
dooo wop do woppido doooo

Graham Linehan contributed to the climate that got her killed.

Glinner has doxed and assaulted underaged kids for disagreeing with him on trans issues
He's a far right tinfoil schizo whose wife divorced him and kids don't speak to him because he dedicated his life to trans hate
Last year he wrote over 100 anti-trans tweets on Christmas day alone

I’m just having fun, daoist authors redpilled me

mad how we were all massively homophobic as teenagers but equally were happy to wank together at sleepovers and it was never spoken about

arms in another timezone youre reaching so far with all that

mad how tits just make us want to wank together

Jingle bells all the way de lads
All the wayy

sick of the fucking wankers who moderate this site, sick of getting banned for nothing
i have a Anon Babble pass goddammit, i'm a paying customer, and THIS is how they treat me? unbelievable!

Gas bill just came through and even though I gave them a meter reading, the bill is based on an estimate which is actually lower than the real meter reading. Bunch of mongs, but it works to my benefit so I'll keep quiet.

i sincerely doubt you were banned for nothing

looks like aa i forget as soon as i see it

any scared of life man in

the given reason was "off topic", which means i didn't actually break a rule, i just annoyed the janny
if they were serious about banning all off-topic posts then we'd have no generals on this board

Mad how Graham Lineham was a lefty in every single way EXCEPT for trannys and now he’s supposedly far right

i dont have gas
only time i have ever heated myself up in this house was last week when i was making soup and wanted to bake it for some reason, so i sat there with the oven on and the door open, and it put hot air up my T shirt for 5 minutes whilst i peeled carrots

scared of women me

make your oatmeal/porridge more low calorie by adding in some celery, carrot strips, and potato chunks

same with rowling
funny how there eventually becomes a straw that breaks the camel's back and they explode
cognitive dissonance required for "leftism" is unreal

Mmm delicious sick yummy

cheesy porridge
cheese porridge+chicken
porridge + liver with salt
coconut oil based porridge with jacket potato mashed up

alexa what's the early life section of the leader of PETA

get your fucking willy out for the ira

listen dickheads if you dont support trans people existing then you cant support gay people. it's as simple as that. they were always right adjacent if they harbored thoughts like that. this was a test to see if they were real liberals but clearly not if this one little thing broke them and turned them far right

leftypol must have gone mad
he's abandoned all of his original principles of equality between the classes and the sexes in favour of championing the sexual gratification of a small demographic of perverted men
boggles the mind that it's really happening but there we are

pizza sandwich/taco (calzone) with cookie dough crust and as sealant *untested atm

living up to the meme

it's as simple as that.

no it isn't you stupid little freak go away

Menthol elves started improving dramatically when I started working full-time

no one supports gay people. its forced on everyone

Any interesting posts made this pastbweekend?

I'm not racist but

Seeing Wicked in a bit

said desu in real life

Mousey said he got sexually abused by his step-father who is visiting him this christmas.

the fly has sobered up and is now just flying at me again. or its flying in triangles
fella is getting so big
it is the last of the 2 flies and obviously the others that died have already laid eggs for whenever, but the fly can get a little fatter and ill open up the empty bottle of vodka for it to go and lay eggs into, so i can seal that and throw it away when the fly is dead

most trannies aren't even gay they're just straight men with a knicker fetish


dont respond to the proxy/VPN yankie doodle

just stand by your cotton field and dont say a thing
then open up your squirrelgun and really g ive them, weeeeeeeeee

im a bush, im a bramble
im a nigga playing French scrabble

CNN News | Resident Expert opinion: [scroll content / other news]

I have a slow-mo webm of me fingering my arse I wanna show you lot but some cunt will report me

local sunni jihad warrior takes on JK Rowling

away down south in the land of haters
cant hear them over these sick heel skaters

am i autistic if i didn't realise these 2 were played by the same actress

betty diane.jpg - 750x404, 33.01K

very queer gimmick

trannyism is a virulent mental illness, so just like any other infectious disease, it must be quarantined via bullying

away down south in the land ov haters
cant hear them over my tekdek skaters!
go thru
drive thru

shart too
isle two

Hate blacked posting as much as the next guy but it was quite funny seeing how fast you freaks jumped on it after that guy talked about breaking up with his gf

