Whenever you see a picture of a cute brazilian girl, it's because some brazilian spread that picture before to make gringos think they look good.
Brazilians are hideous mutts, see it for yourself even in the south most people are very ugly.
The average european is model tier in Brazil
Brazilians are VERY ugly
NO ONE CARES RETARDED. but yea the average brazilian is ugly as shit, i live in the south and i only see good looking women on fancy areas (10% of the city). truth is, the less euro admixture the uglier it gets.
even in the south a tiny minority of women look good but it's not even CLOSE to europe.
Brazilian are at most 1% white because portuguese people are not white
Very brazilian thread
There are lots of Brazilians who came here post covid. They are moslty italian and portugese ones but there are some pardos as well. The women are pretty attractrive for the most part and extremly easy, maybe some of the easiest women I have come across
Literally me in the OP
basedzilian with his thirdie truth bombs
I discovered all that from browsing imageboards in my dimly-lit basement
you’re telling me brazilian girls don’t look like kuruminha?
There have been lots of Brazilians coming here poet covid. They are pretty easy to hook up with
She's ugly
Fat face
this girl is ugly af. she would be invisible in brazil
holy megaseethe
we are living in the simp era
Holy megasimp
this person is trying to make you think she's considered ugly here, which is not true, just for being 'branquinha' she's already at the top tier. You can only WISH the average woman looked like that.
yeah thats because you are a pardo who can only wish to racemixx. White girls are attractive for being white in your favela. thats not how it works in actual human neighborhoods
The only time I see Brazil mentionned is when I go on Anon Babble. In the real world you do not register in our world view. I hope this is the same in Brazil regarding us.
He's right, you know
it is. we only know about paris and how you got raped by germany lmao
Over 90% of brazilians are pardo you dumb mutt hahahahaha
Even in the richest neighboors of the richest cities you can see how ugly the people are in street videos
France at it's lowest was bigger than Brazil will ever possibly be, stop seething, he's right and brazil is irrelevant
first reply mentions rape somehow
Ever heard of inter generational trauma and blood memory?
average brazilian is mentally no better than an indian, make fun of indians on instagram and you will get the same level of insult, this is the best his intelect could come up with
in street videos
lmao just admitted you are a poorfag.
as for "how ugly people are" you are right. brazilians are damn ugly, just like the girl from leaf pic.
no. do you get ptsd from seeing germans?
I don't like fatties, All simps should be public executed
Oh yes saying the best representation of the average brazilian is videos of the streets of Brazil makes me poor.
I probably should've looked at the cherrypicked examples of women posted here, that represents brazil much better, only a rich person would come up with this idea.
She is ugly, but she's not ugly for brazilian standards, in Brazil she's top tier.
hey I went to school and studied history look at me using this historic reference for an insult I'm so educated remember austrian painter? haha I love this joke
A very cute brazilian girl was into me but i rejected her
Why are you so fucking annoying attention whore? Are you like this in real life? I hate you so much.
You hate me because I tell the truth, go shill in another thread about how brazilians are white and good looking
vai tomar no meio do teu cu macaco de merda
você é tão burro e retardado que um simples comentário já te deixa bravinho e ativa seu complexo de inferioridade e imediatamente começa a me atacar por saber de algo. não tem fossa pra pescar, faveladinho? vai ficar sem janta hoje? já checou as ratoeiras? verme do caralho
I bet OP and the other attwhores are very sissy faggota because this is 100% female behavior
I think that the one with inferiority complex is the macaco who feels the need to defend bananazil.
Brazil is a shithole, there's way around this
What truth, monkey? Literally no one cares.
please rangeban us
Aqui sua atenção, bichona.
quem defendeu o brasil, faveladinho? eu disse que brasileiros não sabem sobre a frança do mesmo jeito que o francês disse que não sabe sobre o Brasil. onde eu defendi alguma coisa? nasceu de 6 meses?
sé loko mano frances foi tudo istrupado pelos alemao kkk que iso parça tmj pprt haha hilter altas referencias historica kk vi no southamericamemes kkkjj
I'll throw you a "(you)"(banana)
I had a 160cm 3/10 german acquiescence who easily stole a 8/10 brazilian girl from their nationstate
i wasn't sure how common this is, but seeing how a wave of BR flags automatically seethe anytime a foreigner talks about brazil or it's women, i think it must be pretty common amongst the latinx.
It is absolutely common, any foreigner here will have the average woman drooling over them.
The reason why they don't do it more is because most brazilian women are UGLY MUTTS
I thought this was a Laney Molnar thing.
latinx is the fag who is fucking your mom doggy rn imbecile kraut.
if you ever say this in front of a brazilian hes gonna kill you and you deserve way way more.
not true, the average brazilian would worship any gringo, basically just talk about brazil and you become famous here
Brazilian women are ugly
Couldn't care less. This is only bad for heterofags. I can't complain about the men of this country.