What is happening in Iceland? This is performance of their school students, and they fall dramatically. Iceland is also 99% white so it's not immigrants to blame
What is happening in Iceland? This is performance of their school students, and they fall dramatically...
Well according to perma online 4troon schizos PISA test results and IQ are nearly 100% genetic or whatever so it must be because somehow the genetic stock of Iceland changed even though they have no foreigners.
Iceland is like 25% immigrants now, it's not 1990 anymore.
tik tok brainrot
Most are poles and other euros, poles are higher in pisa btw
Schizo nonsense.
fill your country with polish plumbers, romanian gypsies and pajeets
wonder why everyone is suddenly stupid
They were 81% native in 2021 so the finn is probably not far from truth
Again, Poland beats Iceland in math science and reading. Poles are as smart as Icelanders if not smarter in this regard
Icelanders of two Icelandic parents only at 75.71%, so it's probably more like 30% immigrant now
Climate change
Maybe they aren't sending their scientists to clean toilets in Iceland.
Too many screens kill attention span, the younger you start the harder it is for a kid to focus
Parents arent parents anymore but friends. They do not discipline their child or hold him accountable, and they themselves spend too many times on screens, so they dont help their kid with homework, help him study for exams, etc
These are countries of origin of these migrants, only Thailand stands out but their numbers are not so big
stop being butthurt, Polish immigrants were in Iceland for a long time already
So poles are retards?
we score higher than Iceland, so it's them who are retard apparently
No, poles are actually smarter, and were smarter even in 2000
Anon ngl this is just pathetic coping at this point.
just checked and we also score significantly higher than French, who's the retard now?
When you go to Iceland you bring their score down.
Ok but poles are a net negative. There's a clear correlation there. According to your facts the score should have gone up.
I mean we have a lot of blacks and arabs who bring the score down by a lot. When it comes to native vs native we're easily smarter than you. And it's nothing to be ashamed of.
It just means something is wrong with their education system
When you go to Iceland you bring their score down.
but we have higher score than them? you are so fucking dumb, no wonder we have much higher score than you as well
PISA has a strong correlation with IQ. It's not really about "education".
Yes it's very weird. You somehow do well back home but do very poorly abroad.
keep coping you french idiot, polish natives score much higher than french natives
Social Media
use of internet
video games
These are the trinity of stupidity. Brainrot is a very real thing and it has ruined several generations. the simplest solution is to ban internet access for kids and to limit gaming time per day to an hour at most.
It is lol, it was designed to measure education. Our scores also significantly fell after 2015 because we had some shitty education reforms that made our kids retarded
Well that actually is not true. When PISA first started France was well above Poland (and we still had a lot of foreigners back then). We imported A LOT more since then and that's only then that you passed us. It's nothing to get mad over. It wouldn't have made sense for a nation like France to be outscored by a country that doesn't have nearly as much accomplishments as it.
5 data points interpolation
holy cope
french kids are just dumb as fuck, deal with it
A correlation of 88% between PISA score and cognitive ability (not education).
Education creates cognitive abilities too lmao
I mean that's verifiably not true. We had a score of 511 in 2003 (Poland a score of 492) and it fell down to 495 as of right now.
Sadly no, IQ cannot be raised.
so french kids were smarter than polish ones 20 years ago but are dumber now, got it
It can be, you could be learnt to solve these puzzles with enough determination
If you train on IQ tests you get better results.
Well no, I already explained it to you but you seem to have issues regarding reading comprehension. Back then we had fewer foreigners (they weren't brining the average down). Now we have a lot of them while you have none. So now you're above us. It's fairly simply to understand really.
just because you made up some cope doesn't make it true
Back then we had fewer foreigners (they weren't brining the average down). Now we have a lot of them while you have none.
why are you making up obvious lies like this? you must be really desperate to save face
we have millions of ukrainians who bring our score down, your cope is falling apart
french kids are dumb, deal with it
You can lower it but you cannot increase it.
Doesn't replicate if the space between the tests is significant enough. Of course you can trial and error your way into a higher score though if you do them everyday.
You are such a fucking retard
That is starting to be a trend everywhere, retard.
why are you making up obvious lies like this?
I am not though. This is outdated, the percentages for France are most certainly even lower, it's just hard to find reliable data because ethnic census are illegal here.
So if you work everyday a bit on your IQ tests you'll get better results? And better PISA results since its correlated? Sounds like an education problem to me since kids are at school everyday.