Keir Starmer tells This Morning that he hasn’t got a favourite Christmas film
He has also agreed to host a cooking segment, with his staple dish being a ham pasta bake

this pawg down, she be running to the gherkin x

Drinking coffee from my $100,000,000,000,000 mug

reminder to everyone to do the needful on those posts

reminder to do so every if youve filtered - and filtering is easy, and he hates it - and if you download 4chanX you can do it with no coding, can click through 3 steps and have it sorted

thats all ill say about it :3

Is it made out of antimatter

Guarantee certain males hit on her when she's out running

here we go
incel spam time

adams-yankoid meltdown

idea: report the posts as spambot :)
see above

No it's ceramic pretty unremarkable

ham pasta bake

Nowt wrong with a ham pasta bake

is the submit button on the report form a POST request to Anon Babble/4chan API

I don't believe you

not sure

nobody ever seems to talk about how transphobic gay men and lesbians are they seriously fucking hate trannies

someone get this chinky ice cream sandwich bitch out of the thread NOW


tell me what a post request and an API is and i'll answer your question

ancient gimmick

felt like shit but turns out I was just starving

ancient gimmick

098765.jpg - 572x693, 69.19K

>ancient gimmick

well i know what an API is - its an access point interface. its how you enable someone or something to talk to your servers or website/game/other things

a POST request is just that. a request to the server, which gives it information. it is the other unto a GET request which is when you request information instead of posting it

Nothing is going right for me today

he hasn't taken the yellow fever pill yet

Goldman Sachs Mergers & Acquisitions (hardest department to get into) investment banker btw

46531943146679.jpg - 1440x1799, 166.09K

Requesting gets

oh ok now you put t like that i will go have sex ith her to get into the department

ktim but my entire 30 years of life

Not particularly attractive

Why would you want to date/marry/impregnate someone working there?

Started training my voice a few weeks ago. Always sound my absolute coolest the morning after a night out and I can actually see the disappointment creeping into a bird's eyes as my cool deep gravelly bassy voice slowly gives way throughout the morning to my more neutral voice.

Goldman Sachs Mergers & Acquisitions (hardest department to get into)

just have to suck your way in, or have your dad put in a word

Hyo Hyo! *Knocks your door*

Zangu on his Santa Cosplay

HaYu! NiHow! Mehry Kismass! Timmy!!! hyo! hyo! Izu SnOwING! yiz yiz! rayke it!

ManeMo Shinta! Eye Raiky raike gibing Givs! yOU Mass Gay Bumi Cookiss nOW!

me SowwY u not INvesTmeNT bWankEr anonn... U jusT pOSt BLACK on Chans IS wHY!

get the trannies discussed
get the black man/white woman AI images spammed
get the dead horses beaten

want a hybrid job in London. want to go into The Big City once or twice a week, feel like A Big Man Going to Work.

ancient gimmick

VintageBrad.jpg - 899x242, 26.61K

maybe if you not factory worker in own country and used first world not to post about white people you would be investment banker instead of your shit life
maybe then youd get some pussy for once with al the money and power/prestige

take the yellow fever pill

yeah I'll get right on that mate because my complete lack of luck when it comes to any women giving me even a remote chance at speaking to her was only because she was white and not because I'm an unlovable ugly stupid fucking mongo freak

l'ancien gimmique

Still miss him. lads :(

*looks at her head*

*sees the silhouette of a lightbulb*


White women definitely have the highest standards, because they're the prettiest and they know it. It's why the types of lads you see with Asian women all look the same and why the only white women who end up with blacks are fat and past their sell-by.

you have the morals of an alley cat

neehao anon!

the only white women who end up with blacks are fat and past their sell-by.


Nah it's true, keep wanking though

socialism proudly brought to you with Chinese characteristics so that Gucci stores can be in our proper economic zones but its still communism
cos eye got too get maiy goochi anoon!

Currently reading the poetry of Oscar Wilde. He comes across very much as the Victorian Morrissey.

L'gimmique acienne, non?

How is it true?

