The Balkans as it should be

The Balkans as it should be.

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Bosnia should be bigger

Good thing we liberated Lower Panonnian Croats from Magyars

Bulgaria doesn't exist in the starting date of either EU or Victoria

the Swedes did this

If you play with Beyond Typus you can play as Lovech from the start as they have one province


what were they like?

If Serbia looked like this I'd die by 23 from delirium tremens.

vic3 doesn't have sea zones, my guess is eu5

I'm ok with this

that's the next EU tho

bosnia shouldnt exist its the fakest nation in europe

I'm going to get this game and the first thing I'm going to do is to choose Byzantium then never play any other country

How will Paradox balance GroBmagyaryums to not eat all its neighbours? What was the political situation in Hungary during that period?

I believe they had a retarded system where there was a lot of infighting and nothing got done.
But I'm vague on the details, something something black army.

I believe they had a retarded system where there was a lot of infighting and nothing got done.

that sounds exactly like Poland during EU timeframe

After thinking about it I sort of remembered the origin of my impression, I think I heard it in a youtube video by Kraut, which makes me think I may not have gotten the whole story because he (sometimes) massages the facts to get his point across.
His other example was the PLC, so you're right that whatever problems existed were in some way similar to the ones you had.

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all this mess

it will be so nice to play as Poland and tidy up our comfy region

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Modern Silesian

No other Polish dialects though

OK just why.

can't wait to play as Ukraine, it will probably be my 3th playthrough after Poland and Ottomans


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Bulgaria doesn't exist for 700 out of it's 1300 year history. Just a reminder.


I was able to form the Ukraine (and Zaporozhye) way back in EU3, not Belarus though.

it really makes you think,
when will we be off the map again?

i will conquer the world with my bedouin savage lizard eating camel piss drinking tribe

I always release Bulagria from Ottomans because you have a lot of core provinces for free reconquest
what about BLACK Ruthenia?

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I always release Bulagria from Ottomans because you have a lot of core provinces for free reconquest

same, it's AE free conquest

Soon when Macedonia conquers us.

imagine being forced to speak their goofy dialect

what about BLACK Ruthenia?

Das rite

what is this incelgame you are spamming here?

they don't call it CHERNOzerm for nothing

It's EU5 where have you been for the last few months?

pagan Lithvania

we're so back

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did they bring back norse in one of the EU4 DLCs?

maybe for the memes but I don't think there were any norse areas in EU4

no, it was a mission thing, if it exists

What's the startdate?


They're making EU5?

on Anon Babble but not actively following Paradox

Get that map autism up my man
Bet you can't even identify every single flag




Americlaps should refrain from discussing anything outside the U.S.


Shartnfartgarians should refrain from discussing anything outside the Bulgaristan