Actually France has a higher IQ than Kazakhstan despite being full of low IQ brown and blacks + we have a lot more accomplishments as a nation so it's very likely that me and my entire lineage are smarter.
Yes, but insignificant. No, because learning to solve one set of IQ test doesn't translate into scoring higher on other tests.
Iceland is also 99% white
anon i
Are you implying that poles aren't white?
Hahaha, you are really an idiot and make such obvious fallacy. Believe it if you want
Others say it's because of muh immigrants
Yes, that's in line with my point about French kids being smarter than Polish ones. PISA has a correlation with IQ of 88% and when France was nearly completely white (should have been even higher because even back then we had a few foreigners) we outscored you by a lot. I mean no offense by any of this, you seem to be very emotionally invested in all this. All I care about is the truth.
Let me guess, I'm also a bigot? Pic related.
Yeah we fell off hard. Pic related, Finnish PISA results in math, science and reading over the last 20 years.
Yes, that's in line with my point about French kids being smarter than Polish ones.
but that's wrong
they were smarter in 2003 back when we had barely functional education system, but it's very obvious they're much dumber now, all data supports it and your ridiculous mental gymnastics won't change it
You also blame it only on migrants as that french shizo?
I don't really care about that, because all things considered there are more fundamental problems than that.
But it could be that:
- maybe our IQ tests are shit
- children are getting worse at doing exams
- people have plateau'ed and this 'drop' is just a deviation from the norm
- children are actually getting dumber because of whatever
Considering my experience growing up and seeing children playing and doing shit here. I would bet on the first 3 things.
As I already told you, PISA has a correlation with IQ of 88% and IQ is correlated almost entirely with cognitive ability, not socio-environmental factors.
It is more than just that though. It is also dysgenic practices among whites themselves à la Idiocracy where the dumbest whites got to breed more than the smartest whites. I'm a schizo even though I posted facts whereas you're epic wholesome chungus by getting mad and insulting people like a low IQ low impulse control thirdie would.
It's not a "they're" anymore. Let me explain it to you again since you struggle to process it. Migrants bring the average down. French kids still score high and most certainly higher than polish kids. You have no low IQ non-whites, we have a lot. They're included as "french" when passing the tests. There is nothing to get angry over.
keep coping dumbass
How do you reckon Bjork was made?
Is she just a Sami mixed with a Celt?
Sami father (pic rel) and fennoswede mother.
Why do retards have this one dimensional thinking? Poles, in general, have an IQ of 100, but that does not mean they're sending their best to Iceland. If the score decline even is due to immigrants
There is no selection for migrants in Iceland. The poles there aren't doing exceptionally poorly or exceptionally well. They're average. You assumed I didn't consider this when I already did but discarded this explanation.
It also doesn't mean they send complete retards
And you have the data to back this up, yet refused to share it?
Somalis in Finland score on average 100 points less than native Finns do.
Its a 52 points difference between french students and students with immigrant parents
You're not supposed to tell them. The poles want to believe they're the best or something and smarter than everyone else.
Iceland is also 99% white
they have no foreigners
Not anymore. They have foreigners and muslims now.
Somalis are not all migrants
non-immigrant Poles higher than non-immigrant French
kek this dumb frog must be seething
Yes, Chinese do well while Somalis, Iraqis and Afghanis could be legally classified as retards. Who could have guessed.
You do realize "non-immigrant" includes second and third gen foreigners, right? Just asking you make sure.
you're just sad at this point
do you admit that non-immigrant Poles score higher than non-immigrant French?
I refuse to acknowledge the truth
I cannot converse with you anymore sadly. You seem to not care about objective reality.
Native finn performance is still worse than in 2000
When I hurt their feelings
Do I feel better
Yeah I am a whole lot better
the truth is whatever I made up in my mind to cope with the fact that Polish kids are smarter than French kids
PISA scores are posted above, everyone can see the results. You are dumb as a brick
Native or "native"?
Not today baby girl
You gonna learn today
This is up turn world
It's not a loving world down below
Are you somali?
of course they are not
poles are asiatic
I've seen 3 different definitions of "native" finns in studies: 2 finnish parents, 1 finnish parent, or 1st language finnish (includes people with no finnish parents). Which one is it in this case
No immigration background
They are getting invated by poles
Just seeing a polish person inmediately lowers your IQ by 10 points
still smarter than Spanish