and unironically retarded, your thought process makes zero logical sense

What about the farm country regions? Are they even worse than the cities?

it's a thirdworlder on a VPN and the implication isn't that Russia is great but the usa supposedly is
this same poster was the "I will buy iphone" spammer


France is a bloated, rotting corpse

France is a safe high-income country with lots of world-leading companies known for its varied nature, high quality of life and often novel ways to look at the world.