Carrefour in Europe decided not to buy meat from Mercosur anymore

carrefour in Europe decided not to buy meat from Mercosur anymore

mercosur producers are boycotting and not selling any more stuff in South America

risk leaving south america

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Your insecurity towards europe is just getting sad, do you go even a day without seething in ireland.

Why are the french so anal about importing food?

apparently you didn't learn your lesson yet about becoming dependent on imports for critical resources.

We're talking about stuff like meat and fruit not basic foods.

Pressure from local farmers

You can never be too carrefour

Fuck off back to your favela already.
Your daily seething is annoying

European farmers know that they cannot compete with Brazilian and Argentine farmers. We have high taxes while they get gov subsidies and they still can't compete.

i am with carrefour on this one

those are basic foods, in fact it's the only food i can think of

Carrefour is so shot anyway. It opened a lot of stores here drcade and a half ago bit wet bankrupt cos the other chains mogg it. They are returning again this year for some reason, but ill just keep buying my shitty irish and spanish meat from my autistic germoid Kaufland and Lidl friends, thank you very much

the irish flag making daily threads seething about interracial couples turns out to be brazilian

I am greatly amused by this realization. it's like pottery

i want them to open up here love going into different grocery stores and check out their assortment

All the meat that I see in carrefour is shitalian or french, I didn't even know there was thirdie meat on this continent

The row is linked to France's opposition to finalizing a European Union trade deal with Mercosur – covering Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay – amid protests from French farmers who fear the pact would open the door to unfair competition

Lmao euros can’t compete

mfw i found recently you can see the c of Carrefour in the logo

French people are absolutely RETARDS
France import only 40 tons of Brazilian meat each year.
Meanwhile, carrefour is the largest retailer in Brazil
I'm doing my part and boycotting the Frenchies already. That's why we are closer to China each year.


have you stopped to consider it's because they want quality fresh meat and not mystery shit from 3rd world shitholes thats been frozen for god knows how long?

what are you trying to say? food production is a nations security of course you mainly eat imported products but you should always by meats produced in your own country even if it costs more

french farmers know they cannot compete

pressure gov and institutions

That’s the reason, Mercosur produces a trillion times more than France, if mercosur invades the market it will bankrupt French markets
That’s the reason here

Trying to say that French farmers don’t want deal with mercosur bc they know they cannot conpete

our cattle is vaccinated, grassfed and, believe it or not, has contact with the sun in happy green fields. that's the reason our beef is leaner and have omega3 while your european confined and grain-fed slop is worthless.

Price competition is impossible for a first world country with high standards of living and high standards of quality when facing a third world country that has basically no health standards and just puts out trash meat on the market.
If you can't figure that out you are a simpleton

of course? they hace different standards to adhere to? producing a pound of beef is cheaper there then what it is here

It has nothing to do with that retard.
If European meat is superior to South American meat in quality-price, then why bother blocking imports of South American meat? Let producers of both continents compete and the people choose which meat they prefer.
Free trade is beneficial to everybody.

Basic foods are wheat, potatoes and the like. Basically the stuff to prevent starvation


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food production is tied to a nations security it is not that hard to grasp

Por que os macacos daqui são tão insuportáveis? Raça attwhore chata do caralho.

Are you that fucking stupid Joao?

Did you believe this was a biggest beef exporters in the world chart or are you illiterate?

a third world country that has basically no health standards and just puts out trash meat on the market.

This is just pure schizo cope.
The beef that Argentina and Brazil set out for export is world class. Quite literally nobody has raised concerns over it's safety, this is specifically about French, Italian and Spanish farmers being worried about being outcompeted. They say so themselves.

hope that's true but sadly all the nutrients are gone by the time it sails over to europe

Agreed. But this thread is fucking hilarious. They are saying out meat is shit. Our mest is probably way better than their meat. This is pure cope.

world class


Neither argentinian or brazilian legislations guarantee traceability, it's purely based on the producter's will. Hormone treatment are more than common. And so and so.