PROUDLY BROUGHT TO YOU from a sweatshop: fake gucci and blacked posts
living in the western country whilst trying to undermine it
being a massive virgin freak down so bad that his life is grim in this way
time had working as an investment banker/in mergers: 0



c'est l'ouanque

probably because morissey took inspiration from him?

kneeeyow! conitchiwawawawoaw greetings from UK HK

By being a fact

James Cleverly's wife is fit

How is it a fact

actually, it's "guimmiqué"

who asked

Because it's true

reminder to report the spam/LQ posts he makes, because they dont exists in the space as one alongside other posts - its just random dogshit

just got all this for 3 quid off that too good to go app
honestly not bad at all

IMG_0261.jpg - 2640x1980, 917.87K

mad how chris chan got a bird knocked up
there's hope for all of you

This is you

happyChud.png - 423x524, 84.63K

living in the western country whilst trying to undermine it

belgian or commiemong?

doing a little gay porn dance

Hmmm quelqu'un a posté des bradders

you should buy opium, its really good and we could use the money to buy your tea

hm i do like opium

sneeds feed and dude weed lmao


Irish and gay, coincidence? I think not

Hes black and has a fit white wife
Also is being spammed in the thread right now but the faggot never posts pics of her

Why you seethin

Diego literally thinks Noah's Ark was real and also that saying a prayer will cure any illness
He's apparently intelligent but then when you remember these facts you have to consider he could be thicker than even Poleaboo

That used to be me, then I took care of myself and got handsome. I still have chud views (because they're objectively correct)

No he didn't.

life is just that thing inbetween our little gay porn dances

time worked as investment banker: 0
lead painting: NO. live in Belgium

He is a one dimensional troll character played by tranny janny discord raiders

wots it like being a yid

New ‘presso machine just arrived lads

IMG_1078.jpg - 4032x3024, 2.54M

ok i am probably the only one here not using 4chanX to filter him
now he will seete and start posting on a UK flag
and you will report them

why would you want to date a literal millionaire who's actually smart

I know /brit/ is full of retards but surely you're not THIS retarded

prefer a moka pot myself
much less faff
tried and tested

Vertuo pop


this is her. shes here, posting with us, right now. looking for anon cock to keep at home using her literal millionaire dollar bank account. the best thing is that shes CLOSE TO YOU! in YOUR area!

I don't report things sorry. Get your 'um' 'erm' mate to do it.

spoon of instant coffee in a mug, boiling water, stir a bit, done


KTIM except far-right views. My views have moderated in some areas.


erm thats just me talking to myself probably
these boots were made for walkin
walking up to the hills for fifteen days
i work at goldman sachs girl i know how to do the mergers and i do the banking ... bomomwoam dodododo dundundumdum

computer, zoom and enhance

Skibiddi toielt sibkiddi toilet skibbidi ... skibbidi skibbidi toilet skibbidi toilet

what an absolute mogging

prefer the real stuff me
moka pot takes 2 minutes barely any more hassle than instant but the quality is 1000x better

coffee bag in
with some packets of oats and milk, honey, butter, salt, in a sealed 1L bottle
take the coffee bag out
blueberries in

literal millionaire

More to life than money


How so?
She's also probably evil and boring
And she's Chinese (shovel teeth and dry ear wax)

ella hughes

Like Leanna Crowne, one of the prettiest girls to come out of UK porn. So naturally both of them got fully bogged asap

preground coffee

the real stuff

high quality post
thumbs or arrowed up. Anon Babble NEEDS a way to do this. idk what they could call it or if its been done before
i REALLY REALLY like this post, like a lot

Prefer le old presse française my-même

boiling water

Let it come off the boil for a minute. If it's boiling it'll ruin it.

which way?

with the cross in. bowel movement back-post header

I need muh upboarts

Fuck off to Reddit

incel freak

Skibidi toilet
Skibidi Skibidi toilet

Salt, water, pepper and a heaping teaspoon of Bovril will also do

cleaning my bedroom

Aeropress easier + better + cheaper
But moka pot is great too yeah not having a go or anything

seriously though who is this

gmail unpinning mailbox tags

cheesy porridge

This is good actually. I stir in spinach powder, cubes of cheddar and top with a fried egg.

didn't understand arcane season 2

you don't get into Goldman M&A by being stupid, and she finished at the top of her class in her entire uni year according to her linkedin lel

the six million

you never understand skibidi toilet and because of that you didnt know that it meant for you to go fly while you could

