Does this apply in your country?

Does this apply in your country?

that's chud coping

in reality the ones who're getting "bullied" aka fired from their jobs, ostracized etc are right wingers and the normality that's being enforced is the libtard status quo

Didn't Biff try to literally rape Marty's mom?

also this whole

bullying is actually... le good!

thing is pure posturing because in reality bullying is in large part practiced by blacks and browns against whites and right wingers know that full well because they do everything they can to get their kids in good schools far away from 80 IQ bantus who's 190cm tall at 12 year old

The most mystifying thing I've witnessed in this place is seeing anons start to defend hicks/meatheads/bullies/etc out of sheer contrarianism towards the meek normalfags. One minute it's everyone complaining that femoids are only after Chad Thundercock, then it's about the system being rigged, and then it's actually good that Chad Thundercock gave the nerd swirlies, but it's actually false because Chad is actually a great guy, and basically the entire thing is utterly schizophrenic. You're got 30-something people spending their entire time here, and doing nothing but posting things about hating zoomies and then pretending that getting bashed in the head by a wannabe toughguy in school is actually heckin based, and that said anons were not on the receiving end of the beatings but rather just utterly disconnected from the whole thing.

I just don't know anything anymore. Contrarianism and irony have been warped to such an insane degree that there's not a single coherent, tangible behaviour anymore.

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The bullies were druggies. As for Americans, it helps them brush-up on the metric system using millimeters.

Rape, for lack of a better word, is good.

why do they put Biff as the bully ?
McFly beat his ass after all.

Yes. We should all bully the girls.

my bullies were antisocial behaviour incarnate, every degenerate shit - they doing it (deosn't include lgbt part).

No. The bullies themselves are the anti social degenerates.

In animal nature it’s either being bullied or bullying. But in human society it’s evil. We are more civilized and humane. Great.

Vgh the drug-addicted family-issues mentally ill bulwark of tradition

No and alt-rightists are laughable. When they aren;t employing former pornstar to be le based tradwife commentator they are accustoming to literal retards and degenerates just because they beat up someone

Normalfags actually do this same thing too. Every now and again you see someone on Xitter post about how unpopular people were the mean ones and popular people were usually very nice in school (the reality is all high schoolers are pieces of shit). It's not as extreme but it makes sense that normalfags don't like being told that they weren't all that great to others in high school

Everything about chuddism is gay.

bullying is good because I want to get manhandled by a stronger guy

why are normans so delusional?

Not a single great man in this world has ever been normal.

I noticed that it became a lot more visible after Jordan Peterson started talking about Nelson in the Simpsons as a character model.

that said anons were not on the receiving end of the beatings but rather just utterly disconnected from the whole thing

I think it's a mistake to fall into this binary trap. Most people were bullied in school to some extent and also participated in bullying. Nobody leaves their teens with clean hands and a big part of dealing with being bullied is realising that you were yourself a bully to others and correcting your behaviour for future.

The ones most people remember though were the savage ones who were mentally ill and society just didn't know how to deal with them properly so you ended up having to suffer them.

It's not a coincidence that society started going downhill when anti-bullying campaigns started being enforced in schools

Since when did they actually work? They were around when I was a kid. The education around bullying was cringe that nobody took seriously, and whilst bullies were more likely to get punished compared to the past, it was common knowledge that it'd only result in further bullying against the guy who grassed on him. Most bullies don't work alone anyway, they'll befriend others like them and back each other up.

being bullied made me even more antisocial actually :3

This is such a cuck take about bullying. You think the type of people to express support of it in online forums were the type to be bullies or get bullied?

Bullying proper rarely happens in schools anymore. It's mostly relegated to psychological and social ostracization and rumor spreading. I had a physical bully in middle school but he was such an unpopular loser that I didn't even consider it to be bullying. When I brought it up to my family they were mortified and I didn't understand why. Anyways the point is that most people consider themselves to not have been bullied or not have participated. It's a foreign concept because the way it gets you to participate is by being covert and in the moment seeming justified.

I think it's a mistake to fall into this binary trap. Most people were bullied in school to some extent and also participated in bullying. Nobody leaves their teens with clean hands and a big part of dealing with being bullied is realising that you were yourself a bully to others and correcting your behaviour for future.

Yeah this is very true.

It's mostly relegated to psychological and social ostracization and rumor spreading

this. I wish the popular kids would have just beat me up. You can actually defend against physical bullying. there's no way up from the bottom off the social ladder if everyone just looks at you weird and avoids you.

Inwas bullied for being a weird loner. I don't know if this is for good or for bad. It taught me I don't belong and will never belong in society. Maybe if it weren't for bullying, I would've found out much later in a more painful way. I don't know. I'm alright with it.
It also taught me the importance of physical strength. I was small and weak. Not anymore believe me

not really we only had school rapists and sex pests desu

Except bullying never went away.

He also literally killed Marty's dad in another universe.

we only had school rapists and sex pests desu

b-but I thought boys and girls go to different schools in Saudi Arabia...

From my experience bullying only made me more degenerate as it encouraged my insecurity, bitterness and indulgence in degenerate escapism. It also made me far lazier as I developed an attitude of "why bother making an effort if the end result is the same?"

Not saying I'm not responsible for my actions, but just saying weak kids don't learn from "enforced normality", they'll run away from it.

People don't understand that the social problems that are caused today are due to a cycle of social abuse reinforcing self-absorbed insecurity. The reason shit sucks is because people are too caught up in a constant war to attain satisfaction with their debased self-image to care about anyone else around them

Lol. I went to boarding school. In retrospective, the bullies were homos because their hazing almost always involved some degenerate elements. E.g., forcing us to do push ups or run around the track in our undies. The "classic" hazing is to tie a string on your penis and tie the other end to the ceiling fan.

Degenerate antisocial behaviors like...
Being good at math and shit?

literally me true lol

Every bully is a closet homo. I was bullied by a closet homosexual who said a lot of gay stuff to me.

So bullies are like tsundere faggots?

I mean I guess, but tsundere is more normal and less antisocial

No, they were mostly kids who failed to do whatever the fuck they were supposed to do in class, and would act like that because in some way they were bullied for being obliged to stay in school while being unable to make sense of shit.

Sounds like repressed masochistic faggot
Am I correct?

bullies are cruel sadists who sear their own consciences in a formative stage of life and traumatize others during a formative stage of theirs. obviously that post was authored by some delusional rightoid chud who thinks everything “trad” aka old is automatically good and is inventing a post-hoc justification for this objectively bad practice that has been suppressed, likely as a way to 1. support his retarded ideology and 2. absolve himself of any guilt lingering from his own days of bullying

2. absolve himself of any guilt lingering from his own days of bullying

Bold of you to think the people who make these images were the bullies lol, they fucking wish.
It's often worse: a pathetic submission to the bullying that was inflicted on them, a literal non-meme "cope" to try and make sense of the senseless cruelty and sadness which was forced on their own childhood. Same reason why so many people who got beat by their fathers will be pro-physical punishment, it's a desperate measure to avoid facing the sad truth that you really were a victim of something that didn't really have to happen to you.

It's called the authoritarian personality