No one here is arguing against the fact that south american meat will outcompete european meat when it comes to price, that's obvious.

Hormone treatment are more than common

Anon you just outed yourself as someone who has never worked in a farm.

Neither argentinian or brazilian legislations guarantee traceability


No I haven't, maybe you should go back shoveling shit instead of trying to form an argument.
Growth hormones for animal growth have been banned in the EU for 40 years, that's how backward you are

you do not belong to the first world lil bro

It's absolutely stunning what brown insecure spic goblins these thirdie animals are kek

you're not human beings and must understand that

You're a retarded brown monkey living in a favela you subhuman animal

Growth hormones in meat production is a myth pushed by retards like yourself talking out of their asses. Nobody does that shit.
Nevermind that it's banned here too, but even if it wasn't people wouldn't do it either because it's way too expensive to get the same result you'd get by just feeding your cattle corn instead of grass.

brazil produces more meat than the entire EU

because of supply and demand products will arrive cheaper on the shelves

ppl looking to save some money will buy it

EU farmers will loose a large share of their market

EU farmers start lobbying and boycotting against it

It’s that simple


Growth hormones in meat production is a myth pushed by retards

Stopped reading here

brown on brown violence

Ok anon care to show proof of how every other Argentine ranch is injecting muh hormones on cattle?

brazilians cant process information

Naaaah Nnnnooo NNNOOO not the Argentine beef from the country which literally sets the standard for beef no don't give me the Pampas cows aaaaaa

Are Europeans really like this? What's the matter Viking boy, can't handle chimchuri either?

what about food nation security dont you understand?

muh free trade for our garbage thirdie food that we probably bribed our government to sell because we're corrupt spics

That ship has sailed paco
It's protectionism and tarrifs for your shitholes now
Europe is starting to understand this

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eurotards are happy to pay for overpriced things as the good cattle we are
I wouldnt be complaining if that stops me for paying 20€/kg for decent meat


Decent meat

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Wait, is that the new French excuse? They used to lie about being concerned about the environment and Amazon before lol
Trump's gonna chicken out on tariffs the second Walmart has to jack up the prices of everything lol.

Latin america

Decent meat

I cant say our overpriced meat is that 'decent', so there's that.

Spics are afraid KEK
All that GDP growth they were anticipating and bragging about
They're learning their place as brown poor people.

Get Monroe doctrine 2.0'd, monkeys

it is every nations stand point in europe baby boy. again FOOD SECURITY refflect on this word

thirdies are so poor only firsties can afford the commodities from their 12th century tier economies

Monroe Doctrine is when we are debating whether to trade more with Europe or with China

Are you retarded, Johnny, or did you forget you're not in the EU and that you're the import service economy which doesn't produce anything anyone wants anymore

This post pretty much sums it up

It's pretty bizarre talking to actual European producers (only Spanish in my case to be fair) and get completely different and much less aggressive takes on this issue than with the landlet faggots itt.
Swedeflag talking about internal food security is the only one making a talking point that actually reflects what a Euro farmer would say.

The Dane crying about regulations is being honest at least, this "food security" excuse is just the new iteration of whatever tf French agribusiness comes up with to justify their protectionist stance. You're not going to starve to death because of competing beef products, you guys know that for like 90% of your history beef was a luxury food and never eaten as a daily item right

nigga youre on 4chud
what the hell were you expecting

Yeah I get it but imho there's a line between banter and genuine retardism. I really doubt that half the shit said itt is ironic.

chikaner has joined the server

lets take it one time slower so you will understand. it is not an excuse, as i said every country practise this in europe. you pay extra for meat produced in your own country. this is not rocket science it has nothing to do with wich meat is "the best" or anything like that

isnt argentinian beef literally one of the best in the world...?

It’s supposed to be

It is. I can understand people here memeing on us because Brazil is a lot more of a roughhouse frontier these days, but Argentina has literally been *the* Beef country for over 100 years at this point, you have to be genuinely tripping balls or a vegetarian to think otherwise.

what does that have to do with anything

What is Argentina's position on ractopamine use?


lmao even
the sheer levels of delusion. No wonder swedes despise danes

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It's banned.