Sir Petition Denier

Studying what
More to being smart than good grades and a fancy job crunching numbers
Everyone on wall street could be drawn and quartered tomorrow and nothing would happen

Imagine thinking that is in any way an indicator of intelligence.

i used to use an aeropress, it makes good coffee
HOWEVER - the inside of the outer tube is all rough now from heavy use, and i imagine all of that plastic was going into my coffee
until they bring out a glass version i will never use the aeropress again

cope post the Canadaflag, or however bocchi the rock goes or whatever. THE ONE PIECES IS REAAAAAAAAALY XD *holds up spork*

Just found out about are two jabs going to that big curry house in the sky. 5 days it's been and I had no clue he was brown bread. Mental.

just stroked my willy and it spat up a white warm goo. lovely.

Just found out about are two jabs going to that an big curry house and in the sky, 5 days it is been and I had and no clue he was the brown bread. an Mental.

hope he rots in hell with all other tyrants

Discord raiders on a mad one today

any big mass shootings in america lately?


Just an found takes the piss and out about and are the two jabs an going to that an big and curry house and in the sky and, lately 5 days and it an is was been and I had and no clue he was the brown bread. an Mental.



no because they didnt have to rile up support for a side or against gun control so nothing happened other than the Onion buying INFOWARS, or something. i didnt watch the video (two democrats lawyering)

babe my crypto has gone up again

Does it make your dick bigger? Kskskss awww amor I'm just joking

Why is she like this?

any not quite right in the head man in

is there down syndrome porn?

It's not an acceptable defence, sorry lad

I like a Moka pot coffee as well desu. It is a bit more faff though, I bought a pod one so I could have it in my home office and I could get a quick coffee without going downstairs
One of the newer Nespresso machines, got it in Black Friday

Just an found takes the poo and out about and are the two jabs an going to that an big and curry house and in the sky and, lately 5 days and it an is was been and I had and no clue he was the poo barm. an Mental brown person.

more of a completely batshit fella myself

Here you go

And they look so excited to be there

this fucking cope

her linkedin says Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, Economics and Mathematics, Industrial Engineering
Keep coping in your head all you want you brainlet freaks lel

would love to shag a fit downie up her dirty shit pipe

HOWEVER - the inside of the outer tube is all rough now from heavy use

They do make a glass one now

feels like it should be illegal but then i can't really think of any concrete logical reason why it should be, same with midget porn

doing my post

I have a PhD

They do make a glass one now

they announced it a couple of years ago but last i checked it was still unreleased


it's out in march next year, but desu i'm not paying $150 for it when the £15 moka pot works perfectly


and who exactly is she?


LJR0hJ[1].gif - 320x240, 1.38M

forced to commit unspeakable atrocities

what sort of fake romance language expression is virtuo pop meant to be representing

gen z boss and a mini

No. Kulaks sabotaged collectivisation and burned crops.

Kulaks starved their own people. Can you believe that folks? Unbelievable.

Some of the thickest people I've met have been Oxbridge and some of the smartest have been working class Sixth Form drop-outs and apprentices.

from the school of hard knocks? impressive

in the real world phds outside of specific stem subjects are completely useless and only tell an employer that they were afraid to leave the academia bubble

i like Chinese people btw
but Hong Kong should belong to the UK. its better that way (youre welcome)

might get a job at aldi to see how the common man earns a living

Lost me snus

IMG_0079.jpg - 1722x1722, 595.73K

ehm... i really like Chinese people...


transphobic post

Try not to cringe. You can't!
Try not to cringe. You cant?!

they'd laugh in your face

ok and for me its the opposite
now what

OK? and? and im 6ft

they'd still laugh

breath smells of cock

Some of the thickest people I've met have been Oxbridge and some of the smartest have been working class Sixth Form drop-outs and apprentices

Said no one ever when billions of £ is on the line

You sound like a fat bald man in the pub trying to hit on girls that failed their a-levels on results day

Hope she reads this and fucks you and takes care of you forever with her big banker job

ow my gaaaawd you cannot say that to their fayces...they know karateeya. he gon kick you ass

Yanks live in gated communities in literal castles like this with fitter women and earning twice or 3x our salary for the same jobs, driving big huge pick up trucks and getting a car at 16 years old.

