Why is French animation so good?

Why is French animation so good?

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whats this supposed to be ive seen a picture of it before. why not just watch tranime like a good spic?

Netflix made another videogame series and this time it's not shit because some coomers here like it or something.

the facial expressions are overly exaggerated and the bodily movements feel forced and unnatural, the only people who like it are either unironic autists or anime fiends

Because anime is trash slop made to sell mangaslop or, worse, light novelslop. Anyway, it's Arcane by Studio Fortiche, it's on Netflix. S2 is shit, though.

sexo animation thats why

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I'm neither though

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wont watch anime but watches trannyflix


*and spanish

Superior genes and superior civilization compared to the slit eyed freaks

Netflix had nothing to do with it outside of distribution. That's why season 1 is so good.
How is it Spanish doe?

t. brown man

Singed was unironically the best character this season with jayce far behind

Vgh, my brown honorary Latinx brvther

Singed won. He won. It's that simple.

you have to be one of them, I said so

Well I'm certainly no anime fiend...



Keep enjoying your low bugdet adaptation of some pedobait visual novel while I can finally recommend an animated show to other people

I will never EVER watch a show where female characters have unnatural colored hair. Never.

autismo it is

Your loss.

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your friends dont watch aryanime


how's your transition going? :)

Disgusting moe FREAK

I don’t get the big issue about it? vi and powder are shown to have naturally blue and dark red hair as homeless children.

you need to shit on Japan to shill cgi anime based on lol

that's sad and korean

t. watches tranime

Arcane shits on 99% of the slop called tranime

naturally blue

Nobody has naturally blue hair

can't make up for the horrible script written by troons and mentally ill women though

animated show where men are emasculated and every straight relationship is niggerslop?

Isha had artificially blue hair doe

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this is a show with magic and little furry magic people and actual furries so this is obviously isn’t reality



Ekko was the realest dude in the whole show

cait also has very dark navy blue hair similar to police uniforms btw

I don't know how good or bad it is but I'm saying that kind of atitude is sad and lame
You wouldn't even think about anime if it's really original and great

It's so good it's completely disappeared aside from a few studios
France had a great industry but they let it die out of pure chauvinism

Japanese should watch it and take notes before the French take over

I have yet to see arcane 2 but seeing tranime pedochuds seethe like they did with the first already confirms me it's another banger

I have yet to see arcane 2

Anon... I...

Sexy women are patriarchal or something that's why we don't have them on tv anymore

I no longer watch tranime, if I need to fill my slop craving I read some manga so at least I'm wasting less time on it

There's nothing to watch. Arcane is literally the only thing the French industry has to show in years.

t. latinx

anon...it's made by pedos...
then again you're probably a nigger that washes himself in public italian fountains

There's nothing to wa-ACK!

anon...it's made by pedos...


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I perobably will never watch arcane since I don't like lol and am not a fan of 3D animation but I don't care about anime in general, ethier, except some ghibli stuff
You just should know that you sound like some Chinese and Koreans shilling their stuff while shitting on Japanese counterpart that they were inspired from and that's what subhumans do

-tch. Arcane is literally the only thing the French industry has to show in years.

You're getting worked up about 1 successful series when Japan produces dozens of successful shows every year. Japan has nothing to learn from a quasi-dead industry.

I said watch and take notes.
Quality over quantity my friend.

It's not tranime though
Don't care about japs' mental illnesses

I can tell just from the character designs it's SJW tranny garbage

also I doubt the French did much of the actual animations, it was probably outsourced to China or India or whatever

It's your mental illness if you have to shit on anime to praise this slop
Is it really hard to see that's pathetic?

Nah it was the French, it's also the most expensive cartoon show ever so you know they were being paid in European wages.

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I don't need to shit on something that's already shit, I'm simply stating the obvious

Most of the people hating on it are weebs so of course he's going to shit on anime, is it really hard to see?


then just stop caring about it and enjoy your shit
it's called ''rent free'' in meme speak

that smile, that damned smile

I wasn't the one who started talking about tranime though

thank you France!

