TIL that america shoulders the majority of drug R&D costs worldwide will complete continents, like Europe...

TIL that america shoulders the majority of drug R&D costs worldwide will complete continents, like Europe, exploit their hard work

That, along with natobucks, is coming to an end

it's not only drugs, but with basically everything
America innovates
China copies
Europe regulates

america didn't produce wegovy, the drug which

This is why I don't like mocking Americans for their healthcare costs. If you have any knowledge about the biotech and pharma world you would understand how most new treatments would not exist if Americans didn't pay so much for them.

Truth. EU is a decrepit shithole, multipolarisation will be a good thing in the long run but not in the way bricstroons think - it will cause reshoring and mass deportations


useless goy pills, shady financial
constructs and slop

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it will cause reshoring and mass deportations

How do you figure that?

Cope. America leads the world in medical research. Nobody else even comes close. Certainly not fucking Belgium lmfao

The drug which what?



save the massive pharma companies!!!

Cope. America leads the world in medical research

of course, it's the country where big pharma can do what they want and sell anything and whatever price they want
it's a paradise.

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Elon is legitimately moronic outside of anything involving SpaceX, Tesla and Starlink, but he's not entirely wrong here.

It's a fact that much of the investment in R&D originates from here, in America. The research and production + patents may be distributed, but the $ comes from here.

kys trannoid, I won't take your pills

Even the non-american companies that spend on R&D do so with the expectation of selling it to Americans. If America banned sales of foreign drugs then the entire European pharma industry would go bankrupt.

I wouldn't attribute it to the US as a nation. It's solely the result of the military industrial complex, the private sector is more or less an extension of them the middle class is good for skilled labor and not much else. Even Elon himself is a DoD contractor. The US monopolizes military, this is the sole reason for their control of innovation.

you should thank us for being retarded and not voting in our own interest

no I dont think I will

So the US want to ban US pharma companies from exporting to Europe?

I don't care
You've been btfo

pop that ssri, ozempic and fent bro

Unless you pay your way. All you European slackers have been getting a Free ride for FAR too long. Access to all our hard work and innovation have allowed you to go struttin around like a gabavreche, acting like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth.

we don't want your poison
I care about my health

Belgian medical research


Kek, Euros become anti-healthcare when they realize the US provides it.

yanks import danish drugs at insane prices because they stupid

simple as

If US pharma companies wants higher prices for its products in Euriope, they should raise prices in Europe instead of trying to get the US goverment to try and do something about it

pharma companies make massive profits using Americans as guinea pigs

Said pharma companies then sell the results over seas enriching themselves

Yep, it's those pesky Euros fault sars

listen goy

da medicine price is high because erm

uh well uh erm

well we keep it high in comparison to another countries became uhhh

research and development! yeah that's it

why don't we charge them for it too? uhh well

whatever goy anyways passing laws restricting our IP or forcing us to lower the price like the other countries do

would be bad because uhhhh
please tell me none of you retards believe this shit. All of you are being SWINDLED by an oligopoly which has effectively used IP laws and state power to remain unchallenged. That Musk is taking attention away from this and trying to put the blame elsewhere is just standard corpogolem behavior.

Vivek is literally a pharma millionaire. Musk is a tech billionaire.
They've both latched on to the upper echelon of the US federal government and they're both not Americans.

they're both not Americans

They are though, even if you want to say Musk doesn't count because he's naturalized Vivek was literally born and raised here.

Effectively break the legs of several European industries over the decades to remove competition

Compels Europeans to buy only American for decades

Whines about Europeans buying product from them which made them rich as fuck

us complain all time about nato and they the only country that ever invoked article 5

Ah yes american medical research

Drug exists

Patent runs out

Invent new drug that does the same thing

Push research that says the old drug is bad

Double price of new drug compared to old drug

Weeelllllll, there's Americans and "Americans", innit

Based meltingpot-pilled

they're not Americans

people call naturalized citizens Americans

Nobody broke anybody's legs. You Europeans are just lazy and would prefer to let us do all the heavy lifting while you sit back and reap the benefits from our hard work. You don't even try.

Just like with NATO. You're were supposed to pay 2% two fucking measly percent of your gdp to fund NATO and for decades you lazy fucks couldn't even do that. You're leeches and we gain nothing from being associated with you while you gain the world by being associated with us.


You know what I meant.

is this the newest cope? we wuz poor small country while being the largest energy exporter and military
usa is truly turning into a schizo mess

I certainly appreciate Ball Musk airing out his mutt fetish on the British-Swiss CERN-funded World Wide Web. Perhaps he could take his thoughts to telnet so as to avoid looking like a hypocrite.

But unlike what that Indian faggot with his small dick says, the germs invested heavily since then, the others fell off

products an employees growth over 10 years

Merck is American?