Meanwhile we live in dilapidated post thatcher industrial wasteland surrounded by druggies, dole mongs and Islamic extremists. The most we can do is escape to a grim chain Spoons to drink our £3 lager to forget our pitiful wretched existences.

And they tell us we have it better

with karate i'll kick your ass

in one of the Jacon Rees-Moggs books, he talks about how, int he opium wars, the Chinese people would shoot above the British soldiers heads (to "Kill their spirit")
so i dont care if one of them laughs at me

looking like the toilfu is about to be sacked
ah well

One of the smartest people I ever knew was a borderline illiterate Fred Dibnah type scouse old fella, but he could fix any machine even make parts himself if need be.

People who graduate at the top of Oxbridge usually have extensive family wealth and connections to even get to that point. You're delusional if you think otherwise.

Only a few Americans that are mentally ill enough to post here even think about Britain let alone think it's in any way better

Don’t get what this means apart from the Chinese being retarded

Shut it

you too

Excellent post. 100% true.

1447527217378.jpg - 500x281, 21.73K

skibidi toilet dub dub YES
skibidi toilet nee nee

why are people calling for another election
do they honestly think anything would change if a different government was in charge

you know what else all mammals have? three ear bones

That's mad. I would've thought we'd have an even number seeing as we have two ears.

gif is good

*tings together two pieces of silver*
*gets worried that evil spirits mightve heard that and can get here from their place or dimension*

Least retarded northerner

sending lots of love to all broken hearted posters in this thread -- it gets better

Love dossing. Love sleeping. Love snoozing.

don't like how electric cars make ghost noises in the night

The hangover scran
Off toil today

Wow I cannot beliebe you actually ordered that you absolute mad lad hahaha you legend x

3 bones per ear you goose


pakis would have to pay me to eat that shit
and still i wouldn't

this looks good as a meal where you have a pizza as a plate but if that is a pizza then whoever made it clearly doesnt give a fuck

Same. Proper lazy cunt me. Sleep in till noon if I don’t have work or somewhere to be. Must have got it from my mum cause my dad is the complete opposite, always up at 6am on the button, working, tinkering with things, going errands. He loathes me for being a “lazy shite”

How much?

Then you'd be in breach of contract

you're genuinely coping so hard. getting in to a top uni is literally only the start of the process, even just the job application process for a place like Goldman Sachs is very difficult and intended to weed out the midwits, they don't just hire anyone just because they have a degree from a good uni fucking hell

want to shag a girl and bring her to climax

That kebab looks so shite

it was likely a bored minwage 'jeet, so no he didn't care

i wish that politics was more honest and open. and that both sides played fair. i would like to know something about which side, but both of them lie. to anyone with a developed brain they can see how this is a problem

need to spice up the sex life with the gf
what can i do in the bedroom to shake things up? positions, etc.

Really don’t know how cunts can still eat this mystery greasy meat created in a dodgy unhygienic takeaway by illegal immigrants. Most of the time it has texture like a shoe and far too much cheese or spices. Wouldn’t feed it to a dug. Utter slop.

don't think I've ever seen a single meal posted in /brit/ that wasn't grim af

don't lie

even just the job application process for a place like Goldman Sachs is very difficult and intended to weed out the midwits


oh yeah Tony Blair or something said they cant support this. more like Farage or something
it was Farage

day 2 off my Anon Babble pass
these captchas have gotten fucking impossible, it's like they deliberately make it look like the slider is in the right place to begin with even though it isn't


not in a fit state to deliver it

just take them round the back and it them with something heavy, job done

bring a bbc in

wouldn't touch their dirty money with a stick
you know it's all drug and grooming related

Spainnonce so desperate for attention he's posting other people's takeaways as if they're his own

it's funny that you're talking like you know anything about how these places hire

go back to stacking shelves at iceland pls

Don't insult the humble Pot Noodle Pitta

pnp.png - 768x576, 842.37K


poo walloping

Dolescum cunt hang yourself. Delete the frog images before your mum finds your rotting corpse.


Mate I make more than your whole family combined, come off it xq