Would you rather live in ancient Japan or modern day Brazil
Would you rather live in ancient Japan or modern day Brazil
Ancient Brazil
what was ancient brazil like though I know nothing about it
based barbecue appreciator
Japan doesn't have enought bunda, sorry.
nomadic indios roaming the jungle and cannibalizing other tribes
did brazil have any massive empires rivalling the maya, aztec, inca?
Mostly trees
That's silly. Except maybe for a few places like the deep sahel, every place in the world today has better living standards than every other place that has existed in the world during the middle ages. Living in current day Congo offers better living standards than living under the HRE in the 1100's, but that doesn't mean current day Congo is in any fucking way comparable to current day Germany.
There's no reason to choose ancient Japan other than le heckin anime fantasy cool factor.
Living in current day Congo
TOTAL fucking bullshit
not really
some indiolovers like to pretend there was a massive Tupi-Guarani empire but it was just a bunch of scattered tribes that kinda spoke the same language
Acting like this isn't incredibly based is white man's biggest hypocrisy
Strong genetics look at the baby
How did they lose
I like the midget eating a hand
nah its true, the world was a total shithole for 95 to 99% of the population back then
this, but not so ancient, 40s or 50s is fine for me.
Brazil was one of the most populated regions in the world in prehistoric times. We have an entire national park (Serra da Capivara National Park) with over 1,200 archaeological sites, 700 of which contain prehistoric paintings up to 49,000 years old, exposed outdoors, many of which contain abstract symbols that have not yet been deciphered. It's the largest pre-historic archeological area in the world.
For some reason, before the arrival of the Europeans, there was a population collapse.
For some reason, before the arrival of the Europeans, there was a population collapse.
Natural disasters? Plague?
there was a population collapse.
it must've been from some deadly virus right? Can't imagine that with prehistoric weapons you can really cause a mass genocide
Yes, even a disfunctional shithole like the Congo offers a better living standard than serfdom under some leprosy and plague ridden duchy 1000 years ago, when most children died at birth and life expectancy was like 30.
it must've been from some deadly virus right?
most likely malnourishment
these were nomadic people who didn't have basic agriculture skills
Probably climate change, since the area is very dry nowadays. it's known today that by the time of European contact, the area was sparsely populated compared to its prehistoric peak.
Brazil was one of the most populated regions in the world in prehistoric times
so this basically blows the out of africa theory out of the water then right
our indios are closely related to mongoloids, in theory their ancestors were part of the siberians who crossed the bering strait and eventually ended up in south america
did they season it?
the white guy behind them was a german mercenary in Brazil (Hans Staden).
the natives didn't eat him because he asked for mercy, and natives didn't eat cowards. It was a honor to be eaten.
there's even a statue of him and his native friend, in the fortress he was serving.
You wouldn’t have to live around blacks though. No brainer honestly
why is there a celtic guy back there lol
ancient Japan or modern day Brazil
what's the difference?
it was ritualistic cannibalism, so they didn't season human meat. their focus was primarily ceremonial rather than culinary
see this they ate war prisoners, btw
ancient Japan
shows a pic of Edo-era cityscape reserved.
modern day Brazil anyway.
but if you're gonna do it you might as well enjoy the experience idk.
What is this theory?
would rather live in the congo than live here. this place looks like hell
that all humans crawled out of africa and that we evolved from monkeys or some shit
I am already living in ancient Japan seen from 2500 years in the future
You wouldn't last a year in a medieval life style
It was a honor to be eaten.
This cope will never make you look less savage and barbaric. And finding pride in barbarism and savagery is uncivilized.
The Japanese have always had a superior way of life Joao
they have an understanding of aesthetics and spirituality that no other race is capable of reaching
i agree, that's why the portuguese did good in saving the natives from their barbarism.
the first thing the portuguese did here was a catholic mass
That's more like early modern Japan in your picture. Ancient Japan was a multiethnic warzone with hundreds of clans fighting over wood huts. Modern Brazil is the same. So I'd flip a coin on it.
even if that is true japan had far lower population density than modern day brazil
portuguese did good in saving the natives from their barbarism
Looks like they wasted their time.
Yeah, but you're packed into a corner by mountains and most of Japan's land is barren. Also the rice back then could only really grow in the south because it wasn't temperature resistant like modern rice crop, so you're denied like half the island by default due to climate. Check the dates on those prints, that's shin-hanga style, those are usually made around 1870-1900. Now look at what Brazil looked like during this time period.
did people not live in the mountains and hunt hogs
I don't know what ancient Japan was like. All I ever heard about Japanese history was the Sengoku/feudal era onwards
Would probably still rather take my chances there than live in modern shitzil, though
modern day brazil so I could just fuck off to the modern USA.
You moving the goal point proves me right.
Not many, further north there were these clans of bushy bearded horse riders and Japan's mortal enemy for like 500 years. Pretty much all of Ezo was hostile. You still get fish however, there was also many rats, deer, and dogs, and yes eating both were options people used boars were more hassle than they were worth. Most people are smart enough to not want to get skewered if they have options, the central parts of Japan were mostly vacant the coasts were where most people lived, mountain clans were generally rural cultists that do wild things like self-mummification.
japanese can’t grow beards
So what happened to the bushy bearded niggas?
I remember reading once about one of those spanish explorers writing of a fairly advanced (for the region) and wealthy civilization that he discovered along one of the rivers of the amazon, but when other explorers tried to find it, it simply wasn't there, and how not too long ago they went along several theorized travel routes based on the explorers journal with modern tech and found all these areas that looked like the grown-over ruins of large urban centers and surrounding farmlands an such.
and life expectancy was like 30.
"average life expectancy" is a meme. it was only low BECAUSE of that high infant mortality. people who lived past childhood generally lived into their 60s back then. I'd still choose modern day Kinshasa over ending up as some mud hut rice farmer in ancient japan, doing back breaking labor every day and shitting in a hole in the ground with only my ugly rural nip wife for comfort.
My history autist and inner weeb are fighting on this one.
Brazil is more laid back with jobs so I heard. Japan call you idiot and don't teach you anything. Brazil are more like bros to me than Japs, even if they are inferior.
that "amazonian civilization" is an interesting theory
who said you'd get a rural nip wife
Brazilians are good looking and have big cocks and beautiful language.
Japs are ugly, have micro cocks and unpleasant barking language.
and unpleasant barking language.
wtf? japanese is the most beautiful language in the world
brazilian portuguese is a near second but japanese is still on top
Brazilians are good looking
See his flag.
He’s just being butthurt about Japan (and doesn’t even care Brazil)