Yeah america just stop being so nice commercially for Europe. Please stop.

There is a American one and a German one. Both are independent.

WHYYYY don't the germs invested more into research of biotzzech/pharamamamaaa

Stfu Elon, I hope every American dies of cancer from your slopfood. You fat degenerate cunts

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Weird he mentions Germany since a lot of the approved meds here are American only which also have a huge price premium to them.

I hope the Trump/jeet/Elon trio will piss off Eurocrats and stop doing this biggest ally thing and grow some spine

American Merck operates as EMD in Europe. American Merck originated from American assets seized by the American government from the German Merck during the WW1.

America innovates

Developing new ways to sell funko pop slop isn't innovation.

Complete bullshit, if the pharma jews were doing actual R&D then they would be working on fixing shit like antibiotic resistance but there's no profit incentive in that

America spends by far the highest percentage of its GDP on health expenditure but their life expectancy is still lower than in a lot of poorer countries.
What are they doing wrong?

If it wasn't for americans europe would be living in a thousand year reich and now we're invaded by arabs

Most of the results from this output has to do with economic policies that made borrowing large amounts of cash harder in the EU. There's a reason why when you look at so many graphs and charts in regard to the USA vs EU countries, you see a growing divergence around 2012-2015.

The USA used to have a lower GDP per capita than the UK back in the mid 2000s. Then the Tories came in and started austerity after the 2008 recession and completely handicapped themselves. The same thing happened in the greater EU macroeconomy.

Fentanyl was first synthesized in Belgium by Paul Janssen under the label of his relatively newly formed Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1959.

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we are responsible for the poisoning of america

America didn't make you take Arabs, you did that of your own accord.

May I introduce you to Pharmacy Benefit Managers.

It was the Jewish Sackler family who got the average American hooked on opioids.

You did that

The jews you put on the throne in every European country did that

This is total bullshit btw. Drug R&D is mostly paid for by tax payer money. Drug-prices imposed by private American pharma companies have no link to the cost of pharma R&D. If you don't believe me compare the marketing budget and the cost of stock-buybacks to the R&D budget of big pharma and how much tax money is spent instead.
In fact American pharma companies spent a whole bunch of money lobbying congress shutting out superior foreign pharma inventions, like it happened with Metamizol.

t. computational chemist working in pharma research

how many money you earn

US invented Ozempic, which they use the most out of every country, so that's why they pay x10 more than what we pay for Ozempic

Makes sense.

Why isn't the world appreciative of the US for inventing Ozenpic?

made by danes however

US invented Ozempic

Didn't happen.

Why should any nationality pay more for drug R&D than everyone else? Why are European-developed drugs like Ozempic way more expensive in the U.S.? The whole logic is just a smokescreen to distract Americans from the fact that the American prescription drug market is rigged, but if "drugs are more expensive in the U.S. because Americans shoulder more of the R&D cost," why should American consumers subsidize the cost of developing drugs by European and Japanese companies?

Dam son

Wrong. Elon said Americans pay more for drugs because they invented it. They pay the most for Ozempic out of every country, so they invented it.

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Ramaswamy owns a pharmaceutical company

gets appointed as head of DOGE

immediately begins trying to remove international competition

The next four years are going to be a complete shitfest.

Nooooooooo you have to pay for our farms sector "innovating" by changing an irrelevant protein so they can hold on their patents for another decade

Fuck off

The US isn't subsidizing shit. The only subsidy here is Western government-funded research being privatized. Profit it privatized, research is socialized.

Yes we all knows germoids destroyed Europe's economy so their spreadsheets could look nice

Tbqh Canada sold its insulin lab and has been out of that business completely since the Mulroney era.

This is how Vivek made his billions too.

new "miracle drug" that cures cancer/Alzheimer's/memedisease

fails clinical trials

Vivek buys the failed drug for cheap

changes 0.1% of the drug

say it's a new miracle drug that cures cancer

takes in tens of millions of dollars in investments

drag clinical trials on to collect more money

drug fails, but you reap the investments

repeat with more failed drugs

Gonna be so funny to see him and Elon scam more out of the US taxpayers. And then you have the other government departments as well.

It's unreal how a bunch of billionaires managed to convince all the dumb chuds they are one of them while they're going to turn america into a full blown oligarchy while reaping in billions

why do us hospitals cost more? is that europe fault too?

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US invented hospitals. They're taking on the burden of Euros. They're subsidizing your hospitals.

guy says he could've used the money to buy a Tesla instead



The guy who made masterpieces like 'Daddy Chill' is now into politcal commentary? Wif is going on on Twitter these days.



Tech slop maybe

mexico paid for the wall, right?