Do you play DOTA2 in your country? Would you be interested in playing it with your fellow Anon Babblebros?

Do you play DOTA2 in your country? Would you be interested in playing it with your fellow Anon Babblebros?

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I'd play with you polebro but I have literally an hundreds of thirdies desperately trying to dox me and failing

I've been playing since beta. Since 2013, I'll play in 3-5 month spurts and not play for another year or two. I'm just too normie to dedicate the time now

Whenever I get a new laptop that can handle the game I would like to get back into playing dota

I have around 1400 hours, but haven't played for several years.

I've been thinking of starting, is learning worth it?

sure m8, drop your steam and il add you

no i dont play it.
you would get the biggest griefer in your game who only knows how to play league (used to play it)

You still have time to listen to me...don't do it...

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it's ok, im completely new too but I play with another guy from Anon Babble that's an ex pro
less cringe than league because the players are usually over 18

im fine with playing with new players, i just started playing the game too

Relapsed and installed the game after years and this is my first match in ranked.

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never played league because everyone is obnoxious about it here.

It's the video game equivalent of a heroin addiction. No sane person who's ever played this game enough would recommend it to you so no, don't.

that's fine, you can play dota with us instead if u want, the other guy I'm playing with is a Spanish speaker too

add me on discord, il carry you to divine


nvm didnt see you were indian, i dont think i would be able to handle the smell


in current year

Get with the times old man, league is the new game to play.

I play Dota several times a month.

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I did but I got addicted so I stopped

Do you know YaphetS?

I met some European friends on there and visited them in person last year. I'd play custom game with Anon Babblebros, maybe not an actual game of dota.

yes he personally knows every chinese dota 2 player, in fact his cousin is ZSMJ

Turtle until 50min and then win the game

win the game

why would I want that :^)

noob thinking

60 GB

one map

no thanks
i'll stick with dota 1

never heard ,I just go to an internet café with my colleagues a few days a month to play Dota

ur noob
ur BR

I only plaid it once for like 10 minutes when my dotahead elder brother asked me to try it
It was shit and I deleted it after that 10 minutes
Also I've heard that DotA community is the most cancerous cancer there is.

This is why I only spam techies in ranked. 6000 hours in that is the only way I ecwb have fun anymore. My friends stopped playing with me because I wouldn't stop insta picking techies(before 7.00) and before the red mine nerf, I've even had irl fights with friends because of this. I'd delay every game to sixty minutes solely for the lulz moment when I press R to see the enemy team go Kaboom when they push high ground or walk down mid lane. I always am on perma mute because of the amount of reports I still get but new techies fucking sucks.

He used to be a legendary player in DotA 1 on Shadow fiend and Mid in general. Ice frog even named Shadow Fiend's 'fun name' after him back in Dota 1 because he was that good. Unfortunately he was too egotistic and would throw games even while he played for teams in tournaments.

You are the exact reason why punishing leavers should be context sensitive

I miss HoN midwars, the only fun thing these kind of games ever produced


Do you play DOTA2 in your country?

I have 5k+ hours and only play techies in turbo now

Would you be interested in playing it with your fellow Anon Babblebros?

No, I'm a social vegetable that can't communicate normally. Also, it stops me from relaxing and scrolling during play.

Im losing interest in watching since this autist retiring.
Most newer players are boring tryhards.

I stopped playing thank god

started playing again at the begining of this year
teached a friend how to play arround the same time
hit divine 2 playing cm centaur combo with said friend

i only play ability draft
the ranked matches are filled with russian hackers
(fuck all of them and their kind)

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checks out


6000 hours in

This is why I only spam techies

checks out

have fun playing this russian and jeet dunning kruger sunken cost fallacy garbage