Most of the people hating on it are weebs

I honestly didn't know that but westoids often start west vs east bullshit
That entire shit is so boring. Japs don't care about that shit like westoids do

yeah it was even worse

I don't know why Tencent would tolerate this LGBT cartoon

Not my fault your country is still stuck aping seven samurais while writing self inserts for otaku losers or moe pedobait

Spend 2 seasons building on the premise of the oppression and subjugation of the Zaunites only for it to end in "we need to set our differences aside against le greater evil"

This show would've been perfect with an additional season

They had to cram 5 seasons into two due to Netflix pressures, still, act 3 redeemed the pacing of the first two acts of season 2. They are doing two spinoffs with different studios though.

Was it censored in China?

oh god you are making me remember when season one came out and the log was filled with threads about this shit. please fuck off

Was it really Netflix pressures or budget issues? I thought it was the latter. Maybe a mix of both?

nobody knows anything about any italian slop nowadays but i wouldn't even shit on it because i don't care
i'd be pathetic if i start insulting italians when i talk about something else for some reason

it's only the beginning of a long IP, my friend, relax and enjoy the years of Arkino to come

You're taking this website too seriously.
I wish they'd stuck to the Zaun/Piltover plot instead of ending it early for extended universe bullshit but oh well.

Yeah, we will see how it goes.

You're taking this website too seriously.

oh come on bro
we are allowed to talk shit too

No, you're not.

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the French have the greatest modern drawing tradition together with the Japanese, unfortunately even though they also have great animators they categorically refuse to produce animated movies, but it's understandable since nobody watches them.
Americans also have a great animation tradition and obviously a lot of movies, though 90% are Disney, but it's completely dead now, and the French now days have better animators I think.
American drawing and comics have a lot of very high highs but they also have a lot of utter shit due to their attachment to Marvel and DC and superheroes and the French school is just better in my opinion on average

I think CalArts and their spawns completely killed the American scene

The creators of Arcane are working on their own original film.

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i will NEVER watch your league of legends cartoon. i just won't do it!

Honestly, I think the French is as pervy as the Japanese. The difference is, is that the Japanese know how to sell themselves and their culture, why the French can barely manage to sell some lemonade in lemonade stand, so nobody knows about how sexually degenerate they truly are

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USA still makes good cartoons in spite of CalArts

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it's actually australian

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You are unironically missing out.

You forgot the part where the animators get ostracized because it’s ‘le capitalism” and eventually becomes state-run and still fails.

Then all of France turn around to bitch how they been culturally insignificant since New Wave

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Also, Piltover feels very Victorian.

It was cool but the gay and blacked scenes were cringe
I wonder if the chinsese or arab versions are censored (making them the superior versions)

you clearly have never been in love
shit destroys you

It was plain good, chud. I wish Chinanon came back and answered me though.

that might be nice but the quality of the animation can't compare, the French as it stand are, on average of course, a several steps ahead at least and the Japanese have always been on another planet save for exceptional individuals like Glen Keane, in terms of ability and creativity too.
Though unfortunately even the Japanese scene is slowly dying out, the quality and variety you saw in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s is no longer there.
Half the Japanese "serious" animated movies now are of the Shinkai school of zero animation, most of kinda shit quality hidden behind flashy backgrounds, that at this point come out as extremely soulless since it's basically copy pasting mindlessly.
You can see it in studio Ponoc too, the so called heirs to studio Ghibli, the quality just isn't there, in terms of animation and especially authorship

it's also the most expensive cartoon show ever so you know they were being paid in European wages.

fortiche said that the 250millions thing was false, also "the most expensive cartoon ever" isn't much of a claim, considering most cartoon shows have much shorter episodes, the cost are on average cheaper than animated films put together to match the duration of the two seasons

wish they'd stuck to the Zaun/Piltover

we've seen enough of it already, there's better things to show

Why did you post garbage?

It was cool but the gay and blacked scenes were cringe

thankfully there was stromae to save the latter one

We really didn't, they should've fleshed out the conflict more instead of jumping straight to the magic terror plot.
I didn't.