lost souls edish
Lost souls edish
Don't let this generation debate distract you from knowing that Glinner has doxed and assaulted underaged kids for disagreeing with him on trans issues
He's a far right tinfoil schizo whose wife divorced him and kids don't speak to him because he dedicated his life to trans hate
Last year he wrote over 100 anti-trans tweets on Christmas day alone
about fucking time you foot-dragging cunt
This is Gregg Wallace
Gwaller has doxed and assaulted women of age for disagreeing with him on shirt removal issues
He's a milwall geezer whose wife divorced him and kids don't speak to him because he dedicated his life to licking spoons on tv and dating young women on twitter
Last year he wrote over 100 anti-charity tweets on Christmas day alone.
latex subedish
shart stained undies and a ciggy
the GameBoy hair
Got the audiobooks on
Irish diaspora freakshow
this is chris chan's girlfriend and the mother of his child
she's supposed to be in her early 30s, mental that isn't it?
13% of the population 50% of the crime
Trannies pick the oddest people to feud with
Childrens authors and such
there's no /brit/ in the subject field mate!!!!
is quite mental, yeah
only in america
ready for the Tesco shift tomorrow?
Are you Irish diaspora?
mental how irish people just post in here and act like their one of us. uh no?
fuck off with your weirdly accented characters mate, you aint speaking english.
so he's actually grooming a child now
matter of time
8-80, he'll fuck 'em all
No edition
actual new you mongs
Do people actually identify with generational terms invented by American ad men, christ almighty
underrated post
Why do retards suddenly think Chris Chan got her pregnant when he never said anything of the sort?
He literally just babbled incoherently about how he's destined to have a daughter or child, something he's been saying for over a fucking decade
Newfags really exposing themselves here
1% of the population (jews) 25% of the billionaires
Don’t get it
No white English
nice comeback you really burned me
He literally just babbled incoherently
was he babbled incoherently when he told the world he fucked his own mother?
i'm not a newfag, the theory seems pretty valid to me based on what chris said
It's so stupid
Kikes would never
it does sound like he said "summer" the child would "come into the mix" which would imply she's pregnant or they're trying
i don't think thats what he said though and as you say he was just babbling mushmouth shit
Fucking twat
wasn't trying to make a comeback or burn anyone lad, was simply adding on to what you said
chris chan has a habit of explicitly saying things when he thinks he's being clever or subtle
Goyim like to talk about what generation they're from because it gives them a sense of identity
apparently Boris Johnson wrote in his book that the reason he flooded the uk with over a million immigrants a year was to 'lower wages and make us more competitive'
Joee Biden