That's good if true. It wasn't 5 years ago since Russia restricted beef imports from 5 plants in Argentina and 2 in Uruguay due to it.

Russia's agriculture safety watchdog will impose restrictions on beef supplies to Russia from five plants in Argentina and two plants in Paraguay starting Dec. 18 2019, it said on Wednesday, warning that it could widen these restrictions.

Rosselkhoznadzor said in a statement it found ractopamine in some shipments, a feed additive that is banned in Russia. Its officials will hold talks with their counterparts from Argentina and Paraguay on Dec. 6.

Ractopamine allows livestock to grow at a faster rate while consuming less feed. It is banned in countries including Russia and the European Union.

The five to-be-restricted plants in Argentina include those owned by Azul Natural Beef S.A., Frigorifico General Pico S.A., Frigorifico H.V. S.A., Matadero y Frigorifico EL Mercedino S.A. and Rafaela Alimentos, while the two in Paraguay are Frigorifico Norte S.A. and Tripera Paraguaya S.A.

This thread is literally a nothing burger.
All beef exported to France in one year is consumed here in one hour.
All beef exported to Europe in one year is consumed here in one week.
Our only relevant market is China

small farmers are parasites that suck on the breast of the governmnet
they ask for money so they can maintain an out of date lifestyle
the sooner all agriculture is run by large companies that better

People like you are going to make the eating bugs and be happy meme reality

No one cares. Go back to your shit country you love so much or kys spic.

one has nothing to do with the other
small farmers are just bad for our food production and an anchor around our collective necks both economically and politically
these degenerates wield disproportionate political power and must be crushed the way miners were under Thatcher
we deserve cheaper food considering how much money we waste of this sector, these people don't deliver it

Unlikely 30% of our supermarkets are controlled by them its just jews playing both sides

im also still in high school AND on transition meds, if that matters

na pilonite, 10 minuti

No, it was already banned back then. If a plant here was using it then it was against the law.

Just checked, it was banned in 2006.

Carrefour mentioned

The article you posted says this

A source, who asked not to be named, at Argentina's SENASA health inspection service confirmed the suspension of the five plants

SENASA is our food health and safety agency.

I once bought a carrefour brand bag of beans and it was filled with bugs. Not sure if it was a Carrefour problem or a Georgia problem.

Most imported meat and products are hidden in highly processed foods. That way the consumer never really knows that they're buying brazilian meat, and the sellers increase their profits. That's why the Mercosur deal is sneaky

hopefully this makes meat less expensive here

Why should we care? The money from foreign profits all goes into the pockets of a few billionaires anyway. Have fun boycotting.

god I hate germans so much it's unreal

is this the brazilian cuck? why doesnt he go home


I never come to Anon Babble.
Does this board really?

It's a "common market" of 5 full members. 2 are real civilizations to a degree (AR, BR) and only 1 is solvent more often than not (BR). Just say LATAM or USSOUTHCOM.

They would sell their mothers if they could profit from it

that's it I'm boycotting France, no more goon to french porn, also i'm not listening to Angele on Spotify anymore, i will illegally download her music

The deal currently being discussed is specifically between Mercosur and the EU, that's why people are talking about Mercosur.

Angele is belgian heheh

it's over i'm powerless against France

The best videogame in French was also made by a Belgian.
I'm starting to see a pattern...

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Shhhh don't tell them

at least Arcane is a real French cultural product


yep, i am DEFINITENLY trans

That doesn't make it less offensive. This isn't an "eu vs. mercosur" story, it's a couple french CEOs trying to get in front of the latest farmer chudpol and some brazilians brainstorming whether they should chimp out. The former will go back to business as usual once the farmers have a newer, shinier distraction and the latter won't do shit.

It's of no consequence to anybody.

Turdie meat would be considered premium in your feedlot grain-fed dirty meat shithole. French cucks are anal about this deal because their tiny GMO intensive grown crap can't and will never be able to compete against simple